(268) Lich

After the two goons walked by, Ro-Zek slipped out from the small crevice he was hiding in and looked back into the cavern. The ancient-looking man in the center didn't look up from his cauldron as they dragged the unconscious Lizardman by him. 

The two continued laughing as they lifted the guard and hung him from another set of shackles on the wall. The guard started to wake up, but one of the brutes slammed his fist into the man's gut, knocking him out again.

"Startin to get mighty full in 'ere," One of the guys said.

An annoyed snarl came from the old man, "Waste of time. I would have already had the nine I need if you fools hadn't lost one."

"That Stancil was a slippery fellow!" The oaf complained, "'Ow was I supposed to know he had a rare curse resistance?"