
She felt something prick the side of her neck, it seemed that he had injected her with something, she didn't know what it was, but whatever it was, it was definitely not good cause it took only a second for her to start feeling the effects. Her eyes started blurring out, her limbs were stiff and heavy for her to carry

This was bad! She knew it

"Help! Someone help me!" She yelled with all her might, as he pulled her away the dispair in her heart grew, she earnestly hoped that someone would come up through that Elevator and save her, but as time passed that hope proved to be just wishful thinking.

He pulled her into one of the room and locked the door, then he pushed her against the wall, he brought down his lips to kiss her but she turned her head and bit on his hand, gripping tightly on his flesh with her teeth.

"Argh!" He hissed in pain, she had torn a part of his flesh out