I have come to warn you

"Elara!" She jolted out of her head when she heard a voice next to her, she turned and just like she had assumed, it was Lupita standing next to her with a worried frown on her face.

"Hey what's up?" She asked with a forced smile. Though Lupita had not asked, Elara could sense the concern that was in her eyes, she knew Lupita was going to ask if she was okay, so she forced a smile ahead just so her reply of being 'fine' would be very much plausible when the question come. Still the smile didn't work on Lupita

"are you okay? I've been calling out to you but you seemed ... seemed lost in your head?" Lupita ignored her friends obvious fake smile and her question. She didn't know if there was any need to ask but still she asked anyways "what's wrong?" Ever since that night when she was spelled, they all could see that she had changed, practically drawn back from the world like a snail that had retreated into her shell.