All hell shall break lose

"Grandma?" Lupita called out in surprise, being pushed away suddenly by her grandmother had really surprised her.

The Old woman's face burned with anger and even still, there was a trace of sadness in her eyes. The realisation that she really could not escape her fate brought sadness to her heart.

She was angry that Lupita had come here and even more angry that she had not kept her promise. The only reason that Lupita was able to come here was because of the deal she had made with Torak, if not for that deal, it would take a war before she would see her. But the Old lady hated it.

She felt like her heart stopped when Torak has mentioned the deal earlier, if she felt like she was drownimg in a bucket of despair before, well now she was drowning in a sea of despair. Things were moving swiftly according to her vision and there was nothing she could do.