So fast!

It's quite tragic to have hero falling in the battlefield and yet no one had an knowledge of their death or the prices they had to pay. Heads rolled and blood spilled, those that still had their head and shoulders glued together had their heart torn apart in tension and fear yet the tension of the wastelands stayed in the wastelands.

There was no one to cry for their death, no one to pray for their succes and no one to even fear for their defeat. Those outside the wastelands woke up as usual and went on with their daily activities without the slightest inkling that their lives may end that day. Only a handful of people outside the wastelands knew of the chaos going on in the wastelands, to those that didn't apart from that blue light they would eventually see no evidence of the scruffle that happened.

The blue light...

To some just an unexpected phenomenon of nature, to a particular soul a spell of doom!