Chapter 65: Dai Mubai who wants to win love with a sword

   Zhu Zhuqing and the clan have known each other a long time ago. Zhu Zhuqing came to Shrek Academy not to find Dai Mubai, but to find his boyfriend. From Yu Xiaogang's narrative, everyone came to the conclusion: Dai Mubai, not the clan, wanted to win love.

   "The master, can you tell us about the clan?" Ning Rongrong's eyes flashed brightly. She also wanted to know what kind of person this talented young man was. Strictly speaking, she and the clan had met twice, the first time was because of the other's appearance, and couldn't help but talk to him; the second time was the strength of the other party. Especially when I heard that the other party broke through the soul sovereign at the age of eleven, I was even more shocked.

Yu Xiaogang nodded and said sternly: "That had to start six years ago. I took Xiaosan to the soul hunting forest to hunt for the first spirit ring. Ashamed, we were caught by a mandala that was nearly 400 years old. Snake chasing. Fortunately, I met the clan who had just hunted the first spirit ring and the teaching director of Notting College. The clan clan controlled the centuries-old soul beast with just the strength of the soul master, and then the teaching director shot it. Kill. Otherwise, I'm afraid that Xiao San and I are no longer here."

   "Isn't this a good thing? Then why does Xiao San hate the clan!" Meng still asked, and she showed special concern when she mentioned Tang San.

   Ning Rongrong and others also reflected, "Yesterday I seemed to have heard the clan say that Tang San was still blaming him for the first spirit ring!"

Yu Xiaogang's face turned blue, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He pondered for a long time, and said, "When I said this, I blamed me. At that time, the clan and the Dean of Notting College tried to save the two of us and killed the mandala snake. As we all know, the spirit master needs to kill the spirit beast himself to absorb its spirit ring after reaching the level bottleneck. At that time, the mandala snake was very suitable for Xiao San. After he knew it, Xiao San thought that the clan had deliberately ruined his spirit ring. "

   Speaking of this Yu Xiaogang smiled helplessly, but with this stiff face, laughter is more ugly than crying.

Yu Xiaogang continued: "If it's just like this, that's all. The clan and the dean later decided to help Tang San get a new spirit ring. Maybe it was because I was caught by the mandala snake toxin, and I was a little unconscious. By the time it was discovered, it was too late, Xiao San had already absorbed a cultivating snake that had been cultivated for more than a hundred years as the first spirit ring."

   "Like a snake?" everyone exclaimed.

Flander suddenly realized: "No wonder Tang San never used the first spirit ability. At first I thought it was too lethal. You didn't let him use it, I didn't expect it. After all, the snake is known as the most trash and disgusting soul. One of the beasts. But this Tang San is also true, how can he blame the clan who helped him hunt the spirit ring!"

   Yu Xiaogang laughed bitterly, "Maybe this is the main reason why the clan doesn't want to come to Shrek! After all, Xiaosan has a contradiction with him."

   Clan (rolling eyes): That's wrong, Xiaoye, I simply dislike Shrek and the environment is too bad.

   Everyone sighed for a while. Good guys! Feeling Tang San is so indifferent to right from wrong. Blame this master of theory, I should also blame it! Of course they didn't dare to say this sentence, if Flanders heard it, it wouldn't be fruitful.

   Only Meng still flashed the cold light in his eyes, and said in his heart: "It seems that Xiao San must be kept away from this master."

   Soto City, a breakfast shop near the Rose Hotel.

   Clan Zong, Xiao Wu, and Ye Lingling are enjoying breakfast.

   "Puff puff", and then Xiao Wu drank a large bowl of carrot porridge.

   Clan glanced at it, four carrot stuffed buns, a big bowl of carrot porridge, and a fresh carrot.

   This rabbit is really edible, and I eat more than Xiaoye. And what the **** is this little belly, is it a different-dimensional stomach? Eat so much, still so flat. It looks completely unsatisfied.

  Unfortunately, after Xiao Wu finished drinking, she yelled carelessly: "Boss, let's have another bowl of carrot porridge, put more carrots and less rice."

   "Good!" the boss replied.

   The clan gave Xiao Wu a white look, and habitually said: "Little girl's family, pay attention to the image. Be careful not to marry in the future, look at people Lingling for eating more elegantly."

"I don't care, I have to eat when I am hungry. Anyway, this girl is already dependent on you. It doesn't matter if you marry or not." Xiao Wu is obviously a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. Since taking the strange one given to her by the clan" After "Candy", she found that not only the unique spirit beast aura on her body disappeared, but also her cultivation speed was much faster. The only thing she criticized was that her appetite had doubled. Fortunately, she found that no matter how she eats, she won't get fat, and when the food enters the body, it will transform into pure soul power. The more she eats, the faster she cultivates, otherwise she would not eat Hesai so unscrupulously.

   Watching the daily fight between the clan and Xiao Wu, the corner of Ye Lingling's mouth tilted slightly. I thought: When these two people are together, they are really good for a living treasure.

   "Still eating?" A crisp female voice sounded, still familiar.

   The clan looked up and saw that it was his own kitty. Just why did Tang San follow?

   The clan patted the chair beside him and smiled and said, "Zhuqing, have you eaten yet? Come and sit down."

   Zhu Zhuqing did not refuse, and sat next to the clan. He took the tea cup handed by the clan and took a sip, "I have eaten it."

   "What's the matter with the guy outside the door who looks like a passerby, why is he here?" Clan pointed.

   Zhu Zhu gave a clear look at the clan, although he had known that this was a guy with a black belly and no seriousness, UU reading did not think that the Tao would be so serious. How can anyone call an acquaintance passerby in front of others!

   Zhu Zhuqing blushed, and reached the clan and murmured a few words softly.

   "Puff." The tea that the clan clan had just drank into his mouth did not hold back the spray, but fortunately his head turned around at a critical moment, otherwise it would spray on Ye Lingling's body.

   He really didn't expect that the fire poison that Dai Mubai had been planted yesterday, he didn't expect this guy to be fine, so he couldn't help but ran off the hook that night. He might be able to save his life now, but I am afraid there is already a mass of dead flesh.

   Xiao Wu also came over curiously, and asked, "Xiaozong, Xiaozong, what did Zhuqing say to you? What's the interesting thing? Tell me and make me happy."

   The clan's eyes rolled, and he immediately had an idea. Dai Mubai's gadgets would be abandoned if they were abandoned, but what could be done with this thing. For example, let him sign the dissolution of the marriage contract with Kitty.

   Thinking of this, the clan brought Xiao Wu's little head over, leaned to her ear and said about Dai Mubai.

   This made Xiao Wu blush, "Bah, that'evil eye Yín tiger' deserves it.'"

   Then, the clan told Zhu Zhuqing his thoughts, which moved Zhu Zhuqing. The marriage contract between her and Dai Mubai for so many years was like a nightmare haunting her, making her miserable. Now there is a chance for liberation, even if it is nominal liberation, it is good.

   Following the clan's instructions, Xiao Wu also told Ye Lingling what had happened.

   Hearing the words, Ye Lingling's face was reddened, and she said faintly: "You teach me to train, and I owe you favors. You can decide whether to answer this matter or not."

   The clan nodded, since that's the case, you have to go to the legendary Shrek Academy.