Chapter 72: Dai Mu Bai Niang turned

   Soto City Arena of Souls.

   Seven Shrek trainees formed a seven-man team named "Shrek Seven Devils" after three months of "hell-style" training by Yu Xiaogang and started the road of soul fighting in Soto City.

   Just an hour ago, the "Shrek Seven Devils", with their outstanding talents, spent a lot of effort and defeated the first team battle enemy-the fierce and brutal mad team. Among them, the performances of Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing were particularly eye-catching. Tang San played the Tang Sect's "Xuan Tian Bao Lu" to the fullest, and Zhu Zhuqing was not inferior. His speed was lightning fast, and various superb fighting skills emerged endlessly. .

   In addition, the "two-on-two" spirit fighting teams formed by the previous "Shrek Seven Devils" also achieved comprehensive victories, and both styles blossomed.


   The Shrek Seven Monsters raised their glasses to celebrate, celebrating the group's fight for the good start.

   "By the way, where did Rongrong and Zhuqing go last night? Why didn't you go back to the dormitory so late." Meng still looked at Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong.

   Zhu Zhuqing glared at Ning Rongrong and motioned to her not to speak out.

   Ning Rongrong's face turned blue, and he recalled the domineering and black belly shown by the clan yesterday, and his body shuddered. He waved his hands, "No, nothing. Yesterday, Zhuqing and I felt that the room was too boring, so we went out together to get some air."

   "Oh." Meng still nodded, no doubt she was there. After several months of getting along, she always felt that Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong had something to hide from her. All day long, she was mysterious, but she just couldn't tell. Even if the two of them were whispering, she felt like she couldn't get started if they wanted to join. This made her a little bit distressed.

   Speaking of Shrek, you can't help but say Dai Mubai and Tang San.

   In the past few months, with Meng still by his side, Tang San seemed to have found motivation. He practiced harder than before. He also raised his spirit power by one level to level 32 in the last few days.

   This can make Yu Xiaogang "Wet" very happy, and he often brags in front of Flanders, Zao Wou-ki and others. In his eyes, the disciples trained by himself can make such progress, thanks to his superb theory. Otherwise, how can he pretend that he is a master of "invincible theory" in the future!

   But obviously, Tang San's girlfriend Meng still saw Yu Xiaogang's distress. Why did his boyfriend Tang San's hard work have become the scum that "destroyed Tang San's first spirit ring", and deceived the world. The relationship between the two began to stiffen invisibly, but Tang San, who only knew to act according to the guidelines of "Xuan Tian Baolu" and was dazzled by love, didn't notice it.

   As for Dai Mubai, "he" among the seven has changed the most.

   After Tang San performed an "extraordinary operation" on him at the beginning, "he" had trouble for several days. At one point, Tang San tried to find Tang San, who had cut off his third road. Although Tang San wasn't afraid, Flender couldn't let Dai Mubai's temperament come. He was locked up in the dormitory directly and looked after by the college teacher in shifts 24 hours a day.

   A few days later, Dai Mubai's voice began to change. Without the previous masculinity, on the contrary, there was a hint of "yin and yang weirdness". In the middle of the night, he always likes to climb on Ma Hongjun's bed and move his feet. Several times, Ma Hongjun woke up the next day and found that his little phoenix was being kneaded by Dai Mubai in his hand. This scared our Goulan Phoenix, and ran to Flanders to complain.

   Helpless, Flender had to arrange for Goulan Phoenix to move the bed to Tang San and Oscar's house, and the matter just came to an end.

   "Crunch." The door of the box was pushed open, and Yu Xiaogang walked in with Flanders holding a stack of documents in his hand.

   "Oh, Master, you are here, come and drink with them." Dai Mubai walked forward, hugged Yu Xiaogang's arm, and rubbed his sturdy chest.


   Including Flander, the others in Shrek couldn't help showing their sorrow, with more or less contempt in their eyes.

   Yu Xiaogang's stiff face turned blue, and the corners of his mouth twitched. After Ma Hongjun moved out of Dai Mubai's dormitory, Dai Mubai turned his attention to Yu Xiaogang. Very sticky to him, acting like a girl in love.

   "Master, your scumbag is so sexy!" Dai Mubai touched Xiang Yu Xiaogang's chin.

   "Mubai, you...Hey." Yu Xiaogang sighed and shook his head.

Behind him, Flander patted Yu Xiaogang on the shoulder, "Xiaogang, just bear with it a little bit! That incident may have hit Mubai too much, and I believe he can recover after a while. Now, as long as you do well. Coax him and he will obey and practice hard."

   Flemish was full of firmness, but from the corners of his mouth, he was gloating.

   Yu Xiaogang glared at Flender, just about to refuse, and then thought that after he refused Dai Mubai, he was likely to go to Tang San. He shook his head, this is not okay, but Tang San's hope of proving the "invincibility theory" cannot be delayed.

   Immediately gritted his teeth and said: "Mubai, you sit down first, I have something to tell everyone."

   Dai Mubai tugged Yu Xiaogang's arm, "No, no, Mubai doesn't sound good, I want you to call them for nothing."

   "White...white?" Cold sweat broke out on Yu Xiaogang's forehead.

   This can make everyone present laugh so much. I didn't expect that Dai Mubai, who has always been known as a master of hunting beauty, would actually be reduced to a "little daughter in love". But then I remembered Ma Hongjun's lessons from the past. UU read's heart for a while, and now it's hard for someone to thunder, they don't want to become the next "Ma Hongjun".

Ma Hongjun's two small eyes braved golden light. As the first person among the people who was deeply persecuted by Dai Mubai, he liked to hear about Dai Mubai's wrapping Yu Xiaogang, "Yes! Master, Boss Dai can listen to you now. Scream, call it!"

Oscar also shuddered and looked at Ning Rongrong. Unlike in the original book, with the clan butterfly effect, Shrek has less suffering. He has no chance to save the beauty in the Star Dou Forest Heroes like the original book. Ms. Ning has not yet been won. He didn't want to be entangled by Dai Mubai, otherwise Ning Rongrong would make it even more useless.

   Oscar said sternly: "Master, please."

   Tang San chose to be neutral, and Dai Mubai's operation was performed by him. He didn't want Dai Mubai to come to him desperately.

   As for Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, and Meng are still the three daughters, they all have expressions of disgust and contempt from beginning to end. Especially Meng still, the first two only despise Dai Mubai, while he despised Dai Mubai and Yu Xiaogang at the same time, and secretly scolded Yu Xiaogang for being old and rude, and he liked male appearance.

   Flanders folded his hands together and pleaded softly to Yu Xiaogang: "Xiaogang, please."

   Take a deep breath, Yu Xiaogang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and forced a smile on his already stiff face, "White...white."

   "I hate it!" Dai Mubai pounced into Yu Xiaogang's arms with a shy expression, and his big fist lightly slammed Yu Xiaogang's chest, making him almost unfettered.