Chapter 77: Tang 3 is poisoned

   Tang San re-wrapped the blue silver grass for Ning Rongrong, and pulled her back behind him.

On the side of the Emperor Fighting team, the Shi Family brothers took the lead and threw off their shirts, revealing solid muscles like granite. With the release of their martial spirits, the shoulders of the two slowly moved forward, their entire backs half-bow, all spirit power The condensed earth-yellow rays of light condensed towards their backs, forming a huge dark yellow tortoise shell.

  The lines on the tortoise shell are light yellow, and the whole body bones of the Shijia brothers seem to have undergone some changes with the appearance of the tortoise shell.

   Not only the tortoise appeared behind, but also in front of them, and their limbs became shorter as the tortoise appeared. In the middle of the plastron in the tortoise shell, there is a huge symbol.

   This is their martial soul Xuanwu tortoise.

   shone with a faint blue light. Two yellow and one purple, three spirit rings coiled around their bodies from bottom to top, because after their martial spirits produced tortoise shells, their bodies had swelled a lot, and the spirit rings coiled around their bodies, which seemed to be somewhat deformed.

  The closest to the Shi family brothers is Dai Mubai.

  The strong aura that Dai Mubai produced after the Shi Family brothers released their martial spirits was forcibly blocked from the front, unable to exert pressure on the other Royal Fighting team members behind them.

   From the gap between the Shijia brothers, you can just see Yu Tianheng. As one of the top beast spirits, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex ignited the emotions of all VIP audiences at the very beginning.


With a tiger roar to the sky, Dai Mubai boosted his momentum with actions, and took the lead to rush towards his opponent. After displaying the white tiger body barrier, his whole body was enveloped in a layer of golden light, plus his indomitable momentum. The momentum looks extremely amazing. It's just that the dress is a little disgusting.

   The Shi family brothers did not panic, the first spirit ring on his body also lit up, and they rushed to Dai Mubai side by side.

   I saw Dai Mubai stepped on the ground and jumped up suddenly. With the blessing of Ning Rongrong's "first spirit ability" and "second spirit ability", the two palms of the tiger's claws popped out of barbs.

   "Go to die."

   A sweet shout came out, and Dai Mubai slapped the Shi Family brothers on the head with both palms.

   Ke Shi family brothers had been prepared for a long time, and they were not afraid, with their heads retracted into the tortoise shell.

   Dai Mubai's tiger claws had to pat the turtle shell, rubbing them with violent sparks.

   "Bang", there was a loud noise, and Dai Mubai was bounced out.

   At this moment, Yu Tianheng had already taken out the Thunder and Lightning Dragon Claws and came over.

   Seeing that the dragon claw was about to fall on Dai Mubai, no one in Shrek panicked.

   Tang San, who was guarding Ning Rongrong's side, sneered in his heart. He was waiting for this time. Since Zhu Zhuqing had dragged the clan, he could introduce Yu Tianheng into the encirclement according to his original plan. After solving Yu Tianheng's remaining, it will be much easier, and finally besieged the clan.

   However, ideals are beautiful, but reality is cruel. Just as Tang San was about to use the effect of "controlling the crane and catching the dragon" on Lan Yincao to pull Dai Mubai back, he found that the blue silver grass wrapped around Dai Mubai's waist seemed to be out of control. Actually can't control it.

   "Oops, I made a mistake." Tang San secretly said in his heart. He didn't think about other things, after all, no one at the scene took action. Lan Yincao is his own martial spirit, and it is impossible for others to control it invisibly.

   Tang San's "mistakes", the consequences can be imagined.

  Without the slightest surprise, Yutian's constant and heavy thunderbolt claw caught Dai Mubai's body.

   "Boom", there was a loud noise.

   The next moment, Dai Mubai's body was like a broken kite, flew out, and embedded heavily on the floor of the Arena of Fighting Soul. With Dai Mubai as the center, the floor shattered like a spider web.

   "Puff." Lying on the ground, Dai Mubai spit out a mouthful of blood. If it hadn't been at the last moment, he had displayed the "third spirit ability-White Tiger King Kong Transformation", he might have been seriously injured and unconscious now. It's not as simple as just breaking a few ribs.

   "Boss Dai——" Ma Hongjun and Oscar exclaimed when they saw Dai Mubai vomiting blood.

   Dai Mubai reluctantly stood up, waved his hand gently, took out an Oscar's pre-prepared recovery sausage from his pocket and swallowed it before he was relieved, "No... it's okay."

   There was a prior explanation from the clan, Yu Tianheng was not greedy for merit, and immediately returned to the back of the Shi family brothers after the fight.

   The first "Shrek Seven Devils" tactics "to lure the enemy to go deeper and severely damage Yutianheng" declared bankruptcy.

   Zhu Zhuqing saw that Tang San's blue silver grass was not working, Dai Mubai was injured and asked, "Is it related to you just now."

   The clan nodded, if someone else asked, he would definitely veto it, but Zhu Zhuqing had no need to cheat. He secretly opened the Blue Silver Domain before the opening. As the owner of the Blue Silver Emperor's Martial Spirit, the clan used the Blue Silver Domain to slightly control Tang San's Blue Silver Grass.

   The clan simply admitted that Zhu Zhuqing didn't say anything any more, she just had to drag the clan according to the plan made by Shrek. She didn't want to be mixed with personal affair in this fight.

   "The first spirit ability-Nether thrust."

   "The second spirit ability-Nether Hundred Claws."


  The words are divided into two parts. Zhu Zhuqing is playing vigorously, but Tang San and Dai Mubai are miserable.

   Dai Mubai was injured and his combat power was greatly reduced, and Shrek suddenly lost the superiority of the top-level "Strike System Spirit Master" and fell completely into a disadvantage.

   Yu Tianheng had the help of two top defense spirit masters from the Shi family brothers, and he was almost unafraid of the attacks of Dai Mubai, Meng Wei and others. And Tang San didn't dare to expose the third spirit ability easily, because that move consumes too much spirit power.

   The clan eludes Zhu Zhuqing's two spirit abilities, and when he sees that Yu Tianheng is about to fight, he intends to subdue Zhu Zhuqing.

   The blue silver emperor vines are released from the blasted out from all directions, winding towards Zhu Zhuqing.

   Ma Hongjun just wanted to release the "Phoenix Line of Fire", but was stopped by Tang San. Because a new wave of attacks from the Dugu Goose has come, and the scope is very large.

   As for the three of Yu Tianheng, they had already retreated to their camp amidst Dugu Goose's signal.

   "The third spirit ability-Biphosphorous Purple Poison."

   At this moment, although Qin Ming had confessed that he couldn't kill him before he went on the field, since the clan said that the other party could crack the snake venom, it didn't matter for the lone geese. In the screaming sound, the third spirit ring on his body suddenly brightened.

The original green eyes completely turned into purple, even the green scales on the snake tail were covered with a layer of lavender light, opened the mouth, a thick purple mist spit out, spread rapidly in the air, towards Shrek flew away in the direction where it was.

   At the same time, the purple iron pill in Dugu Yan's hand also threw it over.

   Shrek Seven Monsters camp, Tang San smiled at the corner of his mouth, after a long time, he finally waited for the venom of the Dugu Goose. Although the first tactic failed, as long as the opponent's snake venom was broken, then they could let go of their hands and feet to perform follow-up tactics.

Like the original work, Tang San threw out two big skins filled with realgar wine, Dai Mubai used "Baihu Liebo" to beat the skins into water mist, and Ma Hongjun finished it, launched a phoenix fire line, and lit realgar wine. Everything was going on like that. Smoothly, the "biphosphorous poison" was also ignited by the smooth integration into the realgar wine mist.

   "Your snake venom is nothing more than that, if it is the five venom of Biphos..."

   "Pretend to be horrible" before he finished speaking, Tang San felt his head dizzy and his vision began to blur...