Chapter 83: Oscar's God Assist

  Ma Hongjun and Oscar are also screaming. Originally, because of the fighting spirit competition, there were still some grievances, and this one began to match the clan brothers.

  Ma Hongjun was drunk, talking drunkenly, "Brother Zong, you are one or two months older than the fat man, and you will be my brother in the future. I really admire the fat man. I can find a beautiful sister-in-law like Zhuqing."

   Even though Oscar drank a lot of wine, his mind was still clear, but he kept looking at Ning Rongrong from the corner of his eyes, not feeling a bit sour in his heart.

   Then he looked at the clan, the same people, why is there such a big gap? He has been chasing Ning Rongrong for more than four months, and he hasn't improved. The family clan only spent a month with Zhu Zhuqing before taking the other party.

   Alas, people are more popular than people!

   Oscar whispered to the clan: "Clan, oh no, brother Zong, can you teach me how to pick up girls?"

   The clan was taken aback for a moment, as if thinking of something, grinning from the corner of his mouth, knowingly asked: "Why, which girl do you have a fancy?"

   Oscar glanced at Ning Rongrong and nodded.

   Just then Ning Rongrong also came over. Seeing Oscar talking to the clan, and the two of them were still looking at herself from time to time, she was a little confused, and immediately asked: "What are you two talking about?"

   "No, it's nothing, I just have a problem with practice, please ask the clan."

  While talking, Oscar pulled the clan out, and the clan did not resist, on the contrary, it was in line with his mind.

   clan pretending to be puzzled: "Couldn't it be Ning Rongrong that you like!"

   Oscar nodded, noncommittal.

   "I have a way to help you catch her." The clan pretended to be high-minded.

   Hearing the words, Oscar's eyes lit up clearly, and a brilliant smile appeared on his face, "Say it, say it."

   "Look at this." The clan pointed to his own eyes.

   Oscar is unknown, so they subconsciously looked into the eyes of the clan, and the two of them looked at each other.

   "Illusory Skill-Writing Round Eyes."

   As he spoke, the clan's eyes were slightly closed and opened again, the eyes became blood red, and the three Gouyu in the pupils turned counterclockwise.

   After a cup of tea, the clan and Oscar returned to the luxurious private room again.

   The clan looked around and found that everyone had eaten almost, and many people were even more drunk.

  Flanders and Zao Wou-ki drank the most. They were full of praise for the clan's century-old soul wine, and even drank a lot with Yu Xiaogang.

   Fortunately, both Flanders and Zao Wou-ki are both soul-sage cultivation bases, so they are not too immobile. On the contrary, Yu Xiaogang was dizzy.

   The clan said to Flanders: "President Flanders, everyone drank a lot of alcohol. I booked a room, everyone will stay in this hotel!"

   Flender showed an apologetic expression on his face, scratching the back of his head, "It's not good, it will cost you money!"

   He knows how expensive this hotel is.

   "But I have paid for the room. If no one is occupied, it will have to be wasted." While talking about the clan, he shook the room card in his hand.

   Flanders has eyesight and quickly grabbed the room card. If you don't enjoy it, don't enjoy it. Anyway, there is a big money, "Don't waste, don't waste."

It was finally decided that Flanders and Zao Wou-ki should have one, Da Shiyu Xiaogang, Ma Hongjun and Oscar, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing, who followed the clan, Xiao Wu, and Ye Lingling to the Rose Hotel. Live, as for the other people in Huangdou have their own residences, a few even live in this hotel.

   Before leaving, the clan watched Oscar help Yu Xiaogang into the hotel room, and the corners of his mouth showed a strange arc. I hope Yu Xiaogang likes this gift.

   Before the door, the clan planted a small illusion for Oscar and gave him a third of the river water. At this time, Yu Xiaogang is drunk and will definitely be thirsty unbearable. When that happens, he will drink the "sweet water" prepared by Oscar for him.

   Of course, even if he doesn't drink, Oscar will feed him.

   As for Ma Hongjun, the clan had a good impression of him. Although he was a bit sloppy, he was still chivalrous at the critical moment, so he helped him into the room.

Over the years, with the improvement of the clan's spirit power, although the writing wheel eyes did not evolve into a kaleidoscope, the pupil power has long been different from the past, not to mention the clan's spirit power and spiritual power are much higher than that of Oscar, so control Naturally, it was easy. When the melons were ripening, Os didn't feel that something was wrong, only that he had taken care of the drunk Yu Xiaogang that night.

   The clan can completely imagine that Yu Xiaogang found out that she was pregnant after a while, and how wonderful the situation would be.

   Of course these are all things to follow.

   On the other side, the clan and his party left the Soto Hotel and strolled down the street.

   The clan carried the drunk Xiao Wu on his back, and sighed in his heart that she was really a foodie. She actually drank ale as carrot juice. The clan didn't pay attention and she got drunk.

   At the same time, there was another person beside the clan who shouldn't have appeared-Ning Rongrong.

   The clan looked at Ning Rongrong, frowning slightly, "I said Miss Ning, didn't you open a room for you? Why are you coming over?"

   It was hard for him to seize the opportunity to let Zhu Zhuqing stay. It happened that Xiao Wu was drunk again. It's impossible to eat Zhu Zhuqing this time, and he can't get it off, but it's good to sleep in a hug! After all, it will be difficult to meet in the next few months tonight.

   As a result, yes, it's useless to coax the kitten into the room after being so disturbed by Ning Rongrong.

   Ning Rongrong's face blushed slightly, and she didn't know what was wrong. When she heard Zhu Zhuqing was going back to the Rose Hotel with the clan, she also asked to go there too. So the spare room card was given to Oscar.

   With a blushing face, Ning Rongrong pursed his lips: "I, I'm afraid you will bully Zhuqing."

   The clan rolled his eyes, can that be called bullying between husband and wife? That's intimacy, I don't understand it.

   When the conversation turned, the clan looked at Ning Rongrong maliciously, and joked: "Then you are not afraid that I will bully you?"

   "Ah! You rascal, you have to dare to touch me when you read, be careful I tell me Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone to kill you." Ning Rongrong said with a pink face, covering his chest.

The corner of the clan's mouth twitched and his brows were slightly frowned. Now he doesn't want to see Ning Fengzhi's old fox. He may not have played with the other party with this trick. It may be calculated one day, and then he said, "Don't cover it. No buttocks, but chestless. How can I have Zhuqing from my family? I'm not interested in you."

   "Zhuqing, look at him, look at him." When the clan said that he had no chest and butt, Ning Rongrong seemed to have touched the inverse scales, and suddenly looked like a cat with exploded fur, with teeth and claws, and pointed.

   Zhu Zhuqing nodded his head. He has already seen no surprises, because the clan often talks about bad things when dating her. It was the phrase "How can I be better at Zhuqing, I am not interested in you", which made her feel very pleased.

To be honest, there is a Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing is already confused enough, but she can't forcefully separate the clan from Xiao Wu. Although the clan doesn't say it on the surface, she can see that the clan attaches great importance to Xiao Wu, or even doesn't. Yu valued her herself. Zhu Zhuqing is an emotional woman. She knows that the clan really likes her, and she also really likes the clan. Otherwise, the relationship between the two would not have been so naturally determined.

   Although she has a good relationship with Ning Rongrong, she doesn't want Ning Rongrong to get involved.

   Zhu Zhuqing said: "Xiaozong is like this, don't care."

   Hearing this, Ning Rongrong showed helpless eyes, thinking that this best friend from home was completely fallen.

   As for Ye Lingling, she was cold from beginning to end, occasionally looking at the clan carrying Xiao Wu on her back, her eyes a little complicated.

 Ps: It was blocked, I changed it here, ask for votes.

  Ma Hongjun will not mess up, and it will not be easy for Goulan Phoenix.