Chapter 100: Flicker, goodbye Flicker

   "Thank you, senior, for being merciful." The clan leaned on the ground with both hands, bounced from the ground, and jumped in front of Dugu Bo.

   At first, the clan thought that Dugu Bo really wanted his own life, but after another thought, it seemed that the venom injected into his body was not a lot, only a small amount.

   Of course, the clan also wanted to give Dugu Bo a step down. Dugu Bo has three advantages: the first is granddaughter, the second is strength, and the third is face. Since this old boy loves face so much, then I give it to him.

   Dugu Bo also noticed his gaffe, cleared his throat, and said sternly: "Well! Yes, even if you pass my test today. Let's talk about it, how do you detoxify me and my granddaughter."

   The clan did not answer directly, turned around and went back to touch the Youxiang Qiluo fairy product.

   Clan said: "The goose's poison is actually very easy to solve, but the poison of your predecessor is deep in your bones. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are a poisonous person."

"Boy, don't sell Guanzi to me again. I think you want to negotiate terms with the old man!" Dugubo frowned and said coldly, "Don't mother-in-law, if you can really solve the problem of toxin backlash between the old man and the wild goose, I I can promise you three conditions within your capacity."

   "Uh." The clan gave Dugu Bo a white look. Is this old boy not even pretending to be a force?

   Clan said: "Okay! Happy. To show my sincerity, I can first explain how to detoxify the goose."

   Dugu Bo is obviously a little impatient, "Say it quickly."

The clan nodded, and said: "If you are all weapon spirits, you don't have to worry about toxins backlash, but beast spirits need to pay attention, because when you turn on the spirits, they are all possessed, which will also lead to the cultivation of poison. Toxins will enter your body during gong. You only need to find a suitable soul bone for the Yanzi, and let her force the toxin into the soul bone when practicing poison gong, then there will be no problems. Like me now, although it is also The body has toxins, but the poison in the body is in the'mutant blue silver grass' and the eight spider spears attached to the soul bone. Of course, he won't have any problems.

   Dugu Bo's eyes lit up, "Yeah! I didn't expect it. If this were the case, the old man's son wouldn't be—"

   Speaking of this, Dugu Bo rarely showed a haggard look.

As soon as the conversation turned, Dugu frowned and said, "So what about the old man? Wouldn't you let the old man do this too! The goose and goose poison skills are still very shallow, so it is a good way to do this, but the old man has practiced poison skills for 70 years. It's already full of poison, just as you just said, it's not an exaggeration to say that it's poisonous. If you are not careful, you will die."

   The clan said calmly: "This is why I want to make conditions with you."

"The first condition, that is, if I use the exotic flowers and weeds in your medicine garden to prepare a medicine for you. You are Titled Douluo, you must have spirit bones in your body, and then you will be able to cooperate with the medicine to introduce some of the toxins into your body. In your soul bone. In this way, you will not have to bear the pain of toxin backlash, and at the same time, you will be able to keep your poison skills, and maybe even go further."

   Dugu Bo's eyebrows stretched slightly, and he was beginning to believe the words of the clan, "This is not a problem, you can use this medicine garden, but do you know all of them?"

   The corner of the clan's mouth curled up, and if he knew him, he would only know a few well-known things in the original work. But don't forget, someone in our clan is a systematic person. It's not easy to read flower and grass information, read soul beast information, and read text information. It's not simple to let the system dispense medicine based on this information. single.

The clan pretended to regret and said: "I have never forgotten the ability since I was a child, and like to read books. I accidentally read an ancient book called "Xuantianbaolu", which recorded most of the information about the strange flowers and plants. But it's a pity that the ancient book was later stolen."

   Dugu Bo said: "No wonder your kid is so skillful and memorable. This is a big advantage, so you can easily learn other people's fighting skills. What about the second condition?"

   "The second condition is that I have exceeded level 40, and I need you to help me hunt down a spirit beast as my fourth spirit ring."

   Before meeting Dugu Bo, the clan had perceived a ten thousand year soul beast through the Blue Silver Domain in the depths of the sunset forest, with an extremely powerful aura. And according to the information passed by Lan Yincao, it looked like it was a head dragon. Although the clan is not afraid of the ordinary Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, it is the head dragon, and the Sky Blue Bull Python contains a dragon bloodline so fierce. The purity of this Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast bloodline may still be the same as that of the Sky Blue Bull Python. It must be extremely powerful. The clan is not sure to deal with it.

   Dugu Bo was stunned. He thought the clan would offer some weird conditions, such as marrying his granddaughter? That way, we poison someone will definitely be beautiful. As for the stinky boy named Yu Tianheng, just go on the sidelines. As a result, the old man took off his pants and told me this.

   Dugu Bo said: "No problem. Okay, don't sell it, let's talk about the third one!"

   Dugu Bo: Boy, let me tell you that you are in love with my wild goose. As long as you speak, the old man will arrange the marriage for you immediately.

   The clan rolled his eyes, "The third condition hasn't been figured out yet. If this is the case, then I will be equipped to configure the drug."

   Before the clan turned around, Dugu Bona's slightly hoarse voice came out again, "Wait."

   The clan smiles helplessly. It seems that this old boy still can't believe in himself, and wants to feed himself the disgusting poison pill in the original book.

   the clan said: "What else can I do, Senior Dugu?"

   Dugu Bo thought for a while, and said, "You are not afraid that I will kill you after you detoxify the old man?"

   The clan was taken aback, and shouted in his mind: "Even if you want to kill me, I have already got what I want at that time, and then it will be a big deal to turn on the system's transmission function and escape."

   Of course, the clan can't really answer that way, otherwise Dugu Bo would have killed himself on the spot.

   Clan Zong said with a serious face: "Although Senior Dugu is not a kind-hearted person, there have never been rumors of rebellion and revenge. The most important thing is that I believe my teammate Yanzi, she will not harm me."

   Clan's words made Dugubo's eyes flashed with admiration, so why can Yanzi have such a companion husband!

   Dugu praised: "Good boy, the old man is starting to admire you."

   As soon as the conversation turned, Dugu Bo continued: "But for the lives of the old man and granddaughter, I still have to be a precautionary measure."

While talking, Dugu Bo opened his mouth, and a green light spit out from his mouth. It was a green bead slowly drifting towards the clan under the control of Dugu Bo. The clan opened his right hand and let it fall. In the palm of your hand.

   Looking at the sticky beads on it, the clan smiled wryly. I said so many sensational things, this old boy still wants to feed us this shit.

   Chapter 101 Sword Dao Chenxin

   Spring is going to fall, and in a blink of an eye, the clan has been in the eyes of Binghuoliangyi for nearly two months.

   In these two months, the clan, in addition to arranging drugs for the old poison, is to stay by the eyes of the ice and fire.

   I have to say that the eyes of the two instruments of ice and fire are indeed the show of Zhong Ling, the place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathers. The martial spirit of the clan is the Blue Silver Emperor, belonging to the plant martial spirit. One day of cultivation here can catch up with the usual ten days of cultivation.

   As for those immortal grasses, all the immortal products were picked by the clan and put into the storage space of the system. There are also some good geniuses and treasures that have not been spared.

   [Dip, congratulations to the host for turning 13 years old, the one-year period has come, and one more chance to steal. ]

   Hearing the system prompt in his mind, the clan opened his eyes slightly and stopped practicing.

The clan sighed: "Is it 13 years since I came to this world so soon? Although it can speed up my cultivation, I am about to leave, otherwise Xiao Wu will be worried, and Zhu Qing will also worry about it. It should come to Tiandou City."

   Suddenly, there was a fighting sound in the distance, and there was a lot of movement. The clan a few miles away felt it.

The clan was taken aback for a moment, using the Blue Silver Domain to investigate, and instantly revealed incomprehension, "It seems that someone is fighting the old poison, and the old poison has fallen into the wind. Who will it be. Is it here to save me? It seems that I don't know any Title Douluo except for a Tang Ritian. Forget it, let's go and take a look! If things don't go well, I won't be too late."

   While talking, the clan released the Eight Spider Lances, with spirit power attached to their feet, they ejected at a rapid speed, pointing straight to the battle site.


  Sunset over the forest, ten miles away from Dugu Bodong Mansion.

   At this time, Dugu Bo was already in a panic. In these two months, according to the clan method, he forced part of his body toxins into the soul bone, and he also took the medicine guide prepared by the clan provided by the clan. Not only has the problem of toxin backlash been resolved, but the strength has also been further improved, from level 91 to level 92. And today is the day he and the clan agreed to fulfill their promise.

  Who knew that a fierce man came in suddenly, and it was a fat beating to him without saying a word.

   This person is Kendo Chenxin. The guardian Douluo of the Seven-Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect, the honorary elder of the Wuhun Hall, the 96-level Assault Super Douluo, was titled "Sword", and the Wuhun was the Seven Kill Sword. The representative is engraved on the papal decree.

   Chenxin put on a posture of self-respect, and the voice was like a sharp blade, "Should you tell me?"

Dugubo wiped the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and cried secretly in his heart, "I said, what am I talking about, you are asking! You will run away the old man as soon as you come. If you have a high spirit power level, you can do whatever you want! There is such a bullying. Is it?"

   Dugu Bo arched his hands and said, "I don't know if Sword Douluo is looking for an old man, what do you want to know?"

   Chenxin coldly snorted, "Don't pretend to be an old poison, the boy you caught! He has a lot of origins with my Qibao Glazed Glass Sect, so you can hand it over to me soon."

   Dugu Bo was taken aback, and he was very puzzled. Isn't that kid without background? He just walked out of a small village, when did he get in touch with Qibao Liuli? Could it be that Ning Fengzhi also fell in love with that kid? I want to accept him as a son-in-law, eh! It is indeed possible.

   Dugu Bo said: "Sword Douluo, the clan kid has been cultivating in my cave during this time. The old man is only discussing toxins with him, and it is not against him. I will call him here."

   While talking, Dugu Bo flew in the direction of Binghuo Liangyi's eyes. This time he met even more horizontally.

  Dugu Bo hadn't flew far before he met the clan who had rushed over.

   After seeing the clan, Dugubo didn't say a word, picked up the clan and ran away...Oh no, just flew and brought the clan to Jian Douluo Chenxin. The clan is at a loss.

The clan's feet landed on the ground, and the sight of an old man was wearing a spotless white robe with white beard and hair. He had long silver hair neatly combed behind his back. His appearance was simple and simple, his face was as delicate as a baby, and his expression was very indifferent. His eyes didn't seem to see anything around him, he just stood there quietly without speaking. But he just stood there, but he still gave people a sense of domination.

   "It's a natural arrogant person, I would rather bend than bend." The clan couldn't help muttering.

   While the clan was looking at the opponent, Jian Douluo was also looking at the clan. With his calmness, Rao couldn't help but feel a hint of surprise in his heart.

"He is about the same age as Rongrong, his spirit power has reached level 40, and his body is very strong. It seems that he has broken through for a while, and he seems to have a sword intent on him. Is he also a swordsman? , The talent is blessed, and this appearance is worthy of Shang Rongrong."

  The more I look at it, the more satisfied Jian Douluo is, and he has become a grandfather to see his granddaughter-in-law.

Dugu Bo on the side noticed Jian Douluo's gaze, and said in his heart: "This Chenxin's eyes are exactly the same as the old man some time ago! If it hadn't been for Yan Yan, it might have been harmed by Yu Tianheng, so I can't say anything today. give him."

   The clan clans hand in hand and said: "I wonder if the seniors are looking for the juniors?"

   Sword Douluo still had an indifferent expression, and said coldly: "The old man is the Seven Treasure Glazed Glazed Sect Protector Douluo Chenxin, Rong Rong said you were taken away by the old poison, let me come to rescue you."

The clan nodded and thought: "It seems that Zhuqing and the others have already arrived in Tiandou City. I didn't expect that Miss Ning would actually be willing to go back to the sect for me to ask Ning Fengzhi for help. UU reading is unexpected. I didn't expect it. No matter what kind of mentality Ning Fengzhi has, it seems that he owes Ning Rongrong a favor."

   Clan Clan glanced at the embarrassed Dugu Bo, who seemed to be beaten by Sword Douluo. Immediately, he said with a serious face: "Seeing that the younger generation is talented, I decided to teach me some knowledge about poisonous martial arts. Because the time relationship may have caused Rongrong to misunderstand? This time I trouble Senior Sword Douluo, and I will definitely go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect in the future. Come and thank you."

   Take a look, for this old poison, someone in our clan shamelessly called Miss Ning Rongrong.

   Hearing the clan's words, Dugu Bo cast a grateful look at the clan, this was naturally seen by Chen Xin.

   Chen Xin was too lazy to open it up. Since this kid really knew his little princess, he didn't bother to take care of it. It would be good for them to deal with the matters of the junior.

   "If this is the case, then your rat has tail juice."

   While talking, Jian Douluo stepped on the Seven Kill Sword, turned into a stream of light and flew out, turning into a small black spot in the blink of an eye, disappearing without a trace.

   "Boy, why are you hiding it for me." Dugu Bo looked at the clan.

The clan shook his head, "You and I don't have any deep hatred, and they each get what they need. I will solve the toxin backlash problem for you, and you promised to help me with three things. Besides, I don't want to be involved in the interests of those sects now. "

Dugu Bohaha laughed, "I think it's your kid who has caused more debts! I heard Yan Yan said that you have one in Soto City, one in Tiandou Royal Academy, plus this young lady from the Seven Treasure Glass Sect. !"

   Clan Zong gave Dugu Bo a white look, "What's the matter? Don't talk about it, now is the time for you to help me with the second thing."