Chapter 102: Wannian fourth spirit ring

   Sunset over the narrow valley somewhere in the center of the forest.

   A green light flashed across, and fell on a towering tree. The light gradually dissipated, revealing two figures, one old and one young. It was Dugubo and Clan who came to hunt down the soul beasts.

   "Boy, do you think there is really the soul beast you need in such a narrow valley?" Dugu Bo looked at the clan.

The clan nodded, "I used to be in the Sunset Forest, and by chance I saw a dragon-like soul beast haunted here without claws. Now we have searched all around, except for this small valley that looks inconspicuous. Not probed."

   In fact, the clan has never really seen this soul beast. The reason for this speculation is only because two months ago, while searching for Yu Tianheng's fourth spirit ring, he released the Blue Silver Domain and accidentally found a spirit beast with dragon breath, which disappeared in this small valley. , The breath is similar to Yutianheng's Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus. As for guessing that there is no claw, it is the sky blue bull python for reference. After all, there are only a few dragons left in Douluo Continent.

   Dugu Bo froze for a moment, and then his pupils shrank, with an unbelievable expression on his face, "Are you talking about the blue-eyed dragon?"

   "Have you seen?" A hint of surprise flashed in the clan's eyes.

Dugubo shook his head, his expression a little dignified, "Although I haven't really seen this soul beast, when I was a soul emperor decades ago, I heard people say that a blue-eyed flood dragon appeared in the sunset forest. Several soul sages were seriously injured with a cultivation base of less than ten thousand years."

   "The soul beast that has been cultivated for less than ten thousand years has severely injured several soul sages?" The clan couldn't help but exclaimed. Doesn't it mean that this creature is comparable to the giant giant ape?

Dugu Bo nodded, "It just disappeared without a trace after that. I stayed in the sunset forest for so many years and searched, but I couldn't find it. I didn't expect to be in this small valley a few meters wide. In that case, the old man will go down for a while."

   While talking, Dugu Bo swept down into the narrow valley.

   After a while, the small valley vibrated violently, and the entrance of the valley was fluttered with rolling rocks, shaking up a large amount of dust.

   It was Dugu Bo who flew out first, with an excited smile on his face.

   There was a huge roar. Immediately afterwards, from the valley flew out a light blue dragon with blue eyes, a long hooked nose, thorns all over, and a few dozen meters long.

   "Haha, boy, you are lucky, as expected, the blue-eyed dragon from decades ago." Dugu Bohaha laughed.

   There is also a smile on the face of the clan, "Please also ask Senior Dugu to help me subdue it."

   While talking, the clan cried out in his mind: "The system reads the information of this dragon."

   [D, the system is reading...]

  [Soul Beast: Blue Eyed Dragon

   repair for: 10500 years

  Characteristics: strength, speed, endurance, absorption of soul power, strong restraint and destructive power.


   Clan clan sighed: "Sure enough, it is a soul beast for the first ten thousand years, and it looks like it has a promising future!"

  While the clan sighed the blue-eyed flood dragon, Dugu Bo had already started the Wuhun real body to fight the blue-eyed flood dragon. The Blue-eyed Flood Dragon is worthy of being able to severely injure several soul saints in decades, and now the cultivation base has broken through to ten thousand years, and it can barely resist Dugu Bo's real body of the Jade Scale Snake Emperor that is more than 30 meters long in a short time. .

   But resistance is resistance after all. After a while, the blue-eyed dragon was lost and wanted to escape into the ground, but was hit by Dugubo's attack by the Biphos Snake Emperor's life toxin, and collapsed to the ground, losing the power to resist.

   Looking at the blue-eyed flood dragon drenched in black energy, the clan frowned slightly, and said in his heart: "It seems that the weakness of this flood dragon is fear of toxins! But after being absorbed by me, this weakness no longer exists."

   Dugu Bo turned his head to look at the clan, "Smelly boy, are you sure you want this beast to be your fourth spirit ring? If I expected it to be good, it has been cultivated for more than ten thousand years."

   Clan nodded, but didn't answer directly. Lifting his right hand, a faint white light emerged on the surface of the skin, and then, the dark blue and black blue silver emperor with a strange golden pattern emerged from the palm of his palm.

   Yellow, purple and purple, three clear rings of halo rose from his feet, circling up and down around his body.

   Since becoming a soul master, the clan removes the "Blue Silver Domain" disguise skills for the first time, revealing the true color of the soul ring.

   "The Second Spirit Ring Millennium." Dugubo exclaimed. What kind of monster is this? And what's the matter of changing the color of the spirit ring?

The clan nodded, "My first spirit ring is nearly six hundred years old, my second spirit ring is one thousand years and one hundred, and my third spirit ring is nearly three thousand years. Then you think I can absorb this first ten thousand years. Soul beast?"

   Dugu Bo said: "But I remember your previous spirit ring was yellow, yellow and purple! Is it?"

The corner of the clan's mouth raised a slight arc, and said, "It seems that you have guessed it. It's a realm. When I awakened my spirit, I also brought a realm with it. I named him the Blue Silver Realm. The first skill in the domain is camouflage. You can change the color of the spirit ring at will or even hide a spirit ring directly."

   hiss, Dugu Bo took a breath. This time Rao was calm as Dugu Bo, and couldn't help showing a look of shock.

Dugu Bo suddenly realized, "No wonder your second spirit ability can resist me and release the purple snake venom after turning on the martial In that case, you can make your own decision! But I can remind you, this one The blue-eyed flood dragon is no better than ordinary soul beasts of ten thousand years, I am afraid that it is not much better than some soul beasts of twenty to thirty thousand years."

   While talking, Dugu Bo sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and quietly waited for the clan to absorb the spirit ring.

   Put the spirit ring into his body, and the clan released Eight Spider Lances from behind. For safety reasons, the clan did not directly approach the dragon, but took out a sword and attached soul power to the sword, piercing the eyes of the dragon with incomparable speed and reaching the brain. The Jiaolong's body trembled, and the breath of life began to dissipate.

   Perceiving the state of the Flood Dragon, the Eight Spider Lances from behind unceremoniously pierced the key point of the Blue-eyed Flood Dragon.

   The blue-eyed flood dragon under his body is still trembling constantly, and a wave of powerful energy is flowing into the body along the Eight Spider Lances. To the clan clan's a bit of surprise, these violent energy circulated in his body for a week, and then re-injected into his eight spider spears, and then condensed on his spine, while his spine and the eight spider spears attached to the back. The eight ribs became extremely hot, absorbing these energy like an abyss.

   The clan's face was surprised and shouted in his mind: "What kind of dragon is this? Isn't it said in the original work that the energy of the human face demon spider that swallows the same root can be completely absorbed? How can this dragon be."

   This is the first time the clan has used the Devouring skill since acquiring the Eight Spider Lances. The object of action is a blue-eyed dragon.

  Since I can't figure it out, the tribes simply don't bother to care about so much.

   With the continuous swallowing of the clan, the vitality of the Green-eyed Flood Dragon completely dissipated.