
Ray was shocked to hear a mechanical voice.

"You... Who are you??" asked Ray as he looked sideways but found no one.

*Relax. I am in your head. I am the system that will help you on the road to immortality and strength.*

"System? Immortality?" asked Ray bewildered.

*Yes! That will be for later. For now, you need to cross this Apocalypse and take this Earth core under your control.*

Ray narrowed his eyes. He was a smart guy. He already accepted the existence of the system without doubting it. Anyway, if it wanted to kill him, he would have died long ago. So it was better to accept facts after the unnatural things that happened yesterday.

"Apocalypse? Control of earth core?" asked Ray quickly.

*Yes, apocalypse! Due to fights of mysterious beings, Earth was affected and the formation which was guarding Earth was finally torn open after much effort. But Earth still has restrictions, above level 10 beings can not come to Earth for now. But the restrictions will be lifted slowly as humans grow stronger. Spirit qi is gradually recovering on Earth, every living being will evolve with it. Due to the cosmic wave that the Earth core provided yesterday to everyone, human beings will open their spiritual root which can help them to cultivate and wield specific elements of nature which can be strengthened by absorbing beast cores. Oh, spiritual roots are of different grades (low, medium, high, top) which will set their qualifications of cultivation. So you need to cultivate and become strong to survive. The mutated cat you saw is merely the lowest level of being!*

Ray took a deep breath.

"So do I have any spiritual root? " asked Ray with yearning.

*Yes, but it is gradeless. You don't even have the normal qualification to cultivate. If you do try it, it will take 5 years to reach level 1. You are the sole one who possesses gradeless spiritual root due to a rare mutation of your body but your body has undergone a change. Without me, you can only train in body cultivation techniques. But exactly because you are trash that you are suitable to be my host!* replied the system in an ice-cold voice.

Ray's face was dark as night.

"Why are those powerful beings fighting? Why are they trying to invade Earth? Who arranged the protective formation?" asked Sam gritting his teeth.

*You don't have the qualifications to know the answer to the first two questions. An about the last, it was the last ancient human cultivator arranged it for the safety of Earth millions of years ago.* replied system harshly.

Ray was shocked to know that there were human cultivators in the past. He clenched his fists at the system's reply. All the answers he got were vague. It was true that he didn't have any qualifications to know these things. In the huge world, he was an ant who could be squashed anytime.

Ray vowed that he would get strong to get all the answers.

"So how do I get strong?" asked Ray after he calmed his thoughts.

*You have a good disposition. You can kill these demons and the system will extract their qi and help your body to absorb it. This cat has just mutated, it has got no qi. Only those with cultivations possess qi. You can eat demons corpses which will strengthen your body. The demons of level 5 and above possess a demon core and qi. You can make potions with it along with its blood and absorb them to temper your body. You can directly absorb the beast core to increase your mental strength. About wielding elements, you can practise techniques provided by the system. Since you are gradeless and have no affinity, so can enrich your spiritual root with any elements.* explained the system.

Ray nodded calmly and asked, "Can I tell my family and friends about these things? "

*Sure but you must know the limit where to stop* warned the system.

Ray was smart and knew well what the system meant.

*Say status in your mind* instructed the system.


As soon as Ray said this, a screen lit up in front of him.

*Name: Celeb Ray

Level : 0 (1/10)

Race: Human

Bloodline: None

Spiritual root: Gradeless

Affinity: None.

Techniques: none

Body: 20

Qi: 0

Spirit: 5

System storage: blood, skin...

Exchange store: Not opened ( reach level 1 to open it)

System points: 1 *

The system panel was neat. Ray saw that his body attributes were far stronger than anything.

"What is spirit? Can I have other bloodlines?" asked Ray confused.

*You can think of spirit as mental strength. It strengthens the soul. Strengthening of spirit is necessary for wielding elements with ease. About bloodline, let's talk about it later.*

Ray could only suppress the curiosity in his heart.

"What is the system point?"

*Oh, you can buy various things from the system exchange store through it. You can provide herbs, ores, demon flesh, bones along with necessary system points as fees for production and get various pills, garments, weapons. With system points, you can buy various cultivation techniques too. * explained the system.

Ray nodded. The system is really handed. He glanced at the level and quickly noted the exp required to reach level 1. He thought of taking a cold weapon and go out to kill to quickly level up.

" So can others level up too like this?"

*No, they can absorb qi from nature via cultivation techniques or can absorb demon core to strengthen their mental strength and body. Actually, the latter is the wrong process and the former is impossible without any techniques. It won't benefit if they do not practise qi in the long run as body cultivation is very slow. * said the system.

*But you don't have to think about it, Earth has some hidden masters. Even though their level is pathetic but they still are at level 30 and above. They will provide some cultivation techniques to the masses if I am not wrong. After all, even though they are strong, but in face of massive enemies, they can't win solo! Of course, those techniques will be worst than those provided by the system. * replied the system with disdain.

"Oh! Then can I buy cultivation techniques from the system for my relatives?" asked Ray expectantly.

*Sure, but it will be very costly.* replied the system.

Ray finally sighed of relief at that!