
After an hour, all their wounds healed up. They were shocked to find their bodies had no wounds. To them, the potion was a miraculous elixir!!

"Should we hunt more?" asked Ray cautiously.

He can't make the lives of his friends in danger for his levelling. If they wanted to stop then he would go for a solo hunt!

"No, I think we can continue. Let's hunt for an hour more. What do the rest think?" said Nathan as he patted Ray's shoulder.

He could keenly understand Ray's concern for others...

"Yeah, I think we are good to go now! I feel energized after drinking the potion. " replied Leo as he moved his arms around exaggeratedly.

The rest also smiled and nodded at Ray. They got out of the apartment complex and searched for more mutated beasts. Finding nothing, they could only move forward, searching for another apartment complex.

After almost 200 metres, they found a group of mutated dogs tearing the arms of a beggar and having a feast on him. The beggar was still alive and was howling and crying in horror. More dead bodies were lying beside him. All the bodies were torn apart and their guts dug out and eaten. They died open-eyed in horror.

The road was empty at present. After the earthquake receded, everyone had holed up their houses in panic. Moreover, for some unknown beggar, so nobody would come to save him. Such was the cruelty of humankind!

Ray and others noticed the cruel scene from afar and by the when they rushed to the scene, the beggar was dead. A mutated dog was crushing his torn head in its mouth as blood and brain matters splashed all over the road.

"Die!" roared Ray as he slashed his blade towards the nearest mutated dog.

With a single slash, it was cut onto two as its organs and blood loosely fell on the road along with its body.

*Killed level 1 mutated dog. Gained 1 exp, 1 system point.*

*levelled up at 1. Body+10 is rewarded.*

*System exchange store opened.*

Suddenly Ray felt a rush of energy passing through his body. He felt so warm and cosy that he wanted to moan out aloud. He could clearly feel his strength growing stronger and his muscles becoming firmer.

Ray clenched his fist and he ruthlessly punched at the mutated dog's head which was plunging towards him ferociously.


The dog's head burst like watermelon and blood splashed on Ray's face. Still, Ray grinned at the nauseating scene.

*Killed level 2 mutated dog. Gained 2 exp, 2 system points.*

Nathan and Lucas fought with other dogs while Kai and Leo fired bullets and co-operated with Nathan and Lucas.


A loud roar came from the distance. A massive red coloured dog along with some other dogs growled at Ray after seeing them slaughtering its subordinate mercilessly. It rushed past everything in seconds and plunged towards Ray and waved its claws.

Ray was killing every dog in his surrounding madly when he suddenly dodged at the side out of his instinct. He saw that a red demon dog was gaining momentum in its hind limb and plunged towards him opening its bloody mouth. Ray hurriedly rolled to the side and punched its abdomen.

To Ray's surprise, the beast was just superficially wounded with some minor injuries on its skin. The beast roared at him and waved its sharp claws to tear his hands apart. Its speed was so fast that even after reaching level 1, he was having a hard time keeping up with its movements.

Within some seconds, Ray and the red dog exchanged many blows of which Ray was at disadvantage. His arms and chests were dripping with blood.

Ray felt embarrassed at his sorry character right now, but he was helpless. To Ray's surprise, he could detect a slight wind element from the dog's attack.

"System, is this level 5 demon beast?" asked Ray as he clashed with the dog.

*No, its peak level 4. Just a bit more and it will be level 5.*

"Then why the hell do I feel wind power in it?" yelled Ray in his mind.

*Because it's in a transition period to get at level 5 at which it will have its beast core and wield elements. So it can use slight wind power now. * replied the system coldly.

Ray was helpless. This dog was too powerful. Moreover, he can't run away leaving his friends behind.

At this time. the system advised, *Maybe you can exchange all the level 3 and level 2 demon beast's bones and blood and exchange it with a good weapon.*

Ray was startled at first and then he exchanged them for a good blade.

*A low-level magic treasure is deposited. Please check system storage.*

Ray quickly grabbed the blade and clashed with the red dog. The blade was black in colour and had a thin structure but it was glistening in a sinister light. . Holding it, Ray felt a tad bit stronger than before.

* Weapon buff: Body+2*


As soon as the weapon clashed with the dog's claw, it cut off its front paw. The dog roared wildly as it raored at Ray sinisterly and dashed towards Kai and Leo cowardly, in an attempt to escape.

But how could Ray allow that? Now that the weapon added wings to the tiger,he rushed towards it and threw a fierce jab at its side.

The dog whimpered in pain when a force suddenly lifted its entire body weight and launched it towards the building some metres away.


It slammed heavily into the wall and some debris broke at the crash and fell on it.

Ray took the time to breathe and killed some level 1 beasts in the meantime while monitoring the wounded level 4 beast in debris. He knew that it won't die easily!

The rest group contained some level 2 and two level 3 demon dogs. Nathan and Lucas were seriously wounded with the head-on clash with them. With Ray joining them, they could finally relax a bit!

Ray swiftly killed one of the level 3 beasts as the other was engaged in a head-on battle with Nathan and Lucas. He quickly arrived at its back and by the time the beast finally noticed Ray, a sharp blade already descended on its neck, severing it from its body!