Cold night massacre (5)

The punch mortally wounded the goon leader. He was furious as he could not accept the fact that a rascal weaker than him could injure him so much.

Ray cared less about the indignation of the goon's leader. He was practically like an emotionless killing machine. He roared like an enraged beast, he grabbed the goon leader's shoulders with both hands and head-butted him ruthlessly.


Both of their head became bloody over time. The goon leader felt dizzy when Ray choked him at his throat and slammed him on the ground left and right.


Ray chose the most violent and cruel way to crush every bone of the goon's leader. If he was an ordinary opponent, then he would have been a puddle of meat sauce by now.

The third floor collapsed from the wreckage as Ray mercilessly threw him down to the second floor like a roaring cannonball.


A short period of silence ensured! Nothing moved.

Ray sneered as he jumped from the third to second floor.

"Cough.. cough.."

The goon's leader spat blood as he struggled to get up from the cracked floor. Most of his bones had broken due to Ray's onslaught before. But due to his evil cultivation, his vitality was immense and thus didn't die. But the copious amount of blood flowing from his torso was making him lose his vitality as time went by.


With short bursts of laboured panting, the bloodied goon's leader finally got up on his legs. His eyes were sinister as he suddenly disappeared from his position and appeared right behind Ray's back.

Ray felt a chill behind his head and rapidly turned around and punched out. His punch was met with a punch as they collided.


Both of them took some steps back and then again rushed forward like enraged beasts. The energy force emitted from the power of their assault exploded like a thunderstorm as both of their body crashed to the opposite pillars made of hardened concrete.

*Friendly reminder. 5 minutes of berserk remaining. *

"Damn!! I can't drag this anymore!" thought Ray as he charged madly at the goon's leader. Every attack became more bloodthirsty and violent as every attack was aimed to take the goon leader's life.

Ray this time did not dodge or evade any incoming attack. On every attack that landed on his body, he returned them with twice the number and force.

"Have this brat lost his mind from pain?" thought the goon's leader as panic took place in his eyes.

"No! I need to flee!! This mutt is odd!" he thought as he tried to drag Ray towards the staircase to flee.

Ray sneered at his futile attempt as he increased the forces of the crude punches. Like a beast, Ray's explosive fist rammed right into his chest. The attack hit right on his heart as the goon's leader something disintegrated inside of him.


He vomited mouthfuls of blood as his body flew straight to the wall like a cannonball, crushing the wall. Ray didn't waste any time as stomped forward and once again rammed his fists through his ribcage.


Ray finally kicked him at his chest as the goon's leader fell on the floor, helpless. He still looked at Ray with hatred which made Ray a mocking scowl, further enraging him.

The goon's leader had no more strength to retaliate as he said in mockery, "I, wolf, killed numerous humans but never thought that I would die at the hands of a brat!!"

Ray sneered," It's my honour then!" and then he stomped heavily and strongly right above his broken ribcage and heart, rupturing it.

The goon's leader spurted blood and bones ruptured his heart and lungs.


Finally, he died wide-eyed and his cold body lay on the floor full of debris.

*Host killed level 5 human. Gained a 15 exp and 5 system points. *

*Due to the host's first time killing an evil cultivator, a reward pack has been gifted. Please check it in system storage. *

*Triple exp streak bonus card deactivated.*

*Friendly reminder. Berserk state time remaining is 1 minute. Kindly collect the evil cultivation manual of the goon's leader to prevent it from falling into another villain's hands. It can also be recycled by the system for system points.*

"I will ask Nathan or Lucas to collect it. Let's rush to them right now!" replied Ray as he rushed towards the ground floor with all his strength.

He knew that he would fall unconscious immediately after the berserk state ended. His chest had a missing chunk of flesh and it was still bleeding profusely. He took out the low-level healing potion that he last collected and drank it while running.

*Drink it fully. Half of the potion won't work. * instructed the system coldly.

Ray did what the system instructed and ran outside the building.

"Nathan! Lucas!" yelled Ray.


"All dead. Get the cultivation manual from the boss's room. It's important to destroy it. I am critically injured. After I go unconscious, take care of me!" said Ray as he fell straight unconscious on the ground.



*Berserk state deactivated. Cooldown: 1 day.*


Ray was fully unconscious for 2 days. When he woke up, he was fully healed but his body's cell was in the state of immense lack of energy making him look like a pale zombie.

When Ray asked the system, it simply replied, " The body's reserve energy has been withdrawn to heal your body. Have large portions of food to gain energy!"

Then Ray went ahead and ate more than 20 Kgs of demon beasts flesh himself. His family was gobsmacked seeing him eating like a barbarian.

When Ray asked about the rescued girls, his uncle replied that the military provided them with houses and food. They were free at present but they needed to overcome their trauma themselves.

Ray was pleased with the outcome. Even though he was not a saint, he couldn't avoid the lives of so many in front of his eyes.

*Well you did good karma. It will help in your future cultivation. *