Chapter 9

(hey guys, this is a shorter chapter since I wrote it quickly, the next chapter will be out soon, love you guys~Asra


The next week went by quite fast, yeah he was sad since Daxai had to leave back to Korea but it was also good because he was able to spend more time with Yutaka. He was happy Yutaka confessed to him, he was happy that they were so close and spending more time together. It made the hard days at school pass by faster because Yutaka would do his best to help Yoshiya avoid Fukumori.

Fukumori noticed this, it pissed him off. Nobody has really avoided him before so the fact that someone he needed to talk to was purposely doing whatever they can to stay away from him, made him mad.

"What the fuck is up with him..." He ran a hand through his hair and looked at Yoshiya from the table he was sitting at, watching as Yoshiya and Yutaka laughed really hard about something unknown. It made him feel slightly jealous, which he didn't get why, but that's why he needed answers. He just wanted to know the things that he couldn't remember, it was really tearing him apart, he could barely sleep since the head aces he'd get from trying to remember would keep him up, or the bad feeling he had from what Daxai said would have him worried. He wanted to know, to see if he could fix it...but if Yoshiya kept avoiding him, he would never know.


It was a Wednesday and Yoshiya was on the roof, sitting on Yutakas lap with a bento box, casually eating in comfortable silence. Yutaka was resting his head on Yoshiyas shoulder with his arms around the smaller boy's waist, his eyes closed as he felt that he could fall asleep right then.

Sadly the comfortable silence was cut off by the roof door opening to show a pissed off Fukumori. Yoshiyas eyes widened and Yutaka grunted as he looked up to make eye contact with the darker eyed male.

All three of them were silent , Yutaka being the one to break it.

"What do you want?" His voice was laced with venom as he spoke, obviously annoyed.

Fukumori ignored Yutaka and looked right at Yoshiya

"You and I need to talk. Now." He was livid. He needed to get these answers so that his head would stop hurting and he could actually get some sleep.

Yoshiya sighed and knew he needed to get this over with, he knew it was bound to hurt, but it was something that needed to happen. He stood up and looked down at Yutaka and kissed his head. "I'll see you after classes, I'm going to get this done."A worried look formed on Yutakas face as he watched Yoshiya walk off the roof with Fukumori.


Once they arrived outside, Yoshiya sat down on a bench in front of a Sakura tree and took a deep breath, looking up to see Fukumori watching him closely.

"What do you want to ask?" Yoshiya tried to say as calmly as possible, his voice still shaking a tad bit.

"How do you know me? When did we know each other? Why do I remember Daxai and not you?"Yoshiya felt a pang in his heart hearing that he remembered Daxai but not him, making him feel that he really wasn't important to Fukumori.

"We were childhood friends. We lived in the same neighborhood and were really close, Daxai grew up with us as well until you disappeared and we didn't see you. I'm...i'm not sure why you remember him but not two were close.."

Yoshiya gave a sad smile but Fukumori wasn't done. "What did I do that caused Daxai to hate me? Why does my heart flutter when thinking about you?" Fukumori teared up slightly "Why does my heart ache when I see you hurt or with someone else?"Yoshiyas eyes widened but he knew it was too good to be true so he kept his head down and sighed. "Me and you used to be in love. That was until you…"

(sorry guys, a cliff hanger and sorry for this chapter being so short. The next chapter is going to be a flash back so be ready for younger Yoshiya, Fukumori and Daxai)