Chapter 12


The next week went by pretty slowly. Fukumori didn't show up at all and Yutaka was worried about Yoshiya who was obviously trying his hardest to hide how anxious he was, but then again, he isn't the best at hiding his emotions so it was kind of obvious.

Fukumori was at home, he didn't want to leave since his mind was still full. He had a blanket around his shoulders as he was sitting on the floor in front of his couch. In this moment he was kind of glad he lived alone so that nobody could bother him and nobody could rupture the silence that he so needed to help himself stay focused. ~Fukumoris POV~

Why did I do that?...Was I that worried about my popularity?...

He hugged himself tightly, his eyes glazed over looking at a yearbook from when he was in middle school. It was online since he couldn't find the paper version. His eyes were glued to the photo of Yoshiya, he was smiling and he looked so happy. It made Fukumoris heart ache because as soon as he looked at Yoshiya in the photos of the next year, it was different. Yoshiyas smile was forced and there was a bandage on his cheek next to what looked like a bruise.

God what was wrong with me…

He didn't know how to fix this, he didn't know what to do and now that he's starting to remember everything, he would ask Daxai but he knew that Daxai would rather die than talk to him..

Fukumori let out a heavy sigh and glanced at his phone to see unread messages from his friends who were confused on why he wasn't there but in all honesty, he could really care less, he was so disgusted with himself that he didn't even want to talk with anyone else..

"Maybe I should get his number from someone…" His thoughts halted when he remembered what one of his buddies said about Yoshiya being hated..nobody would have his number other than Yutaka and Daxai probably...unless…

He picked up his phone and called the one friend that Yoshiya owed money to (Refer back to chapter 6)It only took a couple rings before they picked up.

"Hey man, what's up?"

Fukumori was a bit annoyed to hear how calm the other male was but masked it the best he could.

"Hey, I got a few questions real quick, are you busy?"The male on the other end chuckled

"Since when did you ask if I was busy...But sure man, ask what you want."

Fukumori took a deep breath and forced the nicest voice he could. "You remember that one kid from last week, the one you called a rat?"

"Him? What about him? Do you need me to beat him up or some shit?"

"No, I was wondering if you had his number""

His number?...Why do you want that guy's number? He might think you like him or something"

The male snorted

"That gay rat probaly would think you love him."

"And if I did?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone

"Dude...that's gross…"Fukumori was trying his hardest to not say what was trying to escape his throat.

"He's ugly and he's so he's annoying and he has that dumb smile on his face all the time, plus he's probably fucking that one Idol that came to school, who knows, maybe he's fucking Yuta-"

"Say those next words. I dare you"

Fukumoris voice was cold and laced with venom, he couldn't hold back his anger. Hearing someone talk bad about Yoshiya did make him mad, but now that he remembers everything, I made his blood boil. He really wanted to beat some sense into his so called 'friend'

"Fukumori what the fuck man…"

Fukumori chuckled darkly, the male on the other side of the phone felt a cold shiver down his spine, he knew what that chuckle ment since every time it was heard, the person that made him that way was found on the ground with at least 1 thing broken, mostly always covered in their own blood.

"Why are you so mad?...Do you actually like him?..."

Fukumori was silent and without saying anything, he hung up.

~End POV~

His 'friend' looked at his dark screen. He was confused but he kinda understood what was happening. (In his own twisted way) He is now thinking that Yoshiya did something to Fukumori and now Fukumori is under that brats thumb. His 'friend" gritted his teeth and looked around the busting classroom that they were in, ignoring the questions from the girls that he was getting about Fukumori. He scanned everyone till he spotted the blond haired boy who had his earbuds in, humming quietly and minding his own business.

He stood up and walked over, ignoring the questioning looks he was getting as he crossed the room to get to Yoshiya. The teacher wasn't in the class so they couldn't stop what was about to happen….

Fukumoris 'friend' grabbed Yoshiya by his hair and pulled his head back so that he was looking up at him, Yoshiya yelped and looked up with wide eyes.

"Hey Rat."

Yoshiya felt the fear building up as he heard how angry he was but he didn't know what he was angry about. Before Yoshiya was able to open his mouth to ask why, he was lifted up by his hair. He gasped and reached up to try and get the male to let go since it started to hurt badly due to his weight only being lifted up by his short hair. He started tearing up but that was short as he was soon thrown into the hall, Fukumoris 'friend' walking out after him. Yoshiya began to crawl away but he didn't get far since the other male stomped on Yoshiyas back, making the air get forced out of his lungs. He gasped for air and looked up to see the other students from his class recording what was happening, some of them were laughing. Yoshiyas eyes filled with tears and he looked up at his attacker,

"P-Please stop...I'm sorry…"

"So you know what you did?" He said, his voice rising as he bent down and popped his knuckles before grabbing Yoshiya by his jaw and giving a sick grin that made Yoshiyas blood run cold. He knew what was coming but it still scared him, he prayed to himself that someone would come help before it happened.

On the other side of things, as soon as fukumoris 'friend' grabbed Yoshiyas hair, one of the students that were witnessing this had a feeling that they needed to do something. Instead of recording, they used their phone to call Fukumori, they didn't think they would ever need to since they got his number from one of his female friends who were obsessed with Fukumori.

The line rang a couple times before there was a click.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

The person smiled and gave a sigh of relief.

"You need to get here fast, please"

"Tsk. Why."

"Your friends are about to beat Yoshiya to a pulp…"There was silence before a loud rustle.

"Keep him busy as long as you can, I'm coming" Before he was able to say anything else, Fukumori hung up

The male that called him gave a sigh of relief before putting his phone down and running to the hall.

"Wait, stop!"

Fukumoris 'friend' glanced up at the random boy and glared, not amused that he was interrupted.


There was silence, the boy that suddenly spoke up looked at Yoshiya and saw that the poor boy was shaking violently, his eyes were puffy and it was obvious he was on the verge of tears but trying his best to hold them in.

The silence was uncomfortable, the male was just trying his best and hoping that Fukumori was going to get there quickly.

His thoughts were interrupted when there was a loud cry, he flinched as he saw Fukumoris 'friend' bend Yoshiyas fingers back at an unnatural angle. The crack made everyone that was watching flinch, Yoshiyas crying didn't help. It was obvious that he was in pain.

The cracks that echoed down the hall made everyone feel worse and worse as Fukumoris 'friend' dislocated every one of Yoshiyas fingers. Nobody had the guts to stop him so they just prayed that somebody would come...they didn't know that things were about to get so much worse.