Chapter 16


A couple weeks went by, Yutaka and Yoshiya where hanging out more often and Yutakas sister was slowly figuring herself out again. Daxai left a couple days after the incident and hasn't even tried contacting Yoshiya since he feels that Yoshiya should contact him first.

Fukumori was trying his best to reconnect with Yoshiya, he was coming over when he can to visit and make sure he was ok and so that he could have an excuse to go over on the weekend.

Things were slowly going back to normal and calm down, well as well as they could be. Yutaka, Yoshiya and Fukumori went back to their School lives. Fukumori was still as popular as ever, probably even more popular since the girls are talking about how he saved someone.

Yutaka and Yoshiya where back to hanging out on the school roof during their free time and eating lunch in the back of the cafeteria, only thing that changed with them three was that Fukumori was hanging around Yoshiya more which made everyone start to give Yoshiya more attention, which he very much disliked.

"Yoshiya! Can we ask you a few things?"

Yoshiya looked up from his homework to see two girls standing in front of him. He immediately recognized them as two of the many girls that hang around Fukumori. He let out a sigh and put his pencil down.

"Sure" He gave a small forced smile.

The girls then proceeded to sit down on both sides of Yoshiya, getting comfortable. It would seem that Yoshiya is the only uncomfortable one at the moment. He wished Yutaka was there to help get him out of the situation but knew that was slightly selfish since Yutaka was trying out for one of the school's sports teams.

After the girls took their sweet time, getting comfortable, they turned to Yoshiya who was back to working on his homework. "What does Fukumori like to do?"

"How close are you two?"

"Does he have any siblings?"

"What's his favorite food?"

Yoshiya raised a hand, stopping them both from talking.

" question at a time…" The girls nodded and gave a quiet apologies.

"Fukumori is an only child, He is my childhood friend, He loves Mongolian dishes"

The girls nodded as they wrote down notes, which confused Yoshiya. He just shrugged and picked up his pencil, only to get interrupted again by someone else, but this time it was someone he actually liked. Yutaka stood by the table, smiling with two juices in hand. "Hey study buddy, what's going on?" Yutaka motioned to the two girls sitting next to his obviously uncomfortable boyfriend.

"They where just asking me questions about Fukumori.."

Yutaka nodded and rolled his eyes but put back on his smiling facade.

"Well pretty ladies, do you mind giving me back my friend, we had a study session planned" The girls blushed slightly from Yutakas words but nodded, standing up and thanking Yoshiya quickly before running off.

Yutaka quickly took one of the seats next to Yoshiya who sighed and rested his head on Yutakas shoulder, thankful that he showed up when he did. Yoshiya closed his eyes, taking in the scent of Yutakas cologne while he could before sitting up.

"Why did they want to know about Fukufuck?" Yutaka asked while opening his juice, sliding the other to Yoshiya.

"Because they're a part of his fanclub.."

"Ahh..I see" He rubbed Yoshiyas hand with his thumb before leaning over and looking at the work that Yoshiya was doing.

"Ahhhh, Math sucks"

"It really does" Yoshiya gave a fake sob before smiling and picking up his pencil and beginning to work again.

Fukumori, who was on the other side of the library, saw what happened and wasn't too happy about it. He stood up and followed the females out, which they didn't notice until he was right behind them. They jumped and turned to his, instantly turning red once they saw who it was. To hide the anger and slight jealousy that Fukumori was feeling, he put on his traditional smirk. Placing his hand on the wall next to the two girls heads and leaning in, putting them in a kabedon without them realizing. They both looked up at him, enjoying the view.

"I saw you two speaking with my friend in the library, what did you ask him?" As he spoke, he leaned in closer, causing the girls to lean back as much as the wall would allow them.

"W-We just asked him a few things about you Fukumori-kun..."

"Oh? but it seemed he was quite busy with what he was working on."

"We didn't notice..."

"Of course you didn't." As he said this, his anger could be heard through his words. The girls where surprised by this sudden change in tone.

"Maybe be less selfish next time and be aware of what the person is doing." He snapped slightly at them before removing his hand and putting it in his pocket. The girls just nodded quickly in reply before running off down the hall. Fukumori ran a hand through his hair and sighed, hating that girls are now bothering Yoshiya more because of him.

"I feel bad...but there really isn't anything I can do right now..." He spoke softly to himself before turning and beginning to walk back to the library to check on Yoshiya and to get his stuff, he may not seem like it, but this man is on the schools volleyball team and had to go to practice. It has been a while since he last needed too since the captain didn't want him there while he was training the new members.

When he walked into the library, he spotted Yoshiya and Yutaka talking about something that seemed to make Yoshiya smile a lot. The pain in his heart is what made him look away, the dark pit forming in his stomach. He really wished he remembered sooner and maybe that would have been him, making Yoshiya smile..but was too late for him. He sighed and grabbed his things, along with his duffle bag. He took one last look at the two, sighing once more before walking out of the library and heading towards the gym. His mind racing as he did.

Yoshiya said goodbye to Yutaka who had to go back to the soccer field before gathering his things and going to see the volleyball teams practice. He heard Fukumori was on the team and wanted to go see him play. He hummed gently to himself while he walked down the halls. He wasn't in a club himself, but he did want to join one since he really didn't have anything to do after school, so while he walked passed the club rooms, he would take a look inside to see if any of them would suit him. Sadly the one that would is the drama club, but he was told the would couldn't join that quarter since they where getting ready for a school performance. He understood, but it was still kinda sad.

He walked into the gym that was holding volleyball practice and took a seat on the side lines. He was looking around for his old friend which he easily spotted. Fukumori was towards the back, stretching his arms. The people around him looked tired but he looked just fine. He was lost in thought while looking at him, not realizing that there was a ball headed straight for him, by the time he realized what was going on, it was too late.

Yoshiya got hit in the face with a fast volleyball, causing him to fall over, it knocked him out as well.