
Months flowed by and the green plants started to break the dirt and reach the optimal height to cut. I contemplated stashing a few of the leaves for when the monsters would 'forget' to feed me, but decided not too because if I were to be caught then I don't know what they would do.

Inaction from the five monsters had terrified me more than what they could physically do me. I had a role and if I fulfilled it, I would keep on living. As the months dragged by, the promise of life became less and less appealing as the isolation only continued to bring the energy in my soul down.

My daily routine of waking up, staring at the ceiling, and checking on the plants continued as my internal clock kept ticking down the days. Each day was nearly the exact same for me and the people outside the cave.

We were trapped.

Occasionally, the pale blue man with light green dreads would visit and speak again. I only noticed his presence when pressure from the floating item would begin to resonate against my eardrums.

Other than the few visits from the blue man, every few months or so small tremors would travel across the entire cave and hole. The tremors originated from above my head, reached a climax, and then the rocks and various materials in the wall would stabilize and stop vibrating.

Each time this event occurred, the same thoughts would fill my head. Where were we? Is this still Earth? If we are on Earth, how far below the surface are we?

After one of the tremor events, the pale blue man popped by and spoke to the worried five residents and they seemed to relax at his words. He was more than likely speaking about the tremors above, but fear still instilled my body every time one of the tremors occurred.

How much time had passed? According to my body, it had already surpassed three years. What is the point of this monotonous routine?

'What is there to live for?' a voice seemed to whisper from the an edge of the hole one day and play in my mind.

"There must be something out there other than this. Maybe one day I will be able to see and experience it."

I had already become used to these voices and the scrawny man outside the cave had gotten used to my rambling and didn't even attempt to question the noises that came from the hole.

'Oh yeah, and how are you going to do that with your one leg you dumb cripple?'


'What do you have to look forward to? That green seaweed to grow another inch? HAHAHA! Look how miserable you look! Your hoodie and shirt don't even fit on your torso anymore and your shorts are nothing more than strips of linen. You aren't going anywhere! HAHAHA!'

"Get out of my head." I said in a deadpan voice as my eyes became empty spheres.

'Face it, you're better off dead!' the voice yelled.

Anger began to circulate in my mind. "I said get out!"

In a mocking voice, the voice began to whisper in my other ear, 'Oh, my knight in shining white armor, please come rescue my poor soul. Nobody cares about me. Please savior, kill these monsters and release me from my prison. Hehehehe.'

Slowly my voice began to escalate as the anger exploded in my head like a volcano. I gripped both sides of my face and tore at the skin on my shallow cheeks. "AhhhhHHHH!"

The blue light above me began to fade and my vision became darker as a shadow slowly bubbled from the ground until a black blob formed in the air with only a cruel smiling set of lips defining its features.

'You are nothing. You never made anything out of the miserable life you had before this anyways. A few more years won't change anything. Eventually these creatures outside your cave will completely forget about you until you die. Then they will replace you like you were nothing to them in the first place.'

Out of fright, I backed away from the small black blob. I had seen plenty of hallucinations and heard many delusions before this, but never had it felt this real. My heart rate escalated quickly as the blue smile continued to grow that dark black exterior until the smile completely accompanied the entire visible side of the blob.

'You want those monsters out there dead, don't you? You want to rip every comfort and hope they have for their future right from under them just like had done to you. You want them to experience the pain and torture you feel everyday.'

The fear within my body dissipated as the words the dark blob spoke became persuasive to my unstable mind.

"You're right, what have these monsters done for me? Given me PERMISSION to live? Wow, how gracious of them!"

'That's right. Don't let these weaklings walk over you. You didn't choose to be put in this situation or to have these various injuries. You are better than that. You are better than them.

If anybody were looking at me at that moment, my eyes began to contain a glint of hunger in them. My hands became anxious and began to shake in excitement.

"So why don't we show them what you are capable of?" The voice questioned in an intense manner as the vibrant blue smile became dark red.

'Wait. What?'

At that moment, the blob completely vanished and the light in the room returned to its natural form with the moving faint blue liquids in the ceiling shining down on my sitting form.

'That was a hallucination, right? Hahaha, there isn't any reason for me to get my hopes up. As much I want those evil bastards dead, it isn't like I am capable of doing it either physically or mentally. Shit, I can't even convince myself to commit suicide!'

Suddenly, slight vibrations began to resonate throughout the ceiling and make their way down towards the ground where the pebbles across the floor and green leaves began to shake.

Just another tremor, nothing to worry about. Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out.

From my sitting position, I could see the people outside the small window not even react to the tremor. The five individuals either continued eating, sleeping, or relaxing.

Eventually the shakes began to shorten until I couldn't feel anything anymore. My breathing returned to normal and my hands became less sticky as my nervousness died down. It's just your average tremor, nothing to worry about.

However, my life can never be so simple.

Suddenly the vibrations came back without warning twofold and dust fell everywhere in the hole until the window wasn't visible anymore. Cracks began to form in most of the walls all across the cave as the rumbles continued. Dirt and other substances clogged my nose and I struggled to inhale as the saliva in my mouth completely dried up.

The dark blobs voice from earlier resounded in my head over and over as the shakes progressively became worse and visible cracks in the wall could be seen from my position in the hole. A major shudder came through horizontally from my left and knocked me off my feet. My body became flattened on the wall to my right as the air was completely knocked out of me and my vision began to wave as I struggled to remain conscious.

I fell back to the ground as the tremors continued to scale and my body's nerves began to send sharp pains to my brain from the previous impact. From my dusty vision, I saw the foundations in the wall begin to loosen and start to fall from the ceiling and walls. Straight above me, a giant 3 meter rock began to fall from the ceiling.

Willing energy into my hands, I pushed off the floor and rolled towards the opposite wall as the rock fell and left a massive hole in the floor. Once the rock made impact, the dirt began to crack further until major fissures began to form and dark water began to fill a majority of the crevices. The massive rock in the floor continued to make cracks and fissures until the the floor under the rock gave out and the rock fell into the water depths.

Fear coursed through my veins as I saw the cracks spread to my positions and more holes begin to form closer and closer to me. My brain was on pure instinct as I continued to dodge various smaller materials and pay more attention to the various holes in the ground.

At that moment, the entire floor felt as if it were about to cave in and a thought in the back of my head told me to see if any more debris were about to fall on my head. What I saw above me shocked me to my core.

The pulsing blue veins in the ceiling had become sporadic and pulsed brighter and with more vigor. The cracks which formed in the ceiling through the various veins made blue substance spill out of the cracks slowly until a majority of the veins were leaking blue liquid. What surprised me the most was after all the dodging and moving I had done earlier, I was directly below the large blue fissure in the wall caused by the pale blue man.

The worst part was one massive crack had just formed right when I looked up which split the fissure in two and released a torrent of blue pulsing sparkling liquid all over my body. The speed of the descending liquid didn't give me a chance to respond to the sudden crisis.

As soon as the blue liquid made contact with my entire body, every fiber on my skin began to scream in protest. Every cell of my body exploded and attempted to expel whatever the blue liquid was. Despite its best attempt, the torrent of blue liquid only continued to rush out of the massive fissure above me and slowly fill the room. Every muscle contracted and my mind went completely blank as every single portion of my body was lit on fire. Each time I thought the pain would end, it only increased until the blue substance burned through my muscles and reached my bones where it felt as if the liquid covered and stuck to it. The blue liquid replaced the blood running to my heart and my heart pumped the blue liquid into my brain.

The last thing I remember before I lost consciousness was the floor caving in on itself and my body falling headfirst into the murky waters below.