Lame Chapter 6

(A/N: First part cliche. Yes. But it'll make sense later. Maybe.)

Garou sat next to the willow tree, looking out over the Han River below. The sun was setting over the horizon, the sky turning a light pink color. He sat on this hill, looking over the landscape, a few random bikers and joggers walking about. He was at the edge of the Gangbuk region, at an area bordering Seongbuk. The geography in the area was a bit confusing, Garou got lost easily.

(A/N: I dunno Korea's geography very well. Been to Busan a few times but never Seoul.)

Garou quite liked this area. From here, the view was pretty good, and the air was pretty clean, even though Seoul was quite a huge city.

Just sitting here, enjoying the mood was quite a beautiful thing. Serenity was a thing Garou actually quite enjoyed, contradicting his….. Nasty personality.

As he sat there, the wind blowing in his face, and the faint scent of barbeque, he heard a pair of choppy footsteps approaching. Two people. Probably about seventeen to eighteen years old.

"Hmm…? There is someone here?" One of them spoke slowly, with Garou turning around.

In front of him were two teens. One was tall and big, with a small beard, while the other was shorter, with scars on his arms and a bushy cut. They both wore black hoodies, with the logo of a dog biting a cross on them. God Dog. Garou had heard of them somewhat. The supposed rulers of the Gangbuk Region.

"Yes…?" Garou turned, looking up at the two figures.

"Oh. You don't seem to be from around here… Right?" The big guy crouched down, showing his crooked teeth as he smiled.

"No?" Garou stared back at the big guy, not flinching in the slightest.

"Heh. Then lemme show you who the rulers of Gangbuk are…" The smaller God Dog member crouched before him, also grinning.

"Oh?" That was all Garou said, as he smirked a little.

Getting up, Garou stood, towering over the smaller guy and head to head with the big guy, his muscles rippling. "I really don't get it. Isn't it the South Korean Government?" He scratched his head, faking confusion.

"Hm? Wrong answer, it's the God Dogs. We'll show you-" As the smaller guy, still sort of confident in himself punched out, Garou evaded it, his leg rising up, before smashing the big guy into the ground with a loud thump. Catching the fist of the smaller guy easily, Garou bent down, as if mocking the smaller guy's height, before he drilled a fist into the God Dog's abdomen, sending him spluttering down the hill, and onto the ground, groaning.

The big guy tried to get up, so Garou helped him, yanking the guy's collar, up and into the air.

Struggling, the God Dog's eyes widened as Garou cocked his arm back, and directly threw him down the hill with a single arm.

"So…. What's with the unnecessary provocation?" Garou scratched his head, as the two below got up, their expressions contorted in fear and pain. "Ya know….. Since I like this place, I'll keep it. From now on, this hill belongs to me. Since claiming land around here has become so easy….."

The two ran away, glaring back at him in fear and anger as they disappeared from view. Garou sighed, going back to looking at the sunset. What was this, a cliche Delinquent FIghting Manhwa? Or maybe a Chinese Novel?

Seriously, kids these days really just love randomly picking fights. It was sorta retarded honestly, but Garou couldn't complain. More fun for him at least.

Next Day...

"What a surprise! So…. You beat up Vasco?" Garou looked at Daniel with surprise. It didn't seem like something Daniel would do, after all, new body or not. Some character development….

"Well….." Daniel scratched his head nervously, not sure how his friend would react.

"Whatever. Not does it really matter…. I mean, if he comes after you later, unless he tries to beat you to death, which will probably be unlikely, I won't step in. You got this fancy new body of yours so try not to be a wimp, kay?" Leaning against a tree, Garou adjusted his gray sweatshirt, yawning.

Daniel looked at Garou conflictingly. For one, he didn't want to overly rely on him, but also, now that Garou acted as a deterrent, things had gotten a lot better for him. But then again, his friend didn't give him much of an option…

"By the way…. I know about the depressing sympathy wimps like you have with each other, but what are you, a wimp collector?" Garou laughed a little, referring to the fact that Daniel seemed to force random wimps to sit with him during lunch. Common sense dude… "And that commotion of yours…. Pretty funny I'd say…. Classic righteous hero situation….." Patting Daniel on the back, Garou left, having something else to do.

Daniel looked back, not really knowing what to do.

Few Minutes Later….

"God….. This school is full of psychos…." Garou chuckled as he heard people talk about the "Slave Auction". People were openly talking about it, casually saying "Slave Auction" as if it were some casual phrase….. It was beautiful really. Not a single one of them had probably ever witnessed the devil named, "Political Correctness". Actually, it was more Tweeter, but whatever…

He walked off campus, buying some kimbap at a random convenience store nearby. Chewing it as he walked, Garou sighed, being nostalgic.

(A/N: Sorry for the late chapter. Actually, not really. The reason? I'm lazy. Got that? Good. Bye.)