Chapter 6: Making Friends

(3rd Person: POV)

Sitting at her desk Jean looked over the assessments Roman had completed to assess his academic skill level and was suprised.

Due to the fact he had answered almost every single question on the assessments correctly.

Having been informed that Roman had been living on the streets since he was twelve, when his mutant abilties first manifested, Jean couldn't believe he was easily able to complete and correctly high school level questions.

Never mind the college level questions that had been placed in the assessments.

'I wonder. Do Romans abilties give him enhanced intelligence or does he have just naturally higher intellect than most people?' Jean thought.

Since depending on the answer to the question she just asked herself it would affect how she and the other teachers and staff at the school structured Romans educational plan going forward.

Though disregarding that Jean knew one thing for certain.

Roman had the making of a bright future ahead of him.


(Roman: POV)


Sneezing into my left arm I used my sleeve to wipe my snooze quickly.

Wondering where that sneeze came from.

I hope no one is talking about me.

Exiting the mansion I started simply wandering around the property, surrounded by the other students since by the time I finished those academic assessments classed had ended for the day.

Looking around as my legs carried me I noticed several of the students actively using their own powers, along with a couple playing sports, and others just leisurely enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.

This is truly a nice sight to see.

It's also nothing more than a bubble that will burst for these kids as soon as they leave this school.

No matter what Charles tells them.

The world is not a kind place after all.

Yet Charles keeps trying to teach these kids it is.

Which in my opinion means he's honestly doing more harm than good.

That's just one of the many reasons I cannot stay an X-men.

Continuing my stroll I stopped in my tracks when I heard Bobby call out to me.

"Hey Roman, over here."

Turning in his direction I saw him sitting on a bench under a tree, along with three others beside him.

People I recognzied.

John Allderyce.

Katherine Pryde.

While the final person is a face I didn't expect to see.

It's Rogue.

'Wait, if Rogue is here then does that mean the events of X1 have already taken place?'

As I thought about it for a moment I realized they hadn't.

Since based on my memories I haven't heard anything about Senator Kelly calling for a Mutant Registration Act.

Oh and speaking of that racist when the time comes I'll take care of him.

But back my main point.

I don't think X1 has taken place. Plus looking at Rogue she's the same age as me.


Yet the film took place when she was seventeen.

But with the marvel movie universes all jumbled up together in this world the timeline of most events must also follow that logic.

'Dammit. My head hurts just thinking about those implications.'

Well if X1 didn't take place that goods.

It means now I can focus all my energy on preparing for the events of X2.

Just you wait Stryker, your days are numbered.

After Bobby called out to me I walked over to him and the others.

The moment I arrived Allen spoke.

"So, you're the new guy Bobby has been talking about huh?"

"Yep. Unless there's another new guy I don't know about." I retorted. "The names Roman Maxwell."

"Nice to meet you Roman, my names Katherine. But everyone calls me Kitty." Kitty explained to me.

"I'm Anna but people around here call me Rogue." Rogue explained. Her charming southern accent coming through as she did so.

"And the hot head is Allen." Bobby said.

"Haha." Allen dryly laughed. "Very funny ice boy." He spoke. Allen then turned his attention back to me. "So, now that all boring introduction stuff is out of way I have to ask, what's your thing?"

"My thing?" I questioned.

"Your power. What can you do?" Allen asked me.

"Oh nothing much. Just this." I spoke.

I then grasped the handle of the bench with my left hand and focused.

A few seconds after I did so my hand, and the entire part of my arm just below my elbow transformed into the metal from the bench handle.

Seeing this Allen and everyone else's eyes went wide in shock.

If this is there reaction right now I can't wait to see how they'll react to everything else I can do.

They haven't seen anything yet.

Focusing on my left arm I turned it back to normal.

I then walked over fo the tree and touched it with my right hand and focused.

Right after I did so my arm started transforming into wood and within a few minutes my entire body was made of wood.

'So weird.'

I know I am made entirely of wood right now, and yet it doesn't feel like I am.

I'm breathing normally, I can feel the air enter and exit my lungs, I can feel the gentle breeze on my face, etc.

Yet right now I am nothing more than sentient wood.

I wonder if this is how Keivn felt everytime he used his powers in the Ben 10 series?

I guess only time will tell.

Once a few more minutes passed I willed myself to revert to normal.

The second after I completed my transformation Allen spoke up.

"Dude, that was cool." He said.

"Thanks." I replied.

Once I did so the others asked me a few more questions about my powers and I answered them.

Though I kept my answers vague.

Namely because we just met and I don't trust them all that much yet, and also because when the day comes that I leave this place I don't want them telling Xavier, or in Allen's case Magneto, anything in depth about my powers.

When I finished answering all their questions the four of us made small talk and as we did so I hoped this to be the start of my first friendships in this world.