Chapter 20: The Brotherhood of Mutants

Reaching the exit of the warehouse I opened it and then stepped outside.

Immediately closing the door behind me after I did.

Once this was done I turned my attention to the Brotherhood.

While at the same time using my natural and magical senses to see if any other members of their group were lurking around.

Like Mystique.

Upon sensing no one else around but the four in front of me I released a small amount of tension from my body.

But a only small amount.

Since I still have to deal with the four in front of me.

Three of which will be easy.

Though the one that worries me, Magneto, not so much.

Since the so-called 'Master of Magnetism' is no pushover.

It was stated several times in the comics he is one of the most powerful individuals on Earth.

And if he can do even a third of the shit he did in the comics then...wish me luck if it comes down to a fight.

Though I am hoping it does not.

Taking a few steps forward I stood in front of a floating Magneto.

"Greetings." He said.

"The same." I replied. "So I have to ask, why are you here Magneto?"

"I see you know who I am. Good." He said. "That saves us both a bit of time. Now then Roman Maxwell, as to the reason I am here it's simple. I would like for you to join our cause." Erik said.

Using my full name when he spoke to let me know he knows exactly who I am.

What a shrewd old man he is.

Then again he was stated to have genius-level intellect in both comics anc films so I'll just roll with it.

"No way thank you. I do not feel like being labeled as a terrorist." I replied.

"We are not terrorist's. We are simply doing what needs to be done to make sure people like us have a fighting chance." Erik retorted.

"By killing and destroying indiscriminately. No, that is not the answer." I spoke.

"Then what do you suggest? That we do nothing as we and are fellow Mutants are driven to extinction." Erik said.

"I am not suggesting that at all." I said. "What I am suggesting is not going around slaughtering and terrorizing people who are simply trying to live their lives. I am suggesting we educate the world about those of us with the X-gene. I am suggesting a no more "us vs. them" mentally. Since from what I can see that does not seem to be working for you and your people. As well as those who hate us. Also please do not refer to me as a Mutant. I find that term extremely racist. Instead call me a metahuman."

"Metahuman?" Erik questioned.

"Yes, metahuman. The term I came up with to refer to people with abilties and powers beyond those of normal humans. Like those of us who get our power thanks to the X-gene or people like Captain America." I explained.

Since right now Steve is the best example I can use for a metahuman who wasn't born with their powers.

As I spoke I noticed Magneto and his allies actually listening to the words I am speaking.

Except for Mesmero.

Noting this I turned my focus back to the big boss, Erik.

"While I admit your ideas do have merit, they will not work. For there will always be those who hate us for what we are and will do everything in their power to see us dead." Erik spoke.

"Oh I know that very well. And don't worry, I already have plans in the work to deal with people like that." I said in a dark tone.

"So you say. But from what I see all you have are words." Erik said.

"Right now that is all I have. But give me a few years and I'll be able to make my words into reality." I explained. "On that note I have a proposition for all of you here today. Work with me. Help my plans come to fruition and I promise you it will lead to a better future for all those born with the X-gene. Including yourselves. Since I can only assume none of you want to live your entire lives labeled as terrorists. On the run. No home. It's not a life I would want to live. That's why I ask you all again, join me."

Once I finished making my pitch no one spoke for several seconds, until the silence was broken by James Madrox.

"So kid, if I join you what will I get?" He asked.

"Well for starters you'll be able to live a normal life. Secondly, I'll make it worth your while. You'll get a sizable paycheck along with full insurance coverage across the board. I'll even give you hazard pay if you choose to take on certain assignments should you choose to work for me." I explained.

"I see." James said. "Sign me up then." He spoke.

James then walked over to my side.

Magneto, Toad, nor Mesmero making a move to stop him.


As James reached me I extended my hand and he moved to shake it.

"Welcome aboard. You won't regret this." I said. Absorbing James' DNA and powers as I did.

Since his ability is basically the Shadow Clone Justsu from Naruto.

Of which there are many many uses for.

Finishing mine and James handshake, and my absorption of his DNA and powers, I turned my attention back to Magneto. "So, what do you think?"

"You have given me much to think about." He replied. "I will need time to consider all you have said."

"Sure. I didn't expect an answer from you right away. Take all the time you need." I spoke.

Though I hope Erik doesn't take too long.

I also hope he agrees to join me and turn away from his extremist views and path.

Because if not...

Well we'll cross that bridge when and if we come to it.

Having concluded his business Magneto and his two remaining allies left without any trouble.

After they did do I returned to the warehouse with James and introduced him to Emma and Sage.

While also using my telepathy to scan his surface thoughts.

Since I have no idea if him wanting to work for me could simply be a ploy to infiltrate my organization.

Which I know sound paranoid but as the saying goes: It's not paranoia if they are actually out to get you.

And with how many groups in this world are actually out to get people like me I would rather be safe than sorry.

Finding nothing dangerous in James' mind I stopped scanning his thoughts.

I then focused my attention on another matter.

The fact Mesmero was working with the Brotherhood.

Which is maling me nervous since in several of the comics and television shows in my previous life he was a servant of Apocalypse.

Who is still out there since the X-men didn't face him in Egypt in the 80's.

'If it's not one thing it's another.' I thought.

Meaning I need to move faster.

Otherwise all my plans will coming crashing down.

And that is something I will never allow to happen.

Meaning its time to get to work.


'Fools. What fools they all are.' Mesmero thought to himslef.

Alone in his room at the Brotherhood's current hideout.

'For no matter what they do it will not change the fact that once my master rises again this world will belong to him and him alone. And fools like Magneto and that pathetic boy will be no more.'

Putting a deranged smile on his face Mesmero began darkly chuckling to himself.

Counting down the days until his master returned.

Whose name is none other than Apocalypse.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I wanted to use it to show that Roman isn't a kill everyone first kind of guy.

He will give some people chances to change like Magneto.

But only one.

As for Mesmero I wanted to use him to foreshadow Apocalypse.

I also wanted to show several lines of the story will be happening at the same time.

Not always with the MC Roman in the know until matter slap him in the face.

So until next time.

Oh and if you want a list of all the MC current powers it is in the auxiliary chapter.

Which I will update every time the MC gets a new power.