Chapter 28: A Series of Meetings II

(3rd Person: POV)

A pair of Calvin Klein sunglasses resting atop her head, Emma sat at her table in the New York hotel restaurant she was currently at.

Her eyes focused on the cityscape off to the side as she waited for the person she had scheduled a meeting with to arrive.

As the time continued to pass Emma felt herself becoming hungry.

So she ordered some Brunch.

It was one of the reasons she had scheduled the meeting in a restaurant in the first place.

As her food arrived Emma noticed a group of high-power business men enter the restaurant, and how several of their gazes landed on her as she did.

The moment after this happened Emma used her telepathic abilties on the business men to make sure they didn't even attempt to pester her.

Partly because Emma wanted to enjoy her food in peace, and partly because she was already interested in someone.


When they first met all those months ago Emma couldn't have even imagined she would develop anything more than a working relationship with Roman.

But as they spent time together her emotions slowly started to change.

At first she simply considered him a friend, but then that feeling began to change as well.

Emma saw how Roman cared for those around him, how he wouldn't let anything stand in the way of him reaching his goals, how he treated those who became comrades to him like her and how he crushed his enemies or those of his comrades like she and him did to Vinny in Vegas.

Emma began loving how Roman is man of focus, commtiment, and will.

Now Emma saw Roman as someone she wouldn't mind being in a relationship with.

It was why she recently started flirting with and trying to seduce him.

Which Roman didn't mind and even went along with.

That only made Emma start to yearn for him even more.

Licking her lips Emma stopped eating for a moment as her mind started conjuring images of her and Roman together.

They were in his office, kissing intensely.

Then suddenly Roman broke the kiss and forced her down onto the desk, where he then began tearing off her clothes and then his own before-

'No. What are you doing Emma Frost?!' She screamed internally.

Which made her come back to her senses.

After calming down Emma was surprised at her own actions.

No man had ever made her act in such a manner in public in her entire life.

What makes it even more unbelievable is that it is someone who is younger than her.

Emma should be the one in control since she is older, and yet here she is on the opposite side.

This made her feel strange and yet Emma liked this new feeling she was experiencing.

Though before she could ponder it Emma spotted the person she had scheduled to meet with.

A woman with short black hair and dark eyes, wearing a dark pantsuit.

An attorney by the name of Jeryn "Jeri" Hogarth.

Spotting Emma, and recognizing her as the person she was scheduled to meet with, Jeri walked over to her table and took the empty seat.

"Ms. Frost. Nice to meet you." Jeri said.

"The same Ms. Hogarth." Emma replied.

"So, would you like to get down to business or I can wait until you finish your meal." Jeri said.

"Thank you, but I'd rather we get straight to the matter I wish to discuss with you today. I know you are probably a busy woman and I do not wish to take up too much of your time." Emma explained.

"Okay then. Let's get to it." Jeri said. "On the phone your employer a Mr. Maxwell said you had an offer for me?"

"Yes." Emma replied. She then reached into her purse and passed an Abstergo Industries business card, which as the CEO she recently had made, across the table to Jeri.

Who then picked it up and examined it.

"This is the company my employer Mr. Maxwell founded. Where I am also the CEO. And as to why we decided to call this meeting today it is because our company requires legal representation and we would like to personally hire you and your current firm to represent us in those matters."

"I see." Jeri said in an even tone. "Why us through? We are New York firm and your company is based in Jersey City."

"That is true. But we will be doing a lot of business in New York, so we felt having a New York firm representing us would be best. Especially since a number of our employees will be New York residence. As to why we want your firm to represent us Jeri, it is because of you yourself. Mr. Maxwell is very impressed with your history, like the fact you started your career at Rand Enterprises. Sure you were simply an intern, but still it speaks to your skills and drive. As well as the rest of your legal career."

"I see." Jeri spoke.

"Yes." Emma said. "And of course we know you can't make any decisions until you talk to your partners. But we hope you will take our offer under serious consideration." She said. "Oh and one more thing."

Emma took out a folded piece of paper and slid it across the table to Jeri.

Taking it she opened it, and the second after she did Jeri's eyes widened for a moment before returning to normal and landi g on Emma.

"Am, what is this number?" Jeri asked.

Since the piece of paper Emma just handed Jeri had a rather large number on it.

"That is the retainer fee our company is willing to pay to retain you and your firms legsl services. And before you ask, yes that number is real and something we are more than willing to pay." Emma explained.

"I...I see." Jeri spoke. "Well Ms. Frost you've given me a lot to consider. So I'll take this back to my partners and firm and we'll give your company a decisions as quickly as possible." She explained.

"Thank you Ms. Hogarth. That is all we're asking for." Emma replied.

Though considering the size of the retainer fee Emma was pretty much certain of the answer Jeri and her firm would give in regards to representing Abstergo Industries in legal matters.

Which brought a small smile to her face.

The meeting over Jeri left and Emma went back to enjoying her meal.

The food tasting even better than before.

Probably because Emma herself had just tasted victort in no uncertain terms.


A/N: Boom Jeri Hogarth my people!

I of course would not forget to add the Defenders into this story.

Since I love those shows.