Chapter 30: Man of Steel

(Roman Duplicate: POV)

Pulling the parka jacket around I was wearing tighter I continued my trek along the forest path I am walking.

Listening to the snow crunch under my feet and watching a gentle snowfall around me as I did.

'This scenery is truly beautiful.' I thought.

Marveling at nature's majesty.

It's the little things like this that make life truly worth living.

I continued trekking on the path until I reached its end.

When I did so I spotted my destination.

A farm.

Where two children are currently playing in the front yard.

"Higher big brother, higher." A little girl happily exclaimed.

As she did the boy holding her lifted her higher in the air like she asked him to, a happy and content smile on his face.

Seeing this I couldn't help but smile, remembering the times I had such an experience in my previous life with my own little sister.

Well the main me, since I am just a duplicate.

And isn't that a bit of a mind fuck?

I am me and at the same time I know I am not the original.

It's weird.

Maybe that's the reason why the original Roman only creates up to two copies of himslef at a time and forbids the rest of us from copying ourselves unless in the most dire of circumstances.

Though because I am him I can see why he put such rules in place.

After all, we definitely want to avoid a Twice situation and keep our sanity intact.


Once the brother sister duo finished playing and went bsck inside their home I made my move.

Reaching into my pocket I took out a signal jammer and activated it.

Just in case anyone was survelling the farm.

Once that was done I cast an illusion spell across the entire property so that it looked entirely normal.

In case physical survelliance was in place.

I mean no offense, but this is Russia after all. You can never be too careful.

My preparations complete I started making my way to the front door.

Upon reaching it I knocked.

The second after I did so it was opened and I found myself staring at the chest of one Piotr Rasputin.

Also known as Colossus.

[Insert Image of Colossus here]

'Wow he really is a big guy.' I thought.

Craning my head up so I could look Piotr in his eyes.

Now I'm not small but Piotr makes me look like a pebble standing next to a boulder.

I'd put his height at at least 1.98 meters (6ft.7in.) and his body weight at at least 300 pounds.

So even without his powers he's a heavy hitter.

And just imaging how hard he would hit with his powers gives my entire body a ghostly dull ache.

"Hello, who are you?" Piotr asked me.

"I'm someone who would like to discuss something with you and your family, may I come in?" I asked.

When I did so Piotr gave me a questioning look.

"Don't worry friend I am not with the government. I promise." I spoke.

Since I guess my actions do make me look like on of their agents.

Piotr stared at me for several more seconds before coming to a decision.

"Ok." He said.

Piotr then stepped back and allowed me inside his family home, closing the door behind me as he did so.

Once this happened he lead me into the kitchen where I saw his family seated around the table eating.

His grandparents, since his parents are both deceased, and his little sister.

One Illyana Rasputin.

The future hero known as Magik.

[Insert Image of Illyana Rasputin/Magik here]

A girl who has the potential to become one of the most powerful sorcerer's on the entire planet. A girl who could rule over and harness the power of a dimension known as Limbo. A girl who is the target of the creepy, immortal, interdimensional stalker known as Belasco.

Just standing next to Illyana I could feel the innate magic rolling off her in waves.

And this is without her awakening her X-gene abilties which give her her connection to the Limbo Dimension.

It's wonderful and at the same time terrifying.

Knowing that if Illyana takes the wrong path she could become one of the most magical threats to our dimension.

Which is actually true of a lot of people who get their abilties from the X-gene.

Since for some reason I've noticed that those who have an active X-gene end up being really compatible with magic or gain access to their own personal dimensons.

Three prime examples being Illyana, as I just said, her brother Piotr, and even Scott Summers. Since Cyclops gets his powers from a Red Ruby dimension.

I wonder, were those with active an active X-gene meant to use magic all along?

A question for a later date.

Right now I need to focus on the task at hand.

The moment Piotr and I entered the kitchen his family stopped eating and looked in our direction.

"Piotr, who is this?" His grandmother asked.

"A man who says he has something to discuss with us." Piotr spoke.

"Hello to you all. My name is Roman Maxwell." I said.

Speaking in fluent Russian.

I decided to memorize several languages a while ago for situations like this.

Plus it was fun to do and I enjoyed it.

"You speak good Russian." Piotr grandfather said. "But you yourself are not from the Motherland. From the way you carry yourself with confidence I say you are maybe from somewhere in the West."

"You are correct sir. I am an American." I replied.

"An American you say." Piotr mused. "Mr. Maxwell why is an American like you on my family farm?"

"Well Piotr it's most do to you." I spoke. "Something has happened to you recently right? You've gone through a sort of change correct?"

The moment I asked my questions the entire family tensed up.

"Hey there is no need to be afraid. I am not here to hurt your family. Especially since I am special in the same way Piotr is." I said.

I then used my telekinesis to float the silverware onto the table into the air and then moved it to spin around me in a cirle.

Placing if bsck on the table after a few seconds.

"My god." Piotr's grandmother spoke.

"Comrade, you are like me?" Piotr asked.

"Yes." I replied. "Now then onto the main reason I am here. Piotr I would like you to come work for me. You see a short while ago I founded a company. It's still small but growing and needs good people to help it grow. Which is why I began searching for such people and in my search I came across you. From what I have heard your abilties are nothing to sneeze at and would be invaluable in helping me achieve the goals I am working towards. So, what do you think?"

"It sounds good, but my family." Piotr spoke.

"Oh worry not, I was planning on bringing them to the states alongside you." I explained. "In addition I will help them get settled and even pay for Illyana's schooling. Since a young girl like her needs a good education. I will also pay for any further education you wish to undertake."

"Truly?" Piotr questioned.

"Yes." I replied. "It would be no issue for me to do so. Since you would be one of my people and I take care of them. Like they were my own family."

"Oh America. Are we going?" Illyana asked.

Me making a mental note to introduce her to the Ancient One as soon as possible.

Even if she has already selected Steven Strange as the next Sorceror Supreme of Earth there's no reason she can't meet and train other candidates who fit the requirements.

"I mean." Piotr trailed off.

Turning his head as he was unable to deal with the hopeful stare Illyana is giving him.

"Grandmother, grandfather, what do you both think?" Piotr asked.

"America sounds nice." Poor's grandmother said.

"If you go we will follow." Piotr's grandfather spoke.

After hearing his grandparents voice their opinions Piotr faced me once more.

"Well comrade Maxwell, it looks like we will be taking you up on your offer." Piotr spoke.

"Excellent." I said.

Once I did so I instructed the Rasputin family to gather everything they wanted to take with them.

Which they quickly did.

After they were done I opened up a portal to a safehouse I created in Jersey City.

The first of many.

Seeing me open the portal the eyes of the entire Rasputin family went wide.

"What is this?" Piotr asked me.

"Magic." I said.

Smirking as I did.

"So cool." Illyana mused. "I want to learn magic." She said.

Having no idea the impact of her own words.

I couldn't help but chuckle at this.

As I did so the Rasputin family crossed through the portal and I followed behind them.

Having recruited some more amazing people.