Chapter 37: Lovers & Morning Report

As the sun hit my face I opened my eyes.

Feeling incredibly content.

That kiss with Emma last night really helped melt all the stress out of my body.

So that means to live a stress-free live I should kiss her more often.

Which I definitely plan on doing now.

Slipping out of bed I headed to the bathroom to take care of morning business.

I then dressed in some blue jeans, a long-sleeve Red Nike shirt, and some white Nike Trainers before making myself a breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

The breakfast of champions.

Once I finished with my meal I cleaned up before portaling to my personal lab in the Command Center.

[Image Here]

Arriving I got ready to work on some person stuff, since today is Saturday, but before I could I was spun around and when I came to a stop I was looking at Emma.

"Good morning Em-mmhh!"

I mumbled in surprise.

As Emma cut me off by planting a kiss on my lips.

Using tongue on me like I did to her last night.

This time she dominated the battle of tongues.

But that was fine with me.

A minute passed before Emma broke the kiss, licking her lips and giving me a sultry look after she did.

Emma also squeezed my ass.

"My, what a nice but you have." She said.

"All the better for you to admire and squeeze my dear." I replied. "So, is this how you're going to greet me every morning from now on?"

"If that's what you want." Emma replied.

"It is." I said.

I then leaned back in and captured Emma's lips with my own once more.

Moaning into each others mouths we enjoyed a very passionate make-out session.

But it's like they say: All good things must end.

Using our willpower we pulled apart from each and straightened ourselves out.

"So, does this mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend now?" I asked.

"We aren't children, so please do not use such childish terms Roman." Emma said. "But to answer your question, yes we are."

"Well then I'll see you later girlfriend." I playfully said.

"Yes. Later boyfriend." Emma replied.

She then left my lab.

Once I was sure she was gone I did a happy dance for five minutes straight before calming down.

Because only a totally moron wouldn't be excited to have a woman like Emma Frost as their lover.

Cyclops in the comics truly ruined a good thing.

Then again considering his track record with telepathic women and relationships I'm not surprised.

Moving on.

After basking in the afterglow of Emma and I becoming an official couple I got down to business.

Moving over to one of the various workstations I took a seat.

"Good morning, Roman." ADAM. The moment I sat down.

"Morning ADAM. How are you today?" I asked him.

"The same as usual. I have not gone through any significant changes since yesterday." He told me. "But it seems you and Ms. Frost have. I am happy for you both. May your relationship be long and fruitful."

"Thanks ADAM." I said. "So, let's begin the daily report. What have you got for me this morning?"

Shortly after I built ADAM I gave him a list of tasks and goals I needed him to complete, and as things have progressed I have only added to that list.

Which is why every day, preferrably in the mornings, ADAM informs me on his progress in completing the various task and goals I assign to him.

Which can be anything from locating certain individuals to monitoring for certain events, to even doing something related to the company.

But no matter what the task or goal is ADAM works to complete it in a timely manner.

Making me realize once again creating him was the right decision.

"First Dr. Noah Burstein has started working at Seagate Penitentiary."

"Oh." I mused.

A bit happy as I did so.

Because now that Dr. Burstein is working at Seagate it means it won't be long until my man Luke Cage appears.

The bulletproof black man.

I can't wait to meet him.

"Alright. Keep monitoring Dr. Burstein and the Seagate as I instructed."

"It shall be done." ADAM said. "Now then, on to item number two. I have all the information regarding William Stryker's base. Just say the word and I will be ready to create a plan of attack for you and the others to follow."

"Gooood." I said like Palpatine.

A dark grin on my face.

Since now that I have everything I need to to take down Stryker's base his days truly are numbered.

"Thank you Roman. Now here is the final item on today's report. The company satellite's have finished being constructed and will be launched within the next month."

"Excellent." I said.

No, that's really good.

I need my own eyes in the sky. It will make various tasks a lot easier to complete once I do.

"Yes.I find this progress forward excellent as well." ADAM spoke. "So I assume now that I have finished my daily report you will be working on some of your personal projects?"

"You assume correctly my friend." I replied.

I then pulled up various files on the computer terminal in front of me, specifically the files on Adamantium and various Adamantium-related projects I secured during our attack on the Facility yesterday.

Once this was done I cracked my neck. Since it's time to get to work.

But there's one more thing I need to take care of before I do.

"ADAM play No Sleep Til Brooklyn." I said.

Because there's no way I can work without my jams.

"It shall be done." ADAM said.

He then cranked up my jams just the way I like it.

Once he did so I got to work.


'Back In Black' blaring in the background I typed away on various holographic screens floating in the air in front of me.

Having been working in my lab undisturbed for hours.

As I put the finishing touches on one of my personal projects the music suddenly cut off and ADAM spoke up.

"Roman, I have urgent news." He said.

"What is it?" I asked him. Saving the files I had been working on as I did.

"I have located the one who calls himself Kilgrave."

The moment I heard this I instantly became serious.

"Contact Emma and Domino and have them meet me in the conference room as soon as possible. Tell then it's a matter of utmost importance." I spoke.

Which it is.

"As you wish." ADAM replied.

He then went off to do as I asked.

Meanwhile I started making my way to the conference room.

Already planning multiple scenarios for Kilgrave's death in my head.

For he is too dangerous to be left alive.

So I'll do the entire world a favor and remove that parasite from it.