Chapter 56: Raining Hell On The Hellfire Club Part V

(3rd Person: POV)

As the battle kicked off both sides began making those moves.

Reaching Donald Pierce with amazing speed Laura kicked him in the chest.

Yet the cyborg man didn't go down.

Instead he grabbed hold of Laura's foot planted in his chest and tossed her toward the foyers left wall.

But just as this happened Piotr charged at Donald, his right shoulder aimed at his chest.

Having had to deal with Laura Pierce had no time to dodge.

Thus Piotr's shoulder charge connected.

When it did the Russian metahuman drove Donald Pierce all the way into one of the foyers wall. Small cracks forming in it as Donald's back connected with it.

At the same time this happened Laura came into contact with the left wall Donald had thrown her towards.

But instead of crashing into it she managed to reorient herself in the air, and plant her feet on the wall. Then using it as a springboard she returned to the ground.

"Argh!!" Laura snarled.

She then headed in the direction of Piotr and Pierce.

While this happened the rest of the Guardians dealt with Shaw and the others.

Concentrating with all might Emma telepathically attacked Shaw, Reeva, and Benedict. All in order to keep them from using their powers.

Which was working extremely well against Reeva.

Who was paralyzed in place, as still as a statue.

But in regards to Shaw and Benedict, Emma's mental assault was having hardly any affect at all.

Both men it seemed were naturally resistant to her telepathic powers.

Even so Emma didn't stop her assault on either men.

For she wanted to give her teammates the time they needed to take them, and Reeva down.

Which they were working towards.

Quickly closing the distance to Reeva James took his Adamantium knives and rakes them right across her throat.

Thus disabling Reeva from the battle.

"No!!!" Shaw and Benedict screamed in unison as blood leaked out of the wound of Reeva's throat. It's volume only increasing as the seconds past.

"You animals!" Shaw shouted.

He then released a wave of energy from his body in the direction of Emma and the others.

"Incoming!" Emma shouted.

Immediately after she did she canceled her telepathic assault on Shaw and Benedict and shifted into her diamond form.

Using her powers Clarice opened up a portal to directly behind Shaw and his group.

She then went through it, along with Neena and Roberto who were right beside her.

Once they were through she closed the portal immediately.

Taking to the skies James flew out of range of the energy wave released by Shaw.

So Emma was the only one hit by it.

But thanks to the combination of her new costume, and the incredible resilience of her diamond form, she survived Shaws attack entirely unscathed.

However immediately after Shaw finished his energy wave he unleashed a concentrated energy blast directly Emma.

Taking the full force of the attack Emma was blown back and threw the air.

Right into one of the foyers wall.

As she hit it she crashed through it.

Seeing this Shaw put a smirk on his face. As did Benedict.

Though the rest of the Guardians didn't like it one bit.

Ignoring his body with solar energy Roberto raised both his arms in the direction of Benedict and fire off several concussive blasts.

But before any of his attacks could connect to Kine Shaw moved in front of them and took them directly.

Absorbing the energy blasts into himself.

Increasing his own power.

"Dammit!" Roberto cursed.

"No time to worry about that Sunspot." Neena spoke.

"Oh, how right you are young lady." Shaw said.

He then fired off concentrated blasts of energy in the direction of Neena's group.

Moving they all dodged the energy blasts.

Seeing his teammates were in trouble James got ready to go assist them.

But before he could be suddenly felt immense pain throughout his entire body.


Shouting at the top of his lungs James fell and crashed into the ground.

Immediately beginning to writhe and flail on it after he did.

Courtesy of Benedict Kine.

Who is currently using his powers on James to make him feel unimaginable pain.

"Warpath is down!" Clarice shouted.

"Worry more about yourself bitch!" Donald Pierce shouted.

Then a second after he did Laura crashed into Clarice, causing both women to hit the ground.

Seeing this Donald couldn't stop a smirk from forming on his face.

Cracking his neck he turned his attention to Piotr.

Who was currently picking himself up from the ground.

A small crater in the wall behind him. Formed by him. When Pierce tossed him into the wall a moment ago.

When he and Laura were battling him.

Since no matter how many blows the pair landed on Pierce he just wouldn't go down.

Then when a moment of opportunity presented itself he gained the upper hand.

"So you big Russian lug, where were we?" Pierce rhetoricallly asked Piotr. "Oh that's right. I was kicking your ass. Guess I'll get back to that." He smugly spoke.

Pierce then started walking towards Piotr.

Seeing this Laura untangled herself from Clarice.

She then rushed across the room and jumped on Donald's back.

"Argh!"'Donald screamed in surprise.

But that only lasted for a moment before he began shaking and grabbing at Laura to remove her from his back.

"Get off!" Pierce screamed at the top of his lungs.

But Laura ignored him.

Taking both sets of her claws she dug them into the man's shoulders.


Donald screamed.

His knees bent slightly.

Even so they didn't touch the ground.

Not that it mattered.

Since thanks to Laura's actions Piotr was able to return to his feet and charge towards Donald once more.

Seeing his fellow Inner Circle member in trouble Sebastian got ready to act.

Raising his free hand he prepared to fire an energy blast at Laura.

His other hand already doing the same at Clarice's group.

But before Shaw could fire an energy blast at Laura his entire body froze, and he stopped taking any action at all.

The reason, Emma.

Having finally picked herself up out of the wall Shaw had caused her to make she shifted out of diamond form and began performing a telepathic assault on the man once more.

Though she knew she could only hold him for a few moments.

"Everyone, go! Take down Shaw, now!"

Which is why she shouted at her teammates to take down Shaw while she was keeping him from protecting himself.

"No!" Benedict shouted. "None of you shall lay a finger on our glorious leader again!"

He then moved to stop Emma.

But before he could Clarice opened up a portal right beside him.

Then as soon as she did Neeena fired the last bullet in her pistol in her left hand.

The shot itself entered through the portal Clarice made and then exited on the other side.

Striking Benedict Kine.

Right on the left side of his face. Specifically his cheek.

"Argh!!!" Benedict cried out in agony.

Dropping to his knees he clutched his shot left cheek. All of his concentration directed toward it.

Thanks to this the pain James was experiencing due to Benedict slowly began to subside.

And when it did so enough for James to think clearly he took one of his Adamantium knives and threw it directly at Benedict.

The blade landing and striking him directly in his hand.

"Gah!" Benedict shouted. As immense pain began to assault his side.

Seeing his ally in trouble Shaw worked to break out of Emma telepathic hold.

But before he could Roberto approached Shaw with a power-dampening collar and slammed it around his neck.

The collar being one of the ones Roman had removed from the four children Kurt's team had rescued.

Three of which he had given to his teammates for this mission.

Since Roman wanted the remaining Inner Circle members taken alive if possible.

Not only to absorb their respective powers, but also to pry out any and all information inside of their heads.

Though Roman understood if Shaw and the others couldn't be taken alive.

They were dangerous.

But just now his team has come through for him.

The moment the collar was around Shaw's neck it locked.

A second after this happened it activated and Shaw felt a pit of dread in his stomach and his connection to his powers was blocked.

Once Emma was sure it was she stopped her telepathic assault on Shaw and focused all her attention on Kine.

Having an easier time influencing his mind this time around.

Considering he was severely injured.

So it was easy for Emma to knock him out.

As she did Roberto hit Shaw with several punches before knocking him out cold.

Witnessing this Donald Pierce tried to go and help his comrades.

Though he couldn't because Laura was still on his back. Her claws inserted into his shoulders.

Then there was Piotr who was peppering his body with blow after blow.

Under the onslaught of attacks Pierce's cybernetics began to fail.

"No. No dammit!" Pierce screamed at the top of his lungs.

Ignoring his whining Laura planted one of her foot talons through the back of Pierce's left knee.

"Ah!" Pierce shouted.

Finally falling to his knees.

As he did Piotr sent his left elbow directly into Pierce's face.

The impact breaking his nose and right side of his jaw.

Seeing her opponent in such a weakened state Laura went for the kill.

Removing her claws from Pierce's shoulders she takes them across his throat.

Tearing it open.

As blood gushed from the wound Pierce soon stopped struggling. Until eventually the light in his eyes went completely out.

Signaling he was dead.

Seeing this Laura and Piotr stopped attacking his body and moved away from it to re-group with the others.

Who were securing Shaw, Benedict, and Reeva.

Who was still alive.

Although her throat had been cut she was able to stem the bleeding.

But other than that nothing else.

So after dealing with the other Inner Circle members the Guardians dealt with her.

Coming to stand in front of the others Emma looked at them.

As well as the Inner Circle members, who were now all wearing power-dampening collars.

"Good work people. But this is not over yet. Blink, open a portal and escort our prisoners back to base. Neena and Piotr go with her. Talon, Sunspot, Warpath, you three are with me. We're going to go back up Sentinel. Any questions?"

No one spoke up.

"Okay then. Let's move." Emma said.

So Clarice opened up a portal back to the Command Center, which she, Neena, and Piotr used to transport Shaw and the other back there.

As the portal closed Emma and her group moved out.

Emma hoping that Roman was doing alright and was not dead.

Otherwise she would kill him herself.