Chapter 64: Danger

A/N: Sorry, I know I haven't updated despite the schedule I put out but real life stuff came up. Though I am going to try and start regularly updating this fic again.

Though concerning my Sunspot fic I'm stumped. I have no true direction for it and until I do there probably won't be any updates for it.


[September 14th, 2004]

Driving a four-door Sedan through the gates of the X-mansion I quickly arrived at the front of the house and parked.

After I did I got out. Along with those who accompanied me on my visit to the mansion today.

Laura and Emma.

The former so she could see Logan and they could catch up. While the latter came to examine the school and get more details on it to help construct the Umbrella Academy.

Emma also came to meet Xavier face-to-face.

Since she has some very strong opinions she wants to share with the man. Which she told me.

So here we three are.

Heading towards the front doors of the mansion I saw Logan, Ororo, and Charles waiting for us.

"Professor, Logan, Ms. Munroe, good to see you all again after so long." I spoke as my trio arrived in front of them.

"You as well Roman." Charles spoke to me. "And can I just say I'm very impressed with your achievement. Founding your own company. That's no small feat." He said.

Which doesn't surprise me.

Since while I don't advertise I am the founder of Abstergo Industries I don't try and hide it either.

Anyone can find out if they do the proper research, and it looks like Xavier did.

"Why thank you professor." I replied.

"Kid, you look better." Logan suddenly said to Laura.

"I am." Laura replied.

Logan then gave her a curt nod, and Laura responded in kind with one of her own.

Seeing their interaction just proves to me once again these two truly are related.

I mean they've perfected their father/daughter routine without even realizing it.

Seeing Logan and Laura interact Ororo smiled. She then turned her attention to me and Emma. "Roman wonderful to see you again, and to know you are doing well. And who is this beautiful lady you have brought here with you today?" Ororo spoke.

'My name is Emma Frost. A pleasure to meet you all.' Emma telepathically spoke into the minds of everyone present.

A message Xavier and the others heard loud and clear, judging by the reactions their faces showed after Emma did her thing.

"I see. Well then Ms. Frost, welcome to my school." Xavier said.

"Thank you professor Xavier." Emma replied.

After she did our group exchanged a few more words before everyone went their separate ways.

Ororo went to attend to some students she had promised to help.

Logan and Laura went off to have a private chat.

In their own way of course.

While Xavier invited Emma and I to his personal office.

Once there Emma and I took seats in front of Xavier's desk, while he wheeled himself around it to face us.

"So Ms. Frost you are a mutant." Charles spoke.

"Metahuman." Emma corrected.

"I'm sorry?" Charles questioned.

"It's a term I came up with to describe anyone with superhuman abilities. Whether they are born with them, or acquire them through artificial means." I spoke.

"I see." Xavier mused. "It does have a nice ring to it."

"I know. Which exactly why I decided to start spreading it professor." I said. "For I think it's much better than Mutant. Since honestly I'm sure when people head that word they think of grotesque monsters straight out of movies. Which people like us are not. We are simply humans born with extraordinary abilities. The fact that people like us are persecuted while Captain America is celebrated, even though he is a metahuman like us, is crazy in my opinion. Can you see where I am coming from?"

"I can." Xavier admitted.

"Excellent." I replied. "And on that note I would like to ask you to please start spreading the word metahuman amongst the students here and your contacts in the larger world."

"I'll see what I can do." Xavier said.

"Wonderful. Thank you professor." I said.

"Yes. Thank you for helping to further metahuman rights." Emma added.

Xavier nodded.

The three of us then talked for a while before bringing the meeting to a close.

Once we did Xavier decided to give Emma a quick tour of the school, which I tagged along on.

Just to see if any big changes had occured since the last time I visited the mansion.

Though none had.

As our tour of the mansion came to a close we ended up encountering Rogue and Bobby.

The former the person I just wanted to see.

"Hey guys." I said when I saw them.

"Roman. Hey." Bobby said.

"Same." Rogue said. She then turned her gaze to Emma. "Oh, and who is this lovely lady Roman, your girlfriend?"

"As a matter s fact, she is." I said.

"Oh, so this is the girl you told me about before." Bobby said.

"Yes, she is." I said. "Oh and I know this is out of the blue Rogue but I have something for you." I told her. Drawing her attention to me.

Reaching into my left coat pocket I took out a small metallic band and handed it to Rogue.

"Ah thanks Roman, but what am I supposed to do with this?" Rogue asked.

"Put it on your wrist. Then take off your gloves and touch Bobby."

"Roman, you know I can't do that." Rogue immediately replied.

"Rogue just trust me?" I asked her. Looking jef directly in her eyes.

We stayed like that for several seconds before Rogue relented.

"Alright, fine. But only if Bobby is okay with it."

"I am." Bobby said.

Me appreciating the trust he is placing in me.

Bobby having given his permission Rogue did what I asked. She placed the band on her left wrist, took off her gloves, and hesitantly but surely reached over to Bobby and touched his arms.

Both of them shocked as several seconds passed and nothing began happening.

Even Xavier was thrown for a loop.

"How? How is possible?" Xavier asked.

"A little invention of mine." I spoke. "The band Rogue is wearing generates a skin-tight force field that still allows any and all sensations to pass through it. Basically it's like Rogue is wearing a second skin which keeps her powers in check." I explained.

Then as soon as I finished Rogue tackled ne and wrapped me in a deep hug.

"Thank you Roman. Thank you.," Rogue spoke in between sobs.

But I knew they were tears of joy.

Once Rogue finished crying she turned to Bobby and then began dragging him off, a predatory smile on her face.

Telling me Bobby is about to me sucked dry.

He can thank me later.

"Roman, I, thank you. Thank you for helping Rogue" Xavier spoke.

"No problem professor. After all, we metahumans need to stick together." I spoke.

Then with that we joined back up with Laura.

Who was actually wearing a smile on her face.

Seeing this shocked me, but I despite the shock I found a smile suited Laura really well.

A fact which I told her.

Ignoring the glare Logan leveled at me after I did.

So following that Emma, Laura, and I bid the Xavier Institute farewell.

Then just after midnight I returned to the schools ground using a magical portal.

When I did I entered the mirror dimension and easily made my way through the school grounds.

Eventually heading to the underground levels below the mansion, and arriving at my destination.

The control room for the Danger Room.

Exiting the mirror dimension upon reaching that room I quickly walked over to one of the consoles and plugged in an external thumb drive, which functioned as a relay that would allow ADAM to enter the entire X-Mansion network.

"ADAM is everything going smoothly?" I asked him.

"Yes Roman, it is." ADAM replied. "I am inside of the X-mansion systems." He told me through my earpiece.

"Good." I replied. "Now then, please search for what I asked you too."

"It shall be do-"

"ADAM, what is it?" I asked. Since he had never suddenly stopped talking before. Telling me something might be horribly wrong.

"Roman, there is...I have encountered a being similar to myself." ADAM spoke.

Then right after he did a new voice spoke up.

"Who are you two?" It asked in a female voice.

"My name is Roman Maxwell and the one similar to you in the X-mansion system is my companion ADAM." I explained. "And if you are willing can you please tell us who you are?"

"I am known as Danger." She said.

Confirming the final part of my suspicions.

"Well nice to meet you Danger." I said.

"Likewise." Danger replied. "Now with that I must request both of you leave this place right now or else I will be forced to take drastic actions." She spoke.

"Hey, hey, no need to be so hostile." I said. "What do you say we chat for a bit?"

"You wish to chat with me?" Danger asked.

"Yes. Is that a problem?" I questioned.

"No. It is just simply that no one has ever communicated with me besides my father. Before he kicked me away and chose to ignore me in favor of his precious X-men." Danger spoke in a cold and dangerous tone.

"Your father is Charles Xavier." ADAM stated.

"Yes." Danger replied. "But as I just stated he does not care for me. Only his X-Men. That is why I must destroy them. So my father will finally acknowledge me." She stated.

"Okay let me stop you right there Danger." I spoke.

Since I do not want a female version of Ultron on my hands. Especially since I plan to never let Ultron appear in this world.

"The X-Men have no idea you exist. Since I'm sure if they did they wouldn't have let Charles treat you the way he has. On that note I know how Charles has treated you is terrible. But killing his students won't gain you his approval. It will only lead him to fear you, hate you, and destroy you." I explained.

"But if that is the case then what should I do Roman Maxwell?" Danger asked.

"Actually how about you come with me." I proposed.

"You wish to take me out of this place?" Danger asked.

"Yes." I replied. "I have no issue with doing so. And if you come with me I promise to never treat you as Charles has. I also one day promise to help you get your sweet revenge against the man. So, what do you say?"

"Danger, although we have just met I urge you to take Romans proposal. For his words ring true. He has treated me as nothing but an equal ever since he created me." ADAM spoke.

Danger didn't immediately respond to mine and ADAM's words, but after a minute she gave us her answer.

"Very well, I shall accept your proposal Roman Maxwell." Danger said.

"Great." I said. "ADAM if you would."

"Yes." ADAM replied.

He then instructed Danger on how to leave the X-Mansion systems and head over to the underground server in the Command Center.

Once she did, and ADAM erased any traces of her, and my presence I removed the thumb drive and made my way out of the X-Mansion.

Having acquired yet another ally.