Chapter 74: Goodwill Gesture

As the sensation of me teleporting disappeared I found myself on a cliff.

Looking out ahead of me I saw the Churchill docked at an illegal port.

Onloading goods.

"ADAM situation report." I stated into my earpiece.

"At once." He replied.

ADAM then gave me a layout of the illegal port, how many people were currently there, etc.

Having learned all of this using the various resources at his disposal.

"As always thanks pal." I told ADAM when he was done giving me the situation report.

"Any time my friend." ADAM replied.

He then signed off.

Once he did I cracked my neck from side to side.

"Alright, time to go to work." I said.

I then began the operation.

Using Susan Storms powers I created a circular platform under my feet. I then mentally commanded it upward into the air and then began flying it towards the illegal port.

As I got closer I used my ice powers to form two ice constructs in my hands.

Two copies of the Leviathan Axe from God's of War.

Since people are definitely dying tonight.

Arriving at the port in no time I directed the platform under my feet in the direction of my first targets.

Two guards.

Reaching them, the pair being none the wiser, I used my axes to chop off their heads as I rode past them on my platform.

Briefly looking behind me I saw the two guards bodies on the ground, their severed heads s few feet away from them.

No blood in sight.

Since when my axes chopped off their head they ended up flash freezing all the blood.


Turning my head back around I went to continuing my slaughter.

Making my way through the entire illegal port I took out anyone I found.

Doing the world s favor and ridding it of human garbage.

Since none I killed were even close to innocent or redeemable.

Eventually I finished off everyone in the port.

When I did I moved onto the Churchill itself.

With speed none of my enemies could match I ended their lives.

Until only the man I came for, Klaue was left.

When I found him he was cowering in the deepest bowels of the ship. A look of fear on his face.

"Who..who the duck are you?!" Klaue screamed.

"A god of war." I replied.

Then before Klaue could say another world I used my telepathy to rip the information I wanted from his brain in concerns to his Vibraniun stockpile. Then knocked him out.

After I did this I went to find the Vibranium.

Then once I located I opened up a magical portal under it and sent it to the storage area of the Watchtower.

Once that was done I focused my attention back on Klaue.

Returning to him I thought about my next actions in regards to him.

While I could just kill him I suddenly got a better idea.

Opening a magical portal near the border of Wakanda I used my telekinesis and tossed Klaue through it and at it.

I then closed the portal and called Sage for pickup.

I had my new stockpile of Vibraniun A to inspect after all.



(3rd Person: POV)

Within the throne room of Wakanda king T'Chaka and his advisory council were all present.

Since just a few hours ago a security detail outside their borders had collected one of their countries greatest criminals.

A man named Ulysses Klaue.

Completely and utterly unconscious.

Which was strange.

But what was even stranger was that their was a note addressed to the leadership of Wakanda left with Klaue.

A note T'Chaka and the entire council were examining and reading at this very moment.

[Hello Wakanda. Hope you liked my present. Consider it the first step in what I hope becomes a fruitful and long relationship between us.

Yours truly, the hero Sentinel.

PS: If you think your isolationist ways will continue to keep your country safe then you are horribly mistaken. Just take a look at the outside world and all will become clear. And if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.]

There was then a phone number for Sentinel on the bottom of the letter.

As the council and king finished reading the letter a flurry of debate began errupting in the throne room.

Yet king T'Chaka remained utterly silent.

His mind having wandered to memories of the past.

'Brother. Perhaps you were right.' King T'Chaka thought.

Yet no one knew of the Kings dilemma except himself.

His thoughts, and the councils heated debate, was all courtesy of Sentinel.

Yet another great deed on his long list of accomplishments.

All in a days work really.