Chapter 94: Hellions

[June 18th, 2010]

(Roman: POV)

Entering my personal lab in the Command Center I went to take a seat at the main workstation.

Where I pulled up some files on various projects and prepared myself to begin working on them. Since I hadn't touched them in the past week.

Because I was in Japan on a business/pleasure trip. To speak with the Nihom Falcom game company about forming a partnership with Stan Lee Entertainment. A partnership the company was most eager to form. A fact which I enjoyed.

I also enjoyed buying myself some exclusive anime/manga merchandise that is only available in Japan.

Sage loved it to, since I brought her.

Not only to help with the business deal, but also so we could have some brother/sister bonding time.

Both aspects were nice.

As I got ready to start working ADAM contacted me.

"Welcome back Roman, did you enjoy your trip to Japan?" He asked.

"I sure did my friend. I sure did." I replied.

"That is good news to hear." ADAM retorted. "Though unfortunately the news I have to tell you might just sour your mood." He said seriously.

"What is it?" I asked.

"First, senator Robert Kelly has begun trying to use his political power and various contacts to try and acquire government funding for Dr. Bolivar Trasks' Sentinel project and then program thereafter. Not only that, the two men had a clandestine meeting while you were away. I apologize for having not informed you of this the moment you got back, but I felt I needed enough intelligence to execute any plan or response you wished to make in regards to this situation." ADAM explained.

"Understood ADAM. And you don't have to apologize, you did nothing wrong." I told him. "Now then, please begin tearing apart senator Kelly and the good Dr. Trask. Engage the Sentinel Protocols." I spoke.

Telling ADAM to enact the plans I made for when this very situation arose.

Since I meant what I said when I chose my hero name a few years ago. This world will only have one Sentinel, and it will be me.

I will not allow those fucking death machines of Trask to ever be born. This universe will never experience a Days of Futures Past timeline so long as I am around. Nor, will it experience any of the villain's the Sentinels very existence creates. Mater Mold, Nimrod, Bastion, Omega Sentinel, etc..

Hell to the fucking no.

That is dead.

While the lives of senator Kelly and Dr. Trask have just become forfeit. Well, Dr. Trask was always going to have to go, but I did hold out a small bit of hope for Kelly. But now that is gone.

So to both of them goodbye and good riddance.

"It shall be done." ADAM replied. "Now then in regards to second matter. We have been contacted by the Essex Corporation. Their CEO wishes to set up a meeting with you to discuss a possible partnership between the two companies. But given what you have told me about the Essex Corporation I have put off answering them."

"Good on ADAM. And continue to do so. Also, tighten security measures around everyone. From the Guardians, to our company employees, the Umbrella Academy, and anyone else I forgot to mention just now." I spoke.

Because it looks like Sinister has taken an interest in me and is finally beginning to move.


It means I can put his ass in the ground permanently.

Since he is way too dangerous to be left alive.

Especially with his hardcore clone fetish.

On that note I am glad I finally got around to putting a genetic lock on my DNA. Now, even if Sinister or someone else were to get a hold of it they could do nothing with it.

I also gave the same treatment to the rest of the Guardians.

Since I don't want anyone I care about to have a fucking clone saga.

Especially Peter.

Because from reading the comics I know just how fast a Spiderman clone event can become fucked sideways and then some.

"Yes." ADAM replied.

He then signed off.

Once he did I got back to my "me time" and did some work on some personal projects.

Then once I was finished I left my lab to go get something to eat.

Getting met with some familiar faces the moment I entered the cafeteria on the first floor of the Command Center.

The familiar faces belonging to Sarah and her friends.

The first students of the first class of the Umbrella Academy.

All six of them.

The six being Sarah of course, the four kids we rescued when we took down the Hellfire Club, and finally the first student accepted publicly to the Umbrella Academy when it opened.

David Alleyne, also known by his hero name Prodigy in the comics.

He's a good kid, and an even better student. Sure his metahuman power isn't flashy, but due to the training the school has been giving him it's definitely become dangerous.

Along with the additional training David, along with Sarah and the others have had.

For in another another year or two I will have them debut as the world's first teenage superhero team.

Their name being the Hellions.

As to why I am doing this, well I got the idea from Young Justice. Specifically Garfield Logan's ideals.

The kid was right. People relate better to those their own age.

And here in Marvel where a lot of people gain their superhuman abilities as teenagers or young adults I think a team like the Hellions is exactly what they need to see.

To let them know they are not alone.

Spotting me Sarah and the others waved in my direction.

So I smiled and waved back.

I then went to get my food, but before I could sit down they called me over to their table. So I went to join them.

"So, how are things with you guys?" I asked them. In between bites of my food.

"Things are great." Sally said.

"Yep, they are." Rusty agreed.

"That's good to hear." I said. 

"Hey Roman, so when do we get to go out and knock some heads around?" Tabitha asked. A grin on her face.

"When your instructors say you are ready." I easily replied.

"Oh come on." Tabitha groaned. "With that way Warpath and Domino are treating us by the time we're ready we might be old and gray."

"Good. That means they're doing their jobs as your instructors well." I replied.

"Seriously?!" Tabthia asked me.

"Yes, seriously." I replied. Putting a serious expression on my face. "Need I remind you again Tabitha, what me and the others do, and what you are trying to do, is extremely dangerous. You'll be out there facing threats, where anything can happen. And if you mess up out there you don't get a do-over. No, it's permanent. Meaning it will always affect you, those around you, and likely even complete strangers. So if you have the energy to groan and complain then put it into training. That way you can get out there and knock some heads around faster." I spoke.

"Alright, alright, I get it. Geez." Tabitha huffed.

Sarah giggled at seeing Tabitha's reaction to my words. As did the others.

That's when her face turned bright red.

Which I took as my que to leave.

Especially since I had finished eating my food.

So with that done I left the cafeteria.

I then used the elevators to head down to the tenth floor of the Command Center where the containment cells were located.

Arriving, I walked out and headed directly for one of the cells with a clear glass window installed.

Reaching it I saw one Emil Blonsky comfortably lying on a bed watching 'The Great British Bake Off' installed on the flat screen opposite side of the wall where the cells bed was located.

Him completely in human form.

A feat he accomplished shortly after he woke up and found himself in this cell. Which he hasn't left ever since we stopped him in Harlem.

Noticing me Blonsky used his remote to pause the show.

As he did I pulled a chair up front of the cell and took a seat in it. Waiting until Blonsky was standing in front of me to speak.

"Hello Mr. Blonsky. I think it's about time you and I had a little chat." I spoke.

One that is long overdue.