killing intended

as the crowd gathered in palace for ceremony the princess and little Prince made their way towards the ceremony spot .

the crowd went in silence seeing the Princess and Prince was there now here first time Reva saw up close how the princess looked she was in daze because zara look beautiful and untouchable like a true queen when zara was going by the crowd suddenly Rave appeared before her Reva was going to fall because just now someone pushed her from behind and the culprits was no were to be found because the crowd was actually pushing eachother to see the Princess .

when she thought that cold floor is what will be her death there was a pair of arms that prevented her from falling these arm had firmly gripped her the hand was warm but rough like a warrior when she looked up she saw zara who was holding her zara looked beautiful like tigress her eyes filled with flames . Reva heart skipped a beat her cheeks flushed a little . then suddenly zara "said are you okay?"

these words brought Reva back to her senses she stood up straight and bowed " I am really sorry you highness it was a mistake I..."before she can continue zara smiled and said " I know that it was a mistake so don't worry I am not going to punish you so get up "

Reva stood up and bowing again she hurriedly despered in the crowd before zara can say anything more . momentarily in daze because of the girl zara was bringed back to reality by the small hands of little Prince manu zara nooded and they both arrived at centre where guard were waiting for them.the moment they were near the gaurd the warrior b present in gaurd facade took the opportunity to attack them the when the attacker appeared gasps were heard clearly but.....

unknown to the warrior b that he was set up to be the proof. just then zara grabbed his hand and twisted it with great power that sound of broken bones can be heard followed by ear piercing voice is heard every person was in shock but then zara said " who sended you to kill us tell right now or "

before she can continue the warrior fainted " take him and throw him in cell when he wakes up interrogate him"ordered zara . zara knew that she have to now deal with the panicking crowd"People of Naira kingdom do not be afraid no matter what I will protect this Kingdom with my life "the crowd went in cheerings and uproar . finally the ceremony which is Heald to pay respect to the dead is completed.