
today is the wedding of Queen zara in palace everything was going smoothly every person was doing their respected work which they have given in Reva's room she was getting ready when suddenly servent came in rushing and bowed their heads Reva was confused one servant said " my king we came here to prepare you for your wedding " .

hearing this Reva went in panic mode she can't let them help her or they will know that she is not he but a she , means a girl not boy if they realised this she is finished quickly finding an excuse she said" there is no need for it I can do it on my on "

"but my king we have to do our job we can't just sit while you work on your wedding day if Queen heard this we will get punished . Reva was getting annoyed on how these servant are being stubborn but she understood that they are just doing their duty just as she thought there is no way out she heard a voice

" don't force your future king if he says he doesn't want your help you can go now " this voice belonged to zara. Reva saw her in wedding dress she looked beautiful but so powerful and dominating like a true noble Reva's cheeks flushed the servant nodded their heads and stepped out of the room

" thank the Star you came at the right moment" zara looked at Reva she wasn't even ready zara went toward Reva and started to arrange her heirs Reva was taken aback by this but she relized that zara was only making her heirs zara was however started to enjoy the feel of Reva's fluffy heirs she got a bit distracted and was now playing with Reva's heirs Reva was confused by what zara is doing and asked

" are you done yet ?" no just a moment zara cleared her throat and started to work on Reva heirs after half hour Reva was finally ready she looked beautiful so cute and delicate standing by the mirror zara was memorized by Reva charm the way zara stared at her intensely made Reva blush both of them went in the flower garden where their wedding will be held at this point zara felt she really wanted to marry with Reva in real she felt like Reva should be her and her alone but in her heart she knew that you should not possess someone unless they want you to other wise you will suffer from unrequited love and the person from your hurtful behaviour.

she wanted to have Reva but she should respect Reva's decision on this she made her mind that no matter what she will tell Reva about her feelings tonight after their marriage she will respect what ever choice Reva would make.

as they made their way toward the centre a voice ringed " stop right there it was advicer veer seeing he had a winning smile on face him Zara's gaze turned cold

" why and how dare you stop a royal wedding" zara said in a sharp voice to this veer only smirked " your highness what I am doing is right you can't marry Rev or should I say Reva that's your real name right girl " veer got to know this by the person who was sent to investigate Rev(Reva)by advicer Nane , veer was so pleased to hear this news.

people's gasps of disbelief can be heard Reva started to panic but zara held her ground looking calmly at veer she said " I already know who she is " hearing her say this people who had doubt toward rev now they got confirmed that rev was not a man but a girl they started to raise their voice against them

"how can you stupid ugly person dream to marry queen" .

eww I think she did this so she can be rich .

how shameless truly sha...."

before anyone can say more zara raised her voice " the person who dares to desrespect my beloved queen will be punished cruelly that he would wished to die but I won't let him" every person immediately shut their mouths expect one , advicer veer " but my queen she is a girl like you how can this marriage happen ? "

to this she raised an eyebrow " advicer veer perhaps you are forgetting that you can marry the person you want to spend your life with no matter what their gender is , and it's officially allowed in the great warrior house where I took my traning of fighting" .

veer was shocked no he cannot let this happen the one queen should marry is his son it can't be like this he cant just let this happen he can't let his perfect plan go to waste. as veer thought something he remembered that the same gender marriage is still not allowed at least officially "but ... but it's still not officially allowed in our kingdom you can't do that you...."

before he can complete his words zara looked at him with dangerous eyes his next words was stuck in his throat but still the common people and rest of the official found this applying they started to murmure among themselves one of the advicer came and said " that's right my queen you can't marry a girl as seeing that you should marry a man and give us our king that was the condition for the throne and you know that " zara smirked

" well you are wrong about one thing the condition state that you need a pair for the kingdom not a king so you should not mess with your own condition the condition state clearly that you need a pair to rule so if something happens to one the other can look after the kingdom but it does not say that there is a necessary need for a king or man you can see it yourself here " zara showed them the scroll which contained the information , indeed it was as she was saying she is just so smart to use a simple sentance like this against them now finally they have to admit defeat seeing the situation Reva was happy but how can veer shut his mouth and admit defeat like that

" no this marriage can still not happen it's not officially allowed the marriage between same gender is still not allowed in Naira kingdom so what if it's allowed in warrior house legally but it's not here right so still this marriage is illegal."

zara know if it was ever known that Reva is a girl she needed something to protect her and their marriage but she didn't thought that it will be this early she took a paper and started to write something and finally she stoped but what shocked the audience is that she put the official stamp of kingdom which is used to form new rule or order to make official.

" From now on I the queen of Naira kingdom in presence of all civilian and officials declare that the marriage between same gender is permitted and not only that kingdom will provide them safety from any kind of harm if they don't have jobs or work I will provide them with one and I allowed this same gender to marry others to so they can have a child "

people were shocked but the most shocking was the last sentence because here one can only marry one person, two marriage are not allowed only if the the one of them dies then they can marry other but for next marriage there should be valid and powerful reason like the child is small and it needs both parents otherwise they can't get married so because of this common people started to feel like those same gender marriage people got so lucky while other have marry one person for whole life on other side advicers and many official were now thinking about the benefits like the big family wanted to increase their powers by binding their children in marriage but many times both parties will have boy or girl and they cant let them get married because if that happened their family will have no heirs to continue the generation but with this new rule they can still make marriage alliance that will bring them power and with the second marriage they can have heirs so it's a win on win situation.

seeing their faces zara know what they were thinking it is obvious that it will benefit them so they naturally would agree with this the other bowed their heads indicating that they have excepted the new rule .

zara nooded in their direction and the marriage continued advicer veer who was not able to do anything left the marriage.the marriage came to end the servant took Reva away to change her clothes thankfully this time everyone knows that she is a girl.

about half an hour later in Zara's chamber Reva was irritated the maids were making her heirs it was taking them forever to do her make over " are you done or not I don't understand why are you putting so much effort in this the wedding is already over then what are you preparing me for?.

the maids looked at eachother the oldest one replied " my queen we are preparing you for Queen zara "

hearing this Reva cheeks flushed her ear was now bright red well it quite awkward for her , I know that these people's thinking is not their fault they think we like eachother that's why we got married but that's not true and this is the reality she knows it but still she feels a tinge of sadness she quickly pulled that thought aside after about an other half hour she was ready she looked so beautiful like a blooming flower so pretty and delicate seeing her every maids eyes was filled with tears of joy their second queen is so beautiful beyond words can describe the maids were with queen zara even when she was at warrior house for training they knew how their Queen is they had full trust on their beloved queen because they saw her grow up in front of their eyes.

that Reva is chosen by zara then she will be the best choice without any doubt as zara entered the chamber the maids bowed their heads and left .