I like you

Reva who looked like she just had a big bad day said to zara " your highness I will be returning to chamber I don't feel well " zara got worried hearing Reva did not felt well" do you want me to accompany you back to room"

Reva shakes her head " no I can go by myself and maids will be with me beside you looked busy with your old friends " the last thing sounded like jealousy but zara did not understood this what can you expect from a person like her who was raised to be a warrior . but the princess understood this "maybe Reva just didn't like it that we are so close to you " said Lin , min nodded her head zara heard this " No I don't think so why would she dislike you ? " as they were talking Reva already left the ballroom with her two maids behind her . zara watched as Reva despered zara wanted to confess but seems like it would take some time.


at room.

Reva entered the room she was so not feeling good she wanted to snatch zara away from them but she couldn't what right does she have nothing she may be zara wife but only for show one day she have to leave zara. as many thought surrounded Reva she felt overwhelmed she decided to go to bed but she was not able to sleep as the scene played before her mind " so you didn't came to pick me personally for ball because you were busy with your girl now I am never going to talk to you huup " she said in a huffing tone . after Reva left zara wasn't able to focus on ball anymore because of reva she decided to cut celebration short and left the ballroom she went to her chamber as she opened the door she saw Reva was staring at her at party she doesn't noticed that Reva looked so beautiful because those girls would not leave her even for a minute remembering this was a nightmare zara said " your looking beautiful reva sorry I didn't notice this early "

" ohh really well fair enough how can you notice me when you had many girls arround you " Reva said in indifferent tone .

zara didn't notice it but still felt something was odd with Reva but she decided to let it go she needed to talk to Reva about her feelings .

but for now it seems Reva is upset about something " Reva what happened why are you acting like this ?"

" acting like what ? you know what you should go and see how your princess are doing just leave me alone " zara blinked what is she even talking about seeing zara reaction Reva just couldn't hold it in any longer " so you don't understand ok I will tell you they were clinging to you like lifeline while you enjoyed and ohh don't forget that you just didn't came for me personally to take me for ball just because you were busy with them and I was the fool to think that you were busy with work huh how fool was I ." as Reva said all this reality sink in zara mind she was jealous and that too over zara.... ohhh....zara found this so cute she just bursted out laughing " zara it's not funny why are you laughing ? " but zara didn't stoped laughing she found Reva jealousy quite amusing Reva is kind but when it comes to thing she likes she gets possessive. seeing this Reva now was more pissed beyond words " you know what don't tell me I don't care do as you please I am going to my brother chamber " as said this she got up and started to walk as she reached the door zara suddenly came from behind and grabbed her wrist she spined her around and pinned her over the door Reva was momentarily shocked but as she got to her senses she realised that she cannot move her hands were pinned above her head her face flushed " zia release me now or " , " or what huh what are you going to do " Reva got more flustered even if she wanted to do something she can't zara is so strong .

" why don't you go and pin those princess " this she said with so much hate that after saying this she also felt bad but when she looked at zara she was suprise zara didn't looked angry she had a michevious look in her eyes seeing this Reva felt heat creeping behind her ear. " what if I don't want to." huh ??? Reva was confused on what zara was saying.

" I said I don't want to pin them I want to pin you only you "as she was saying this she got closer , Reva can feel her breath on her cheeks. " ohh and why do you want to pin me and only me " said Reva with a straight face she was trying so hard to focus but zara was getting closer and closer zara closed the remaining distance she gently grazed her lips over Reva's lip , Reva breath got stuck in her throat zara quickly moved her lips to her ear and licked on it " zia uhhh "

" you know why I only want to pin you because I like you will you be my real queen" as zara whispered this Reva suddenly got back to her senses she pushed zara away " zia .. I.....I ...." Reva couldn't form a word as she saw the hurtful look on zara face but before she can say anything Zara put a finger on her lips " shuhh don't worry I didn't mean to force you I am sorry for it although I really mean what I just said don't worry I won't ask you for an answer now and don't fear what ever your decision may be I will respect it I think I should take my leave now . " after saying this she went out of the door Reva stood there watching her despered she wanted to Stop her but how can she ? and what words does she even have to say after she pushed her like that , although she did it because she was just surprised by the sudden confession " yes seriously you didn't get surprised by the kiss just now but got dramatic over a confession how great ohhhh I seriously messed it up this time didn't I ? " Reva was just so done .

i also like you zia but today I was just so angry that I just wasn't able to control myself , tomorrow I will give you an answer I promise reva felt happy that zia also liked her but now she had messed up she needs to fix this mess herself sighing Reva laid on bed and went in restless sleep.