
meditation was something that people did to find the answers or just simply find peace within themselves after departing from the priest zara went toward the meditation garden which was specifically designed for meditation zara was so good at meditation that she had actually acquired a special ability she can control how her consciousness work when she's meditating.

for example if she wants she can make herself aware of her surrounding completely while meditating she can even feel and recognise every living being which will be around her . this ability of her was useful in many ways she can protect herself while meditating it is something which has saved her life many times .

zara walked toward the centre of garden the garden was built like it that it looked like a forest greenary with white flowers a pond at side in the pond there was a pair of swan 🦢 and at the middle of pond a beautiful statu of a mother holding her child was situated this degin was created by zara herself this garden was considered as one of the best places to meditate , because of this many times here the best schoolar came here to meditate with their students time to time to learn .

zara moved toward the pond to wash her feet and hands it was a process which every person have to do before doing meditation so they can remove the outer energy from their body so when they meditate their body should relax easily and enter a calm state in less time with less struggling.

Zara cleaned her hand, feet and face and sat in Lotus position in the middle of garden she entered in calm state and her body relaxed .

zara tryed to focus on her questions so her intuition can guide her toward the answer she is searching for.

zara also kept her ability on so she can sense if any danger is coming or not.

zara sat like that for one hour but she didn't got any answer as she thought that it was time to stop suddenly she saw somthing in back of her mind some images were forming .

zara saw a big massive golden light orb which split in three and departed one went in a womb of a woman who looked poor and the other two orb went to a different woman womb who appeared to be loyalty and gauss what zara knew who this woman was this was the mother of the twin Princess's .

as this scene played in her mind suddenly zara felt a presence of a person who just had entered the garden and now walking toward zara.

zara ear straighten in attendance she observed calmly to see who was this person

if zara focused she can even tell who the person is if that person is someone she has met not only that but she can tell if the person coming has what kind of intentions .

upon observing she found that the person in front of her has same aura as reva knowing that it is the person she loves the most zara relaxed .

zara wanted to observe what reva is up to so she kept her eyes closed and sat in the same position at first the person in front of zara just stood in front of her but after some time the person sit next to zara .

zara who could feel every movement of the person wanted to laugh on how careful reva was being to not disturbe her .

suddenly the person in front of zara raised their hand and caresed Zara's heirs gently like a breeze or feather 🪶 zara felt ticklish .zara grabbed the hand which was caresing her heirs " Reva what are you doing ? " hearing this question the person in front of zara was confused it was weird zara never mistook a person like this she has the ability to sense and recognise people's before the person before that person can say anything Zara pulled her by the waist and hugged her tightly zara felt so calm when a similar scent of a certain someone hit her nose she felt the person in her arms stiff at her sniffing it's like the person wanted to say something but zara didn't give the chance to speak "shhh don't say anything please be like this for a while I am feeling tired it makes me feel calm to be like this please " as zara said this words the person in front of her lost all the restraint they had and got still zara felt the person in her arms relax zara felt happy .