settings the tent.

it was getting dark as the troops reached boundary of Naira kingdom . zara and Rey were side by side and the trio was just behind them , Zara and Rey looked at eachother zara nodded her head Rey turned back and commanded to the troops " warriors who are new will set the tent ⛺ the experienced warrior half troop will guide them and half troop should keep guard , after the tent are set the three troops will sleep while one troop should always be on guard all the four troops will take turns to keep guards "

the warriors replied with a tight voice

" Yes sir !!!!!!!!"after saying this everyone started to work without wasting a minute.

Zara and the trio also got down and started to set their tent , Rey also helped Zara set the tent. after an hour every tent was set and the troops decided that 1st the strongest warriors troops will be the one keeping guard then the other troops because the new trained warriors would be already quite tired from the journey so if they are under attack the warriors won't be able to handle the attackers due to lack of rest. Rey also agreed on this and everyone went to the tent to rest for the time being. Rey was looking at the old warrior taking place to keep guards and young warriors going in the tent to rest.

Zara looked at Rey and said

" you should get some rest as well tomorrow is going to be difficult make sure to have enough energy " Rey looked at Zara and nodded before going Rey said

" queen Reva brother was safely put with the other youngsters in the palace accompanied by some powerful warriors for protection "

Zara just replied in a hmm to Rey and Rey bowed his head and left to have a rest.

Zara looked into a distance remembering the conversation between Reva and her .

flash_ back

two days before war .

Zara was practising with her sword 🗡️ at the battlefield it was already dusk the sun was going down . Zara was practising from the morning after a while when the sun was fully set Zara stoped and went to the flower garden. Zara got close to the garden pond and looked at the flower of queen of night which started to bloom as the sun was nowhere to be seen in sky. Zara sensed that someone was coming and she was able to tell who it might be but she can't because she is not able to tell apart between twins and Reva well she would find out soon who it is.

Reva entered the garden and said

" I knew it I would find you here"

Zara laughed at Reva voice of accusations it's like she has done something unforgiving sin.

Reva stared at Zara and said

" zia you know I was worried when I heard you were practicing whole day long and at that you haven't eaten anything since morning"

Zara smiled at Reva gently, walked up to Reva and tried to hug Reva but Reva dogged and said " okk stop right there or else this food here might not survive until it gets inside your stomach." seeing Reva's reaction Zara started to laugh even harder.

Reva scoffed at Zara and held her hand and made her sit on the nearest chair available and made zara eat the food until the last bite and then Reva brought a big rice plate at that time Zara regret her laughing at Reva and said " if I eat all of this everyday there will be only fat on me instead of muscle Reva" this time it was Reva who laughed in amusement , Zara Singh in defeat.

after a while when Zara finished her food she looked at Reva who was staring at the flower mindlessly, Zara softly called out to Reva.

" Reva what happened? you look a bit anxious about something "

Reva looked towards Zara and said

" zia can you please make sure that my brother is brought to the palace with other youngsters for safety I don't want for people to know that he is my brother to avoid certain danger" Reva brother health was poor but since the royal physician were appointed by Zara for every person who cannot afford the medical treatment it helped a lot of people as well as Reva brother so no one knew that Reva had a brother.

Reva after coming to the palace never saw her brother again as she knew that she should not put her brother in danger . there are people who can use her brother's life to threaten her and Zara .

Zara understood what Reva was saying so she nodded her head and said " don't worry I was planning to put some best warrior behind so if even someone tries to use your brother life they won't be able to "

Reva nodded her head in agreement.

after that Zara and Reva both turned towards the flower in ponds ( queen of night) admiring it's fragrance and beuti in the moonlight.

end of the flash_ back.


Zara Singh to herself as she made her way towards their tent where Reva was inside looking through some pages of information.

Zara entered the tent and saw what Reva was doing out of curiosity Zara silently walked close to Reva and looked down at the paper in Reva's hand when suddenly Reva said

" zia you know sneaking on someone is bad right" Zara was a bit taken aback but then she said " well it's not called sneaking I was just a little curious"

Zara strengthen her posture before continuing to speak

" ahmm let's just forget it " Reva smiled knowing this person never knew that they were teased just now.

" Reva your brother is safely escorted to the palace with other youngsters."

at her brother mentione Reva face changed expression and she nodded her head in acknowledgement.
