the flower of queen of night

so would you like to surrender peacefully? as Zara asked this king shin gritted his teeth in frustration and kneeled down in defeat

" yes I surrender" Zara nodded her head and looked at Rey , Rey understood and shouted "the king shin surrendered himself " hearing this every warriors stoped fighting.

Zara ran toward manu to check if he had any sever injury min and Lin and Reva also ran toward Zara and little prince Manu . luckily little prince didn't had any major wound just some scratches on arms and legs which is the result of struggling to break free from the kidnapper but the little prince was so scared that he was crying nonstop Zara gently removed the cloth from manu mouth and hugged the little prince tightly Manu also hugged Zara tightly but after a while manu fainted due to exhaustion. Zara was giving manu to Rey when suddenly she saw the twin princess's came in front of them and collapsed on ground with an arrow in the chest .

flash back

when Zara was with Manu king shin was going mad on losing not only Naira kingdom but also his own shinon kingdom so he picked an bow and arrow from his back and looked at veer who also looked at him and nodded his head .

" I won't let you take what's mine" king shin said in a whisper .

" if I can't rule the niara kingdom I won't let you rule it either you won't have an hier to rule it " advicer veer said in a whisper as he swiftly moved with the last bit of his strength and snitched an bow and arrow from sam who was standing beside him and lunched an arrow at little prince Manu at the same time king shin also launched his arrow on Zara .

the twin princess's noticed the arrow coming towards Zara and manu so in order to save them the twin princess's got in front of them to protect Zara and little prince Manu and took the arrow on themselves . as the princess's collapsed on ground with arrow on their chest Zara without thinking took two small knife from her waist and throw one at king shin and one at veer cutting their hand which they used to shot the arrow.

Zara instantly turned to the twin princess's Reva shouted at the twin princess's seeing that they got hurt Reva kneeled besides them Zara took the twins in her arms and looked at them carefully and asked quitely

" why ? " at Zara word both the princess's smiled bitterly Lin said " Don't blame yourself it was meant to happen "

" don't think you will not have us anymore we are there always " said min

" we were the flower who just wilted " both the princess's said it togather while putting each hand on Zara cheeks , many tear started to leave Zara eyes , Reva started to panic

" hey no .. .... don't talk like this is the last time please stop it would be ok you will be healthy like before nothing is going to happen please stop..." min put a finger on Reva lips "shuuu Reva I know you feel it too it is time " Reva was crying badly and on the other hand Zara grabbed the twins even tighter as if it will make them stay the twin smiled at Zara . min and Lin kissed Zara each cheeks and wiped Zara tears . in her whole life Zara has never cried but at this moment her tears were not stopping .

" please ...stay "

the twins smiled and whispered

" we will "

silent everything was dead silent the cold air blowed passed Zara hair as the bodies in her hands went limp. at this time Zara yelled loudly her yelling felt like a roar

at Zara mourning all the warriors from warrior house yelled in the mourning the twins were not only princess's but an family to the warrior of warrior house " you said you will how can you do this !!!" there was blood in Zara eyes Zara laid the twins down gently and picked her sword up and got toward king shin who tired to run the other way but she held the idiot king by his collar and looked at Luka and sam and said " finish it " sam and Luka looked at eachother and nodded their head .

Luka and sam started to torture advicer veer as advicer nane held him in place and Rey covered veer mouth .

Zara 1st cut king shin fingers which made him scream in pain terrible then Zara slowly split shin skin from stomach to his throat shin was not even able to shout anymore as Zara held his throat then in one slice Zara cut king shin throat and held his head in hand by the hair .

then she looked at the head without much of expression Zara throw the head. suddenly the warriors started to scream .

Zara looked back and saw that the twins bodies were floting in air suddenly an golden light orb got out of the twins and it floated to Reva and entired inside Reva head , Reva got wrapped in an golden light everyone closed their eyes as the intensity of light was so much but Zara was able to see through it she saw the twin merging with Reva body . after a while the light faded but Reva fainted Zara ran toward Reva and catched her and gently laid her on ground .

" Rey bring Reva back to tent" Rey nodded his head and picked Reva gently he looked briefly at Zara and left .

Zara crouched next to the twin body. and gently caressed both of their cheeks

" I guess you did what you said both of you"

slowly both of the twins body turned into mist leaving nothing of the flesh.

warrior of warrior house were in tears seeing their beloved princess's and best female warrior die every one of them was in tears.

the troop leader of warrior house yelled to give respect to the both the princess's.

" may our beloved princess Lin and princess min rest in peace "

all the other warrior also cried and shouted at the same time.


