The end

Zia was taking a small walk slowly while holding Reva in her arms to support the later although it's been over a week since Reva has woken up , her recovery was faster than expected she was looking healthy and fine making the physician at the royal palace heave a sigh of relief after all they couldn't stand the way Zia looked at them with her blood shot eyes and coldness as if they were to fail in saving their Queen their another queen will surely behead them.

although they were scared out of their wit's they felt equally worried for someone like Reva who grew up as a orphan, had done many jobs , she was naturally kinder than the people in the palace last time they were called up to tend to her injury during the queen's marriage selection they thought it will be hard to deal with someone who is going to become a royal but surprisingly they didn't have a hard time instead Reva was cooperative the whole time with a friendly smile on her face.

she was polite to them and even offered to sit and have a friendly chat to know more about the herbs and all since she grew up with her mentally retard brother she often went to buy medicine and all she knew most of the herbs and loved to learn about them.

so they were naturally worried for a good person, personally they also thought that their highness Zia is cold and ruthless so there should be balance and Reva's cheerful and friendly nature opposite to her perfectly fit eachother.

Zia was deep in thought when she heard the person in her arms sigh she turned to look at Reva who made a gloomy face , Zia looked at her as if asking what happened " that's enough Zia I am fully recovered, stop slacking off... " they came to halt reaching the fountain in the middle sitting by the bench.

Zia let Reva go as they say side by side. Zia glanced at Reva who was staring at her impatiently for an answer."Ok but let's just rest for a few more days until I confirm that you're fully recovered "Reva facepalmed herself thinking this is the exact thing she heard every time she brought this topic up "No! Rey can't handle all of that on his own ! be sensible you shouldn't be this harsh and dump all the work to him!"

indeed Rey was stuck doing all the palace and court duties while Zia was absent, Zia tilted her head a small grin on face "but I think he is enjoying it.."

Rey sneezed here in the court room while handing over the paper to Luka making Luka frown in worry "are you ok ?" Rey thought someone must be talking behind his back but he shook his head giving Luka a smirk as he said in a low voice "how can I be ok when you are around my temperature rises." Luka rolled his eyes as the tip of his ear turned red this ' like an animal in heat ? 😒🫡 this mother f@ker leaves no chance to flirt!' he thought to himself

while he couldn't hide the smile he said teasingly "ok than sir I will take my leave! please look after your health!"

saying this he ran away leaving a baffled Rey behind, Rey sighed 'looks like he is going to die single at this rate he has been throwing so many hints yet still it seems Luka is just a naive young master but then again they both were almost of the same age Luka would turn 20 this year and Rey would be 22 it wasn't a big difference nor was Rey really big and taller than Luka although they varied greatly in strength.

one was a rich spoiled young master of a family while he was from the one of most famous family himself yet his descendants were great warriors who swore their loyalty to the Naira Kingdom so he was from a very young age trained with Zia as her bodyguard and loyal subordinate yet Zia always treated him equally as if he was her brother making him feel greatful for such master and Zia would have taken over the duties herself by now it was only due to his pleading that he wants to do the work for a little longer so he could catch the little bird who caught his eyes.

but to his displeasure his luck was bad he couldn't even do much more than talk and Luka seemed to be stubbornly working hard avoiding anything thrown at him like a prey avoiding a trap. Rey sighed in defeat and composed himself immersing in a pile of work.

here Zia was grinning while a confused Reva stared at her "Did you hit your head on something solid when I was sick ?"

"huh? what?" Zia was pulled out of her train of thought.Reva shook her head "that's it we are going to court tomorrow morning and start the piled up work no matter how efficient Rey is he still can't deal with the land and property matter and stuff it can be only dealt in our presence either way I am done with you acting like a kid"

Zia made a cute pouting face at her words trying to fool Reva again but failed as those slender and long fingers pulled her ear with force "awee! ouch! ohh ok please stop see I am done I am not doing anything please! "

"hmmm... behave your highness otherwise I will file for a divorce!" Reva said teasingly.Zia smirked putting her face close to Reva "oh.. really? but what will be the reason for the divorce?"

Reva furrowed her brow making a serious expression as if seriously thinking "it should be because my wife is misbehaving!"Zia smirk turned to a full teasing grin as she inched more closer "can you specify what kind of misbehaving..? "

perhaps Zia had forgotten that Reva is immune to her teasing as Reva gave a sweet smile fully knowing where Zia is taking the conversation she gave a forceful twist to Zia's ear making Zia back of with her face in its original position as she begged to be released making Reva laugh.

"did you seriously forget that I was still holding your ear ? ptff! hahaha oh ..god!"

hearing her sweetheart mock her like this Zia cried out in defence "Reva.. please don't it hurts" making a sulky face Zia said in a pitiful tone which shocked Reva.

'wow did she even learn how to act i almost fell for this drama' Reva thought to herself. who in their right mind would believe that a person who kills millions mercilessly on battle field bathing in blood and scar could actually feel pain due to their ear being twisted playfully. Reva laughed at Zia's trick finally caving in as she pulled her head on her chest giving a small kiss on the brutally twisted ear which looked a bit red than usual but was completely fine cuddling. making Zia smile in content as her comforting scent hit her nose mixed with the flowers.finally it was all over

It feels like yesterday when there was war or when they married in dire conditions or when...her childhood friends merged in Reva although Zia didn't want to make Reva uncomfortable but she was curious about what actually happened to them that day when their energy separated from their body combining with Reva.

while rubbing her face on Reva's chest Zia let our a purr like a small kitty making Reva smile from giddiness "Reva?" to her soft calling Reva.

Reva "Hmm?"

Zia "You are not allowed to leave me ever. You can't leave me... please don't ever leave me."

Her tone went from commanding to pleading making Reva's heart twist in pain as long as they have eachothers they would be just fine. She took Zia's face in her hands cradling her cheeks she kissed her softly murmuring against their lips like vow's.

Reva "I won't leave you ever understood?"

Zia nodded her head completely captivated by the charms of her wife she kissed those cherry lips.

Yes as long as they are together it's ok , it's ok if they won't find answers to some mystery, it's ok if they lose wealth, Power or youth they would be ok as long as they are with eachother.

After all this empire belonged to her little nephew.

And that is her only aim in life to pass this throne to its rightful owner which would happen in few years peacefully since the defeat of the most strongest Empire there won't be any hindrance so it could have considered that she has fulfilled her aim.

The aim of the Queen was fulfilled.

Now she can live her own life with her wife by her side.


author: what am I doing here 😀 I have no idea but one thing is sure I can no longer hold this story togather 😭 sadly I will not continue this story.

Sorry to all the reader.

But I was new when I started this story, had fresh ideas but now I am out of all (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠) so I will end this story here.