"C'mon, Chloe! Hurry up," Abby shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
Groaning, I grabbed my messenger bag and headed downstairs. I was not looking forward to spending the day with Abby, Marc, Rachel, and who knew who else. Being that girl who spent the entire weekend doing homework and studying was starting to sound really good.
As soon as I reached the bottom of the stairs, Abby frowned. "You're wearing those?" She pointed at my feet.
"What's wrong with flip flops? It's supposed to be warm today, right?"
I already knew the answer to that - she'd spent a good hour last night convincing me it would be warm enough to swim. Unless the temperatures spiked into the nineties, I was not getting in the water, but I packed my swimsuit and a towel to make her happy. Plus, I really missed wearing flip-flops; they were my go-to shoe choice in Florida.
"Nothing, but they're going to be useless during the hike there," she said.