"Do you have any idea where you might like to work?" Larissa asked.
I shrugged. "Not really. I don't want to wait tables or anything like that. Working in a coffee shop might be fun. Or at an ice cream stand."
"Have you considered tutoring?" Frank rubbed his hand over his stomach. "Your grades are excellent. I'm sure you could make decent money, especially around here."
Was he for real? I was already a loser as far as my classmates were concerned. Asking for their money so I could show them how academically superior I was wouldn't gain me any popularity. In fact, the only thing I'd probably get out of it was more dirty looks and nasty rumors. And knowing my luck - a flashy lawsuit for something ridiculous. Olivia was already under the impression I was "trading favors" with her brother.
"No," I said after a moment. "I don't have the patience to teach."
"You should think about it." He nodded as if that were the end of the conversation.