Chapter 115: Living Nightmare, Part 1

I spent the night tossing and turning, my mind whirling with what I'd learned. When I did manage to fall asleep, I'd jolt awake in a cold sweat. Now that my memories were back, so were the nightmares. I hadn't missed those. The pain of Hannah taunting me and biting me was still as raw as ever, and more than once, her face had morphed into Trent's.

That was my biggest fear. That I'd tell him what I'd found, and he'd force me to turn into a vampire so his family could be free from a centuries old curse. My stance on that hadn't changed, though - I didn't want to become what he was. I didn't want to be a vampire.

But not changing meant dooming him to an existence of loneliness. Even though I was his soulmate, I would eventually die, and he'd never be able to love again. How could I do that to him? Could I really be that selfish?