Whitney breezed into the room a second later. "What're you two doing in here?" she asked, then tossed the menu from the local pizza place onto the counter.
"We were putting away the snacks, and then we got distracted talking," Karina said, standing. "Did you order the pizza?"
"Yup." Whitney grinned. "I ordered enough fried foods to put all of us into a grease coma."
I rolled my eyes but couldn't stop from smiling. She really was too much. Good thing I loved her like a sister. I stood and stretched. "Let's go see if Abby and Ellie found a movie that will scare us senseless."
Whitney squealed and raced into the living room. I'd left my phone on the kitchen counter to charge. On my way out, I checked it for any messages, hoping I'd have one from Trent. But I didn't. Disappointment settled around me. He'd called late last night - after I'd already fallen asleep - to say he loved me, and while I appreciated that, I couldn't help but feel like it was an afterthought.