Isach broke up with her? Shock rendered me motionless for several moments. Then, snapping out of it, I hugged her back, and her shoulders shook hard enough to shake both of us.
"I'm so sorry." I let her cry a moment longer, then I released her. "C'mon. We're leaving."
She nodded and rubbed at her eyes, which were red and puffy and spilling non-stop tears down her face. As soon as Abby calmed down enough to tell me what was going on, I was going to find Isach and kill him.
He'd promised he wouldn't hurt her. He'd made a blood oath with Ivy just so he could have an eternity with Abby, and then he dumped her? Had everyone in this school lost their minds today?
I ushered Abby out of school and straight to my SUV. Once we were in and buckled, I sped out of the parking lot, drove past Roaring Brook Falls, and just kept going. I didn't have a destination in mind, but I kept driving in the hopes it would calm Abby and help me think clearer.