"He's not gonna show up," Abby said for the millionth time as she paced a hole in Trent's living room floor.
"He's going to show up," I said again. "It's only ten after twelve."
I refused to admit I was starting to worry, too. What if something happened to him? What if he couldn't get away from his father? Nerves gnawed at my gut, and I stood, too restless to sit still a second longer.
"He's here," Wyatt said.
A moment later, there was a knock on the door. Trent opened it, and Isach strode in. Without saying a word to anyone, he marched up to Abby, took her face into his hands, and kissed her in a way that wasn't suitable for an audience.
My face heated, and I looked away, but I couldn't contain my smile knowing how thrilled Abby must be right now.
Finally, Isach released her, mumbled something I couldn't hear, and then turned his attention to the rest of us. "I don't have a ton of time, but - "