Hours later, after Abby had called her mom and dad to tell them about Isach's "fatal car accident," she had cried herself to sleep on the couch. Aunt Beth and Uncle Dean begged her to go back to the cabin so she wouldn't be alone, but Abby insisted she wasn't, that she was with Whitney. Reluctantly, they'd agreed to give her the night, but tomorrow, she was expected home.
I draped a blanket over Abby and left her there to sleep. I hoped she'd find some peace, even if only for a little while as she slept. Unfortunately, I knew from experience that the dawn of a new day would be the hardest. She'd wake up, momentarily forgetting the events of the previous day, thinking for one glorious minute that she hadn't lost Isach - and then it would all crash back down on her.
"C'mon," Trent whispered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and turning me away from Abby. "She needs to rest. So do you." He led me into his room.