Jeannie - Divorce

Mary couldn’t answer our question about a second husband because the nurse walked in at that moment. I couldn’t help but glare at the woman. Couldn’t she tell we were about to dig around some dusty skeletons in the family closet? It was rude to interrupt us at such a critical time.

I saw the relief on Mary’s face. She thought she had dodged a bullet, but I was not one to let sleeping dogs lie. I woke them up and made them bark.

As they tended to Mom, I noticed how final it all looked. She had not been responsive since I had left the previous evening. Periodically, she would jerk and grimace as though in pain. It had to be bad as Mom could tolerate more pain than anyone I knew.

I took the time to tidy up after breakfast and cover what was left of the frittata. We could eat it later if we got hungry. With everything put up, the nurse left and in walked in my niece.