
Chapter 48

As the plane nosedives into the Beijing area, I can't help my stomach from tightening. My hand instinctively reaches for Jai's, though I should know better, be more discreet, take better care. He holds my fingers, curls them through his, and we stare at each other. I can see the anxiety wash all over his face, he's as nervous as I am.

"Look out the window," I tell him, and we catch a glimpse of Beijing below us, it's like a toy city sprawled before our eyes. "We're almost there. I'm sorry we have to be cautious, I'm sorry I can't be open about who you are to me. But we'll soon be home, where we can be ourselves."

He shakes his head, smiles reassuringly. "Don't worry, I understand. There's no need to tell the world we're together, what we have is ours alone."