Author Notes:
1- Look I won't say that I know nothing of the SCP universe, but I don't really know much about the actually canon and yes I know there is no "real" canon just a bunch of different timelines and each SCP can or can't be canon depending on the person, so if there is any points that you believe aren't supposed to be here or are wrong well fuck you this is my own canon and fanfic.
2- Sorry this took so long, I've been having horrible bouts of insomnia lately and have been getting 2-4h of sleep everyday, which is a lot worse compared to getting none because my( or our ) brains hate us.
3- Give me suggestions for what SCPs I should feature in a chapter, I'll research it and maybe it will be in a chapter, not all the chapters will be about SCPs… Scratch that nearly all of them will be about different SCPs and how the main character will try and help them.
4- He won't be evil or villainous, there are many other fanfics that have their main characters evil for the sake of edginess and I'm all about edge and chuuni but after reading hundreds of fanfics ( You can check my profile ) you get sick of main characters raping, killing, blackmailing, betraying, etc, so yeah good main character or as good as a person can get in the SCP universe.
"Cameron, can you tell me what was happening when the fire team found you?" Dr. Valdez asked the young boy who had been blankly staring into the air for a couple minutes, the voice of the older man had brought the boy out of his glazed state and the boy focused on the man.
"I don't like that name, Cameron I mean, please call me Arthur... Also could please repeat the question I didn't hear you" Cameron now Arhur replied to the doctor who raised his eyebrow and stared at the boy, he eventually shrugged his shoulders and made a mental note to notify the future personnel of the boys choice.
"Well then, Arthur, can you tell me what had happened when the fire team found you?" the doctor rephrased his question including the boy's new name. This had brought a small smile on the boy's face who slowly began repositioning his hands in front of his eyes and stared at them, almost afraid to make any sudden movements that would scare the doctor.
"Fire team? You mean the mt- soldier guys?" Arthur asked as he fixed his mistake in his sentence, ~'Damn, I nearly slipped up there, I can't let then know I know more than they do. Trying to act like a child and acting like Cameron was also difficult though' Arthur thought~ Arthur scrunched his eyes in annoyance while looking at his arms side lining that previous line of thought. 'Is he trying to activate his powers?' Dr. Valdez assumed as he looked at Arthur who was still in deep focus.
"That's the one" Dr. Valdez made sure to note that previous thought process, he had to focus on the current interview anything else could be for later, and answered the boy's question.
"I was… I think I was trying to help that lady" Arthur responded, though his sentence sounded more like he was asking a question the Doctor once again took note of, Arthur slowly began to twist and turn his arms around trying to look at something, 'He's still having trouble activating them? And going by his previous statement, maybe it's more of a thing that happens in stress?'
"Well, why did you want to help her?" Dr. Valdez asked the boy who had taken his gaze away from his hands and looked towards his pen, "You want it?" Dr. Valdez asked as he noticed the boy's stare, 'Maybe he needs a medium for his abilities?'
"Yes please" Arthur responded and the doctor reached out to the boy with his pen in his hand and gave it to him, "As for your question; She was scared and that guy was armed with a gun, anybody would have an inclination to help her ~At this point Arthur had given up trying to act like a child, though he would still try and keep the conversation similar to the original~ she was in mortal danger and I knew I could help her, so I did" the boy said almost angry at the question, all the while twirling the pen in between his fingers quicker and quicker, 'They probably won't get it, sure they try and help people but they only focus on humanity, but they always do it in the worst ways' Arthur thought.
"*Ahem*, But why specifically you? You're just a child, you could have run away and called the police, so why does it have to be you?" Dr. Valdez coughed as he tried to diffuse the tension that he had accidentally caused, he had to end this conversation on good terms his superiors needed a SCP they could experiment with as to figure out psychic abilities.
"Because I've got the capabilities to do so, you know the saying right? "With great power comes great responsibility", or Noblesse Oblige the responsibility of those in power to help those who don't have the same abilities" Arthur responded while stopping the twirling pen and threw it towards his left hand, he snapped his right-handed fingers together and the pen Dr. Valdez had given him to start spin in the air causing the boy's hair to slowly lift upwards, this stopped quickly as the boy snapped his fingers again and the pen dropped into his hands which were already in place for its descent.
"Well…*Ahem* Have you helped anyone else with your abilities?" Dr. Valdez calmed his nerves, he only recently was hired by the SCP Foundation and his encounters with the SCP's so far had been limited and thus his first encounter with a sentient SCP was a bit nerve wracking for him.
"Here's your pen back and, No I've only recently gained powers so I had decided to train them so I could understand them better" Arthur responded while handing the pen towards the doctor, 'Plus I only recently got here and Cameron hadn't had enough practice, damn kid should've trained longer before he decided to fight someone who was armed'.
"Has anybody ever caught you while you were practicing?" Dr. Valdez asked in a tone that seemed like it would promise pain, 'Smart kid though, still might have to get a clean up crew though'
"No, I only practice in isolated areas like in the woods or abandoned junkyards" Arthur responded quickly hoping to stop them from doing something that he would be indirectly responsible for.
'Damnit, those aren't at all isolated areas, every person goes to abandoned junkyards and woods, I'll have to send a clean up crew then' Dr. Valdez thought sadly at the idea of having to memory wipe people for just being in the wrong time and wrong place.
"Well that's good" Dr. Valdez lied already having dealt with the sadness and tried to placate the boys fears that he himself had noticed... "Would you mind telling me what you can do with your abilities?" Asked the intrigued Doctor who had his pen uncapped and was getting ready to write on a notepad that he had pulled out of his white coats pocket.
"I can move things with my mind, Telekinesis, is the proper term I think… as for the limits for my telekinesis right now I'd say around 70kg? I couldn't really tell how much an object weighs, anymore and it usually strains me, but after lifting that extra weight my limit does improve." Arthur said all the while Dr. Valdez had been writing down and taking extensive notes, 'Damn, he's taking more notes than I'm speaking, truly the researchers here are top of the line' Arthur thought in awe as the Doctor had been taking very extensive notes on the power(s).
"Another ability I have is Transmutation, I can change the form of an object, though I have to be holding it with my telekinesis. As for the limits, I could… let me just show you" Arthur said before standing up and walked to the side of the table before stretching his hand out towards the chair he had been sitting on.
"That's not really necessary..." the doctor was cut off as Arthur bad already began to activate his ability as a red and blue light slowly began to emit from the boys arm and hand which slowly transferred over to the chair and be scrunched up his eyes and focused, the chair slowly began to morph and transform until eventually the metallic chair was gone and what replaced it was a metallic stool.
Arthur then walked back towards the previous chair now stool before sitting on it, "I can't really transform one material into another, I can only work with what I'm given" he said to the stupefied doctor before laying his head down on his arms which were on the table "I shouldn't have gotten rid of the backrest" he said exhaustedly said, this broke the doctors stupefied state and he started taking notes once again
"I think that should be enough for today then, I'll have some of the security personnel show you to your new room while you stay with us" Dr. Valdez finally stopped writing and stood up before walking out of the room and signed towards one of the guards, that was all that Arthur could view before the doors automatically closed and he was left in the room.
( Pov Switch, Arthur, { A/N:I'll probably rewrite the above some day, I don't like the way it flows } )
'This really fucking sucks, I mean, I got transmigrated into the SCP universe worse I get transmigrated into the body of an SCP that recently got captured, Even more unfavorable is that I'm now a reality bender and I have to keep it secret or else Dr. Clef will come and shotgun blast my head before I realise it, good thing that my reality warping is limited to transmutation at this point' I thought as I closed my eyes, the white lights of the bleak white room that I had been left it was beginning to annoy me.
'I should request for orange lights that have an adjustment level of brightness, I can't deal with this shit all day long', I turned my head down towards my arms and and pushed my eyes my arms to block out the light, apparently closing them wasn't enough.
*ZWOM* The sounds of the doors opening caused me to look up, 'Security Personnel, I finally can get out of this room… and then into another room that's nearly exactly the same.' I though depressingly, 'This situation is definitely not going to be good for my mental health, Welp, nothing I could really do' I thought, trying to prevent myself from falling further into the pit of sadness and forcefully cheered myself up, and began to followed the silent guards who had only communicated in hand signs.
( A walk through the site and into my new cell- room lager )
'Damn, I was spot on, this place is as empty as the last one' I thought, as I stated at the roughly 15x10x4m{ Length, Width, Height }room with only a bed and a bookshelf at the side occupying the space that was my room.
'A lot of free space though, hell, it's better than my previous apartment room… I could work with this' I thought happily, as I began to imagine my new life here, 'A couch here, maybe a T.V there, repaint the walls from white to something else… I need to escape this hellhole, I mean how could I possibly even begin to accept this, this place is fucking horrible, they kill people willy nilly, they expiramentat in innocent creatures and beings just because they wish to understand why and how they work' I collapsed towards my bed, tears began to stream from my eyes as an existential dread slowly washed over me, I was beginning to have an anxiety attack.
'No, this can't be real, I mean, a universe that's controlled by horror writers? That can't possibly be real, this must all be a sick nightmare that my brain decided to make to fuck me over...' Denial.
'Not to mention all of the fucking demonic SCPs that are here, I mean Jesus fucking Christ, who hurt the Horror Writers that dictate this universes every single movement and story, God, what of a the 001 proposals, do they all just exists? Or is it just one, but then, if the Gate Guardian isn't real, then does that mean the Abhrahamic SCPs don't exist? and if he does, does that mean that... How in the name of Fuck am I supposed to deal with that shit!' Anger.
'Fucking Christ, this universe fucking sucks, why did it have to be me? Why couldn't it have been someone else, I mean, take someone else? I won't survive here, I won't be able to live here...' Bargaining.
'I won't be able to live here... I would rather die...
I won't be able to live here. I would rather die!
I won't be able to live here. I would rather die!!
I won't be able to live here. I would rather die.
I won't be able to live here. I would rather die...
Please, just take me away...' Depression.
*Haaa* a slow and deep sigh made its way through my throat as the last of my sobs followed, 'No, I can't leave, I need to stay, to help the extraordinary beings that make this universe special, the universe that drew me in from the moment I first was introduced to it, I'll try my hardest to help and even if I fail I'll know, that I did my best and helped a couple if people' I thought as I repositioned myself and faced the ceiling, wiping my tears I looked up at the lights in front of me.
'As someone somewhere once said' I thought as I remembered a quote I had read from somewhere, I raised my hand out towards the blinding white light above me just like a new star burning with hope "Always think of a brighter tomorrow, even when there is no tomorrow" I said as I gripped my hand, reaching and taking that new hope, 'Damn, that was chuuni as fuck…' I thought as a smile stretched across my face.
'Right now, I can't be doing nothing, I need to focus and create a rough plan for the future' I thought while staring at the white lights, too emotionally, mentally and physically exhausted to even move.
'Alright, now I have to decide what I'm going to do;
1- Remodel this god awful room, I doubt I'd be able to stand living in this room for the rest of my life without going insane, a pure white room with white blinding lights? No, just no.
2- Eventually get a therapist, if going by that anxiety attack, it would seem that some of my mental health issues carried over, certainly not the worst situation as I've dealt with then for the majority of my life, but now that I'll have to deal with this shit*Deep breathe in and out* I'll definitely need some more help.
3- Try and help various SCPs, of course I know that some of them are a lost cause or are just evil, but I know that the majority of them can be helped.
4- Become a researcher, this one is going to be the most difficult I know that much, but it would give me the power needed to actually help those SCPs.
4.1- Become Dr.Bright's apprentice? Junior Researcher? Yeah that sounds better, anyway it would certainly be a difficult task as he's more focused on more important things but seeing as the 0-5 treats him as if he's a SCP would certainly help me somehow…
5- Maybe learn a new instrument or language, I'll need to keep myself entertained somehow, I know they won't allow me to gain access to the internet, way too much of a security threat.' I thought as I tried to flush out my plans as much as possible, while prioritising #4 as it would be the one that I'd need to achieve as fast as possible. I knew this much.
6- Figure out how I died, I literally don't have any clue on how I died, or well, how I got here...
"Lights out, all research personnel please make your way towards your designated sleeping quarters, Security personnel follow your designated sleeping schedule" an automated voice radiated out towards the entire site as the lights slowly turned off in the rooms, 'Hallway lights are still one though' I thought as I looked towards my door which had light seeping through its edges, a dark shadow slowly passed by the door and stopped.
Exhaustion finally caught up with me as I closed my eyes. 'I'm going to take the future head on without any doubt and I would save as many as possible…'
( POV Switch, Shadow at the door )
'Damn, another kid?' I thought as I stated at the plate next to the door, [ Item: SCP-2241, Object Class: Euclid ] 'Shit, are they really still calling them items and objects?... I'll need to bring this up to the next Ethics Committee meeting... Not that it would do much'
I slowly walked away from the door as my trusty assistant jiggled on its chain which hung around my neck, it's beautiful red light shone a warm tone across my beautiful chiseled chest... { How'd you get here? } 'Hmm, what was that? Surprise encounter? Welp, better get back to my sleeping quarters, it's past my bed time'
'Well, there is that new SCP that was captured, I heard it can make any liquid... What about...'
{ An:
1- I'll probably rewrite the first section in a later date. I really didn't like how it turned out.
2- As stated at the beginning, this took so long because of my insomnia and well, I could have written during that time, but reading fanfictions is just more fun.
3- 3045 words in this chapter