Steel peak

Yes hello this is the bonk police, we have received an anonymous tip that there was some illegal sexual activity nearby. Have you seen or heard anything suspicious by any chance ?

A cold breeze traversed the heated room, tickling the still naked bodies of the two as they continued to kiss each other passionately after their act.

"So, did I quench your thirst?" Matt asked as he pecked her on the lips again.

"Mhm, you did, but I still feel a little thirsty."

She turned her head to face his neck where she had bitten him before:

"Nom… "

Astrid's fangs pierced his neck as her lips and tongue moved around to suck him dry.

This time Matt wasn't as surprised by the pain and just let her eat silently, leaving sounds of slurping and licking fill the disorderly room.

She backed off his tender skin and looked directly into his eyes as she erotically licked the blood remaining on her lips, smiling at him.

"Thank you for the meal."

He caressed her cheek as he pecked her lips that still tasted like his own blood.

"Anything for you my dear."

The two sexualy invigorated teenagers then stood up and swiftly gathered their clothes, or at least what remained of them.

They quickly realized that most of it had been ripped apart during their foreplay and that all they were left with were their boots, pants and the thick winter jacket to cover their jacked and marked upper bodies.

As Matt looked around to check whether they had forgotten anything, he noticed some of his blood had remained on the floor as it began to rust.

He made a quick decision and crouched down before drawing some kind of shape with his finger.

As he finished, you could recognize some kind of crimson triangle contained within a Jormungandr / Ouroboros symbol (Snake eating itself) drawn upon the steel plated floor. IMG HERE

'Erase the previous checkpoint within the cauldron of famine and create a new checkpoint here.'

Fast travel :

Checkpoints (2 / 3) :

-Hermes facility

-Cauldron of famine

Map (2 / 3) : Shit quality map

Upgrades (3) :

[All bodily fluid checkpoint creation]

[Map quality x1]

[Checkpoint of movement creation]

He looked at Astrid and asked, "Do you feel better? Anything strange?"

"Hm? Uhm, well, I feel better yeah but at the same time I feel like there are ants crawling around inside of me and it feels really weird.

Can you teach me how to use them?"

"How would I be able to teach you that?"

"Well… You have those too right?"

"Sure, I can try, but I think you'll have to figure most of it out by yourself."


'Aiden, do you know where the reserve emitter and the controls are?'

[From the information I have sorted out previously, the reserve emitter and auxiliary admin control panel seem to be located here.]

'Here where?'

[Within the control center, probably in the back.]

Following Aiden's advice, Matt walked around and found a metal box fuzed within the wall that was located right next to the emergency generator.

There were no handles or edges to open it so he tried pressing on it and the rectangular lid magically slid off.

Behind it was a weird panel with a lot of different blinking lights as well as a screen that was starting to power up.

On it, a simple sentence appeared.

[No cauldron administrator selected, scan to run for admin position.]

Astrid came closer as well and looked at Matt uncertain of what to do.

"You can have it, that's what you were promised after all. I don't know how it works either so just press on the screen, say scan or…"

She tried to press on the screen but nothing happened so she did the second option.


[Scanning admin candidate, Miss. Bergesen has been selected, please select another candidate or terminate the selection.]


[Congratulations Miss Bergesen, you are now the administrator of cauldron 6731, all files, controls and data will be transferred to you shortly...]

[Focus detected, initiating transfer…]

[Cauldron 4198, codename Famine, is now in your hands.]

As the sentence finished writing itself on the screen, blank holographic screens appeared and superposed the tall windows overlooking the factory.

Shortly after, lights came back to the entire cauldron and the machines that had been shut down before also woke up again.

The holographic screens changed and one by one showed different areas within the cauldron.

Different kinds of mechanical arrays spinning, eerily dark hallways, pistons randomly going up and down, a machine factory where the robots fed it with scrap and new ones would emerge, etc…

You could also see the damage that it had suffered, one sector in particular was completely ruined, most definitely by a certain Doc.Ock's outburst.

A broken mixing pool was leaking gallons of orange jelly that took fire and burned down the entire room, from the looks of it this jelly would keep on burning for a long, long time.

Other places had suffered just as much damage with cables and pipes that had holes pierced in them, pieces of different machines that were separated or broken and even a dead watcher that had somehow been thrown towards the ceiling and had gotten stuck there, tangled in a mess of cables.

"Yeah… I might have gone a little overboard."

"Nh, I don't think so. You did it for me after all."

"Oh Astrid… I would do anything for you. Doesn't matter who I kill or what I destroy as long as it's for you."

"Hubby~" Her eyes shined with love.

She put her arms around his neck and kissed him, after which she lowered her head and snuggled it under his chin. He responded in kind and hugged her tight.

They stayed like this for a while before Astrid's muffled voice came from his chest.

"Your heart is beating so slowly compared to how mine used to... Now… I-I don't feel my heartbeat anymore. Have I… become a monster ?"

This comment pulled Matt's heartstrings like a jolt of lightning. Astrid was still a young girl, she might be well versed in the art of combat and she had an obsessive personality disorder but that didn't mean she wasn't human. She has feelings, and empathy, it was easier for him to accept change as an individual from a modern world but for her?

"What are you scared of exactly? Being different? I am different from all the Valhallans too. The Valhallans are different from all the other humans and the humans are all different from each other. There's nothing to be afraid of."

"But what if… what if they despise you because of me? I-I don't want to cause you harm… I don't want to see you cry… Again."

"Shhh, that's not what's important. Look at me. You are my life, as I said I would kill for you. Would you kill for me?"

"O-off course."

"Then, when we get back home, kill anyone standing in my way. I don't care if you are a monster, you are my beautiful monster, a vampire, a werewolf, a girl, it doesn't matter, because you are you. Astrid, the dearest soul to my heart. And as long as you stay by my side I will never let you down or desert you."

"Then… Do we go home?"

"Not yet, I still want you to take care of the basics for this place and learn a bit more about your new 'Famine nanites'. Start by looking into the AI I made for you and your new access to the cauldron."


Her focus glowed in a blue light and a blue ring appeared around it, it projected a purple screen in front of her with a few simple sentences written in a row.

[Modify blood]

[Modify blood flow]

[Lock / Release mutations]

[Lock / Release Jaeger]

[Administrate cauldron 4198]

"This is a basic command-line interface, it should let you control everything." Matt's head and voice emerged from behind the hologram.

She tried pressing the first line with her finger and a few new ones appeared.





[Modify transported gas]

"You should also be able to select things without pressing on it. Try thinking about what you want." He was happy to see the stupefaction on her face.

So without doing anything except moving her eyes and blinking, Astrid went from [








She then selected [Accelerate] and felt as her blood flowed through her entire body, like a rush of adrenaline she felt the world slow down and her muscles burst with strength without even moving an inch.

She quickly selected [Slow] and felt her blood return to normal and her muscles aching for a short time.

Matt watched curiously as he saw the expressions on her face changing without anything noticeable happening. He was about to ask her what she saw and felt when a bit of blood dropped out from under her left hand's nails.

The little red pearls splashed on the ground as Astrid intently watched them fall from her own hand.

The flow increased and decreased, like a dam opening and closing its valves.

At one point a long string of blood fell down before stopping right before hitting the ground, it became hard like a red needle but quickly broke and shattered into a bloody mist.

"It… feels strange, like a new limb that I can't fully control."

"Good, you'll learn how to use it, don't worry."

"I didn't notice anyone else though, is there a problem with the AI?"

"Haha don't worry about that, I made sure that you would be the only one to control the nanites, the AI will only work in the background to make your controls easier, connect all the nanites and protect you if something goes wrong or if you need to passively get protected."

"Nh, so she will only relay my orders to my blood and heal me."

"There are some other functions but basically yeah, I haven't given her a name yet. That honor is yours."

She smiled, this was the best gift ever, like a wedding gift. The thought made her grin widen even more.

"I will call her Brynhildr, it fits with what I want her to become. A shield and spear, for you."

1742 words


Never gonna give you up ♪

Never let you down, or desert you ♪

Tutututututu… ♪