"Are you going to come in or not?" He asks with a small smile and she rolls her eyes before trudging to the car. She sits in the car not saying a word to him, instead she brings out her phone focusing her whole attention on it.

"Well hello to you too" he says sarcastically and she rolls her eyes still ignoring him.

"Oh my bad. Hey, how are you fahad? I'm fine thank you for asking and you? Oh I'm fine too" he carries on talking mimicking her voice and answering himself and she turns to him with a glare.

"Can you please shut up?"

"No I quite like talking" he quips pushing his glasses up his nose, and she just notices that he's infact wearing glasses and she hates to admit how fine it makes him look.

They ride in silence for a long time before she gets tired of the silence and tries to turn on the radio, he swats off her hand and she turns to him with a glare, kissing her teeth.

"Don't be rude" she scowls giving up and just folding her arms back.

"Oh I'm the one being rude now?" He asks, amused at the irony of her statement.

"What do you mean?" She turns to him sharply, no one gets her this riled up like Fahad.

"I don't know. You're the one with the catty attitude" he removes his hands from the steering wheel, shrugging.

"Hands on the wheel! So now you're calling me a cat? Ni ce mage?" she screeches.

"Well, not technically. I said your attitude right now, not you" he defends himself.

"If you're going to insult me then I might as well just get out of the car" she says trying to force open the door, although the locks are in.

"Don't be dramatic, we're almost at the venue" he rolls his eyes, turning to the corner of the reception hall.

From the wrought iron gates, lights were strung up all around trailing to the humongous marquee. The music, although soft, plays in a really high volume from the gate entrance.

"I won't stay and listen to you insult me like this. Wannan ai cin fuska neh". Leave it to Aysha to completely turn his statement. It had been like that between them since they were little, he'll say one thing and she'll turn it into something completely different and sometimes offensive which ends with her riling him up and them fighting.

"Ya Allah" he says rubbing his forehead as he slows down to a stop outside the reception hall.

She gets down from the car without saying anything more to him, heading towards the bridal train. The couple haven't entered yet and are in their car waiting since the bridal train are entering before them.

She gets to Hadiza, "if you leave me alone with your brother one more time, we'll end up killing each other" she grits out and Hadiza bursts out laughing before a glare from Aysha stops her.

That's it. If she has to meet another one of their apparent relatives she'd go mad. Who knew answering things like 'do you remember me?' 'When you were a baby...' or 'you've really grown' could annoy someone as much as she is getting annoyed right there, then there is the most annoying one 'next time we all meet it'll be at your wedding', like chill people, most people don't care they just want to go to a wedding.

Before anyone else could find a reason to talk to her she escapes outside for a quick breather and also to look for Hadiza, it is like she just disappeared  immediately after they entered.

"Aysha" she hears the familiar voice of one the twins calling out to her. She turns and sees Abdulrahim calling her and she sighs before walking over to them seating between Abdulrahim and another empty seat.

"What's up?" She greets to them looking over to the rest of the people that are on the table, they are mostly boys save for the two girls that seem to have tagged along with the boys.

"Amara, kirjin biki. Sit down in one place, have you even sat down since you entered this hall?" Abdulrahim asks sipping his cocktail.

She glares at him, "all this guests are hounding me with unnecessary small talks. I can't walk one step without being bombarded by someone, right now I'm trying not to be noticed" she grimaces.

"See you looking like rainbow why won't you be noticed" he guffaws gesturing to her clothes and makeup and she gives him a hard smack on his arm which he doesn't even acknowledge while busy laughing.

"Ha,ha. Very funny " she says drily picking up a cocktail from a waiter passing by.

The chair besides her screeches back, she turns to see Fahad sitting on it and she lets out a groan. What are the odds? She thinks, miserably.

"Be nice" Abdulrahim whispers to her and she turns to shoot him a look, "what am I? A dog?" She hisses, imitating the way he said 'be nice'. Looking as an outsider one will think she's just being disrespectful seeing as he's her older brother but they're both cool with it, that's the only way they both know how to communicate with each other.

The groom's best friend goes on the stage floor giving out a speech and she tries to pay attention although she can feel eyes on her, key word 'tries'.

"What?" She hisses to him when she gets tired of him staring at her, she could even feel his creepy smile. Sadly although the smile felt creepy it didn't look it, far from it actually, although it pains her to admit so.

"Nothing" he says with the creepy smile still on his face. Yes, she's going to continue calling it creepy.

"I'm going to go and look for Hadiza" she says, just needing an excuse to leave.

Her breathing is hard and fast as she tries to catch her breath, best believe she isn't going back to the dance floor anytime soon. As if she needs more glaring facts about her unfitness she sees Hadiza still on the dance floor, the only thing they didn't have in common is Aysha's deep dislike for working out. While Hadiza hits the gym regularly to work out Aysha will rather sleep in comfortably cocooned with her blanket. If it's up to her their house gym will still be gathering dust just like her gym membership card that Hadiza made her get for when she's in school is.

She sits on an empty chair right next to one of the Ac's, the temperature is unreasonably warm despite all the Ac's in the hall. She takes one of the unopened bottled water from the table and takes a large gulp of it pausing to look around the hall. Most of the guests are gone except 'the party aunties' who are on the dance floor looking like they have no intention of leaving.

The couple are also on the dance floor grooving to the beat, some of their friends have their phones out recording them while cheering them on. She brings out her phone and zooms into the camera recording them for a bit before turning the camera to Hadiza, she shouts out some cheer when Hadiza turns giving the camera a show. She laughs while ending the video.

"What are you doing?" She hears the annoying voice right beside her.

"What the hell does it look like I'm doing? Counting rice?" Sarcasm and attitude drips from her voice.

He gives her a glare to match her own, "calm down, wild cat" he rolls his eyes.

"I hope it gets stuck up in your head" she mutters lowly although he still hears her.

"Hater" he chuckles, "you want me to stop seeing your fine face neh?" He lightly flirts and even has the guts to wink.

Nahh man don't go there. "Imagine saying that to Hadiza" she looks at him sharply with a raised brow and his face automatically turns sour as if he was forced to take a gallon of lemon juice.

"I hear my name" Hadiza says sitting down at the other side of Aysha.

There's no way she's telling what he just said, instead she changes the topic. "I told you to stop leaving me with this one" she complains to her giving him the side eye.

"Alright sorry." She tries tucking in her laugh but it still bubbles out. "I'm so freaking tired" she groans dragging a hand across her face. "Oh my God my makeup!" She exclaims a second after.

"Is it smudged?" She turns to the them asking, Aysha shakes her head no.

"That thing is like concrete, it's not going to come off easily" Fahad says with an eye roll warning a loud smack in his arm by Hadiza.



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