End of the month, Dae's plan

(Hey! Author here, just a quick disclaimer.

My Uni will restart tomorrow... Yeah, I know, they want to try and recover the time lost due to the lockdown, hence, my Uni was cut short of pretty much a month and a half.

This means that the chapters will take even longer to release, and right towards the middle of my vacation, I might not even have to release a chapter in a week.

But I have another idea and that is to reduce the size of the chapters for a while. At least in this way, you will alll be able to receive a small moment of happiness.

Or you can vote to keep the novel as it is, big chapter but slower release date.

Bigger chapter also makes it easier for me to develop certain scenarios and for you all to understand the developments since it comes all at once.

Tell me your opnions Please.)

{{I have made my choice}}

[You have chosen to evolve into a Type-1 Pure Human]

[Your Class has been automatically removed in order to avoid interference]

[Your destiny changes]

[Evolution shall commence]

'Out of nowhere, Philip's body started to glow and he started to feel rather sleepy.'

"Alright! We need to end this as soon as possible. Phillip, Petter, I hope you two are ready. Fill these two bottles with your blood."

'Without wasting a single second, Philip and Petter cut their wrists and let the blood flow into the flask.

Petter seemed rather uncomfortable while Philip didn't care at all.'

(Not the case for me, I have a little phobia with blood and this is quite uncomfortable… My hands get all week when I talk about this shit… Although for some reason, I don't feel anything at all when blood is shown in certain scenarios.)

(I am weak ;-;)

'After the two bottles were filled, Dae picked the two and mixed the blood with a series of other materials. Making two beautiful red coins.

Continuing the one he had made earlier, each of the three had a coin'

"Now we just need to throw the coins… Philip, are you still here?"

"What?... I don't feel so good… Jesus!... I feel so sleepy… The ground looks so comforting…"

"Shit! Philip is losing it! Petter! Help me carry him near the fountain!"

'Thanks to their physical strength, they easily carried Philip to the fountain'"

"Philip! Are you still here? Pick this coin and throw it in the water! You need to do that on your own!"

"Ah?... Coin… Give me that…"

'Dae gave him the coin but Philip almost dropped it'"

"My hand is so light…"

"Get a fucking grip! This is your only chance!"

'Philip's eyes were murky, but he still managed to get a tight grip on the coin and throw it forward.'

'Without even seeing what happened, he fell unconscious.'


"Go on, we shouldn't stay behind."

/Splash/ x2

'The coins slowly sunk in the water until they hit the bottom of the fountain. Slowly, the coin started to change into a darker color, just like the other coins in the fountain.'

"... Is this all?"

"Yes. The changes won't happen immediately. Be sure to get a towel in your mouth at night since this is going to hurt."

"... Can I get the coin from the fountain?"

"You can, but be sure to receive God's wrath, hahaha."


'Out of nowhere, the statue started to crack and break.

And in a few moments, the entire fountain broke apart, leaving the single red jar intact'

"WHAT?! Why did the fountain break?!" Said Dae in shock

"Perhaps the fountain's power ended?"

"No! That's impossible! I would have thought that if this was any other holy place, but this is Eridia's main Church!"

"The only scenario when this Fountain could break would be if Eridia died! But she is very much alive… Wherever she is…"

"Then how did it break?"

"I don't know Petter… Unless… She broke it on her own! But that is even more unlikely since the Gods can't gaze into this place! She can't break the pact!"


'Petter was confused, he was previously doing his revenge and now he is hearing men talk about Gods as if they were real entities… Although he was in a bizarre situation, his common sense told him that Gods were simply a little too far-fetched.'

"But why would she break her own Holy fountain?... The red Jar?"

'Dae carefully picked the red jar and analyzed it'

"I don't see anything special in this… Petter, it's better if you take a step back… Three steps back."

'Dae's hand, turned translucent as it started to crack and break as if the light was bending around it.

He slowly and very carefully had his hand approach the jar when...'



'A red beam of light came out of the Jar and completely vaporized all of the flesh in his hand, leaving only a dark bony hand'


"STAY BACK! URG! Pick that potion bottle for me and throw it at me."

'While Dea was grunting in pain through his mouth. The situation inside his head was the complete opposite'

This can't be, it shouldn't be possible!

How is such an item here of all places?! Don't tell me the "Judges" didn't find it! That's bullshit!

They should've taken all of these away or at least sealed this in one of those God-forsaken places but…

Although it is severely weakened, its full power still remains. It only needs to be charged.

Such an item… Why did it choose to reveal itself?

Considering the other references I have, these items would normally choose their wielder...

But… It's now in my hands!


I need to change my plans since I got such a thing this early… Forget about becoming just monsters and surviving…

But I need to find its true wielder. It's definitely not me since it reacted so aggressively, although it isn't rejecting me. Meaning I am a " Subordinate Apostle".

So who is the "Chosen?"


"Hey Petter, can you carry this for me?"

"Hum? Kyoung, I don't understand what is going on anymore…"

"Just do it! I will explain it on the way back."

"Sigh… Alright."

'... But nothing happened'

But he wasn't rejected… Two "Apostles''? What is this situation?

So the only person that remains…

Holy shit… It makes sense. It would choose its wielder based on its current potential, so it must have taken Philip as the most talented among the three of us.

A Mental Lord and a Pure Human, plus everything else… It makes sense now.

Hehe… Truly… My plans have changed…

We won't stop at becoming just monsters… I will have the three of us become something capable of reverting the rules of this sick reality!


'Petter gazed at Dae with fright. For some reason, looking at Dae crouching on the ground holding the red jar tightly with a scary smile is...'

"Let's go, Petter! We don't have a lot of time. Let's bring those extras to their rooms before they wake up."


'Petter decided to stop thinking. They saved his life in a sense, it's best to trust them than to worry.'

'Philip had a weird dream'

'Starting out as a monkey, Philip explored all sorts of places and found all kinds of strange items.'

'Slowly, he stopped walking on all fours and started to walk straight'

'He learned how to make fire and how to craft a simple tool'

'This continued for many "years" until he eventually found himself in a strange place'

'He didn't know how he got there, but that was his dream place. All kinds of fruits and the cleanest water!'

'But he soon grew bored of that place, he wanted to leave, but he couldn't.

All exits had disappeared'

'He was trapped in this paradise.'

'In a spit of anger he destroyed a tree and a red fruit dropped from inside it.

He was confused but he soon brushed this event off and picked the red fruit to eat since it looked tasty.'

'But before he could take a bite of the delicious red fruit he woke up.'

"Arg… What happened?"

What was I dreaming about again?... Forget it, I have better things to do.

"... My room? How did I?..."

They must have brought me here after I lost consciousness…

"But did I do it?... My memory is still a bit fuzzy. I thought it would be easy to maintain consciousness but I was knocked out almost immediately."

Was it because my Class was unequipped?

"First, let me see what I got…"

Open Log.


[Your Class has been automatically removed in order to avoid interference]

[Your destiny changes]

[Evolution shall commence]

[Your Stats are being remodeled based on your current set of abilities and future Race]

[You have offered a coin to the fountain of Eridia]

[A message has been received, opening...]

["Congratulations apostle, for succeeding in all trials"]

[Message end]

[Your body is being purified and reinforced by the ***** and your potential is being strengthened]


[Impossible to complete the task

Reason: Your body is going through an evolution

Solution: The blessing of Eridia shall be directed into your body's evolution and the remaining energy will be processed as per normal]

[You have received the Title, Blessed]

'From this point on there was a massive gap of a few hours between the previous notification and the next one.'

[Evolution has ended]

[You are now a Type-1 Pure Human]

[Your stats are being recalculated...]

[You have made an Impossible achievement]

[You have gained the Title, Evolver]

"That was… Smaller than I thought it would be."

Hum. I thought I would gain another record achievement, "fastest evolution" perhaps?

This can only mean that someone already did that faster than me... But is that even possible?

This is already a very specific situation where I am being assisted by a bug in the system... Literally.

Show me those Titles.


Description: You have been blessed by a divine being

Effects: Passive regeneration of wounds and stamina.

Your body's affinity towards the Divine arts has increased massively.

Other entities will have a stronger first impression of you. This effect may be positive or negative.



Description: You seek to unshackle from the mortal body you currently reside in. One step at a time you will reach greatness through constant evolution.

Effects: Body potential is increased, along with your body's natural adaptation.

Your evolution choices have increased.

Your body can better handle foreign sources of energy.

This Title can be linked with another Title allowing for two Titles to be equipped at once.

One extra effect may or may not be generated when another Title is linked.

Extra effect: Endless mutation

This Title can be fused permanently with another Title; this effect has a chance to carry on to the new Title depending on the compatibility.


"Blessed and Evolver… Blessed seems pretty straightforward although I wonder what that description means… stronger first impression?"

"As for the other…"

Isn't this broken?

Its base effects are alright. More potential, evolutionary choices, and adaptation are good, right?

But the real value of this Title is that it can be used together with another Title, meaning its effects never mattered in the first place since I would obviously equip it with another Title.

Two Titles are better than one in most cases.

But this feature comes with a bonus! It may generate a new effect depending on the second Title I link it with.

As for the extra effect…

It's a shot in the dark for now. I can't imagine what may come out of a fusion between Titles. I can't use common sense to determine the results.

"It would be a shame if I lost some of its abilities because I was hasty and fused it."

"Now… My full Status."


Name: Philip Vinten

Race: Type 1 Pure Human (+)

Home World: Earth (+)

Registered World: Eden (+)

Level 0 (Bruh)

Class: None (+)

Title: Hunter Genius (+)

Exterminator of Nightmares; Ancient Explorer; One man army; Jack of all Trades; Number 1; Scholar; Martial enthusiast; Magical enthusiast; Mental Lord; Pioneer; Blessed; Evolver;

"Vital info"


Mind> 40 (99) (+) Previously 29 (92.9)

Physical> 44 (55) (+) Previously 20 (44.6)

Energy> 42 (+) Previously 35

Spiritual> 35 (40) (+) Previously 15 (24.3)

Mystique> 25 (+) Previously 12


Mental force Lv0 (Hybrid)

Mental force manipulation Lv1 (Hybrid)

Mental domain Lv0 (Hybrid)


Gamerverse (+)

Intermediate Skill fusion Lv13 (Hybrid)

Western continent language(Incomplete) Lv0 (Hybrid)

Scholar Vision Lv0 (Active)

Combat Genius LvMax


Castle Town *****




"Hum… They increased by a lot, but I expected more…"

If I followed everything right. Then My body was a little dysregulated after I got the Castle town.

My Mind stat was boosted by a lot while my body didn't really gain that much.

The values might have increased, but that was just a representation of how meaningful the impact of this Trait had on my body as a whole.

"And even though I got that reward, it wasn't enough to stabilize my stats."

So when I got the evolution, although it decreased my base stats, it better harmonized them.

"And then the Blessing came and further boosted this process. It granted my body enough energy to fully complete this harmonization, and this is why my stats are all around the same value."

Although I lost a lot of stat points, my body is now fully stable!

"And it isn't that bad since, at the end of the day, my stats are higher in value than before, so the loss brought by the Race change has been offset."

"This is just a rough theory… Although I don't want to rely on Dae too much, he does have some free knowledge to share…"

"Although I wonder why my Mind stat stopped at 99. Is there a reason for that or is it just a coincidence?"

I have to ask Dae at least this.

"For now, let me reequip my Class and those new Titles!"

[You have equipped a Class]

[Your destiny changes...]

[Your reality is morphing]

There is no point in keeping Hunter Genius active right now.

I normally keep it equipped when I am not doing any side activities since it gives me a pretty significant boost.

+3 in all Hunter Abilities is quite a lot.

But it's time to change that.

Now, equip the Title Evolver and …

What should I choose for my second Title?


"Martial and Magical enthusiasts are too weak compared to my other Talents."

"Scholar gives a small boost to reading speed, but its main point is the Skill it gives."

"Pioneer gives stat points every time I discover something new, and it also gives me temporary stats when I am exploring something never once explored."

Like going deep into a forest or the deep ocean.

"The problem is that the Ancient Explorer Title is pretty much the same in that regard. And it's much easier to use as well. After all, how can I predict when I am going to discover something new?"

"Mental Lord… It serves no purpose as of now."

It gives me an immense boost towards all mind-related abilities... But I only have 3 right now.

And a natural suppression towards those with weaker minds and mental abilities directed towards me.

If they are weaker they may be just suppressed, but if they are way inferior they may end up being rebounded towards someone else.

"So it isn't a Title suited for day-to-day activities..."

"I will just equip Jack of all Trades for now."

If the situation changes to that of a more competitive one, I can change towards the Number 1 Title.

And if I feel danger or I can always switch to Mental Lord or Hunter Genius.

"Equip Evolver and Jack of all trades"


[Evolver Title has activated]

[The Titles are resonating]

[The resonation has failed]

[No extra effects were created]

"... I guess you can't win all of them."

'Shaking his head, Philip's first course of action was to go take a shower and try to remember as much as he could'

'But to his disappointment, he didn't remember that much more.'

"Hum?... My body… My skin is so smooth! I can't even see those scars… Is this because of Evolution?... I could apply to be an actor now… I would be famous in no time."


/Knock knock/

'While Philip was putting his clothes on, someone started to knock on the door'


"Roy? What brings you here?"

"Are you really going to ask me that question? It's almost the fucking end of the first week and you still have to use your part of the deal!"

"... So you came here to make me use it? Are you that desperate?"

"Fucking hell Philip! Because of our deal, I am always trying to keep the use for you, but the more I hold my skill, the more time I lose since the cooldown only starts when I use the skill!"

"Is that so..."

Oh Roy oh Roy…

You must think that I am stupid right?

The reason why you want me to use this Skill… It's most likely related to what you saw when we first met, right?

The reason why you chose me over the others wasn't only because of the fact I was one of the 10 strong. It had something to do with that Skill you used on me when we first met.

Most likely, me using his skill would allow him to get more information on me, hence, he is becoming more and more desperate since I am not using the Skill…

Ever since Dae started to help me, the need for your Skill has reduced to almost zero…

But keeping you on my side is much better than having you as an enemy… I only need to be careful of what I ask…

It needs to be perfect.

"So you want me to use it… Alright. What time is it right now… 6:40? Let's do this quickly otherwise, I will be late."


What do I need right now… I think this is proper.

"I want to know what will my instructor do during this period of one month."

"... That's a little too vague. You can be more specific for more info."

"Hum… So what kind of training will she have us go through in the first week?"

'Roy's eyes turned platinum as his expression became still.'

'He stayed like this for a few more moments until he "woke up" and said'

"She will continue with what she has already done but the intensity of the training will continue to increase… By a lot. So much so that several of her students will be sent to the hospital."

"Damn… That's a lot."

Looks like getting the Title related to completing all of the basic weapons training isn't going to be that easy.

"We better go now, I need to eat at least one sandwich else I am going to die in the training."

"My condolences."

"Heh. Tell me, Roy, how are classes going with the old man Palpa Tione?"

"He is much calmer than yours, he started by…"

'Philip and Roy ran to the cafeteria and ate a small meal before parting ways, all the while talking about their experiences.'

'This time, Philip remembered to remove his Class prior to starting the training, but thanks to his recent stat boosts, he managed to persevere through training with his previous sword.'

'For some reason, Dae did not initiate a conversation with him this time. Yet every time Philip tried to initiate a mental link with him, Dae refused'

'He was very confused but he believed there was some sort of hidden meaning, so he decided to wait for now. If there is anything Dae wants to say, he will do it in the library.'

'Once training ended, Philip took another shower in his room and went to the library, he waited and waited

But Dae never came.'

'Almost 1 Am and Dae had yet to come, so he figured that Dae was busy and left.'

'The days passed and Philip continued to use Roy's ability in order to learn meaningless yet important things.

There was one situation where he had to help Roy in the forest against some monsters, but that was all.'

'He also spent most of his time learning conceptual knowledge in the library. This allowed him to greatly increase his repertoire of information.

For the remainder of his time, he would spend his time by going to Berinou's classes and by training his new technique in his room.

He wanted to have a solid foundation before trying to create any new technique.'

'The first week ended and the second came right after, but nothing from Dae yet.'

'The last day of the second week of training was also the most dangerous. Not in a life-threatening way, but in the sense, he was almost caught.'

'This time, instead of training heavily like they always did, Berinou had them fight against a real monster.'

'And Philip knew he couldn't Level up right now, so he had to switch his Class. The problem is that Berinou was right in front of him.

And she would certainly notice if his strength suddenly changes the moment he equips his new Class'

'Thankfully, Dae was there to save the day and got her attention by making a bet with the teacher...'

"Teacher! I want to challenge myself today!"

"Ho? And how do you plan to do that?"

"Let me fight against all of these monsters on my own!"

"Brat! You like to cause trouble for me, right?... Fine! But if you fail, you will be forced to stay in the chamber of silence for the entire week!... No! Two weeks!"

"Two weeks?!" Replied Dae


Shit! I got caught up by that brat's enthusiasm and ended up speaking shit!

"In any case… What is the chamber of silence?" Questioned Dae

"A... A very, very 'fun' place… Hehe."

'While Dae talked with Berinou he finally talked with Philip after almost one week'

[Someone is trying to create a Mental link with you]

Hum?! Is Dae finally communicating with me after ignoring me for an entire week?!

{Take this chance to change your Class whenever you find appropriate}

{{Why did you ignore me, man?}}

{I didn't have a choice, the events from last week were a little bigger than I expected, so I had to remain low as the person who cast the spells.

I was also preparing some things, in fact, my plan is about to start!}

{{What do you mean? I have many questions, you bastard!}}

{I know, but I will have to make you wait for another 2 weeks}

{{... Don't tell me that you want to enter that chamber of Silence?}}

{Of course, I do. That room is one of the few places in this garden where the eyes of the Crown's agents can't reach.

It also completely isolates all sounds and magic signatures. Perfect for the training I want to do.

So I will have to ask you to wait a little bit more, just keep up with what you have been doing so far. Make sure to stay away from Petter as well, for the same reason as me of course.}

{{The bar isn't cleared yet?}}

{Tsk tsk Philip. How could the Crown stop after one and a half weeks of the investigation? Someone snuck into the garden and messed with the memories of 3 Heroes and stole their skills… This isn't normal.

One week was just enough for them to understand and evaluate the situation. They will soon start to ask questions...

Don't worry though, I am going into hiding more because I am the magician behind their memory change, you, on the other hand, should be fine.

That's why I am going into the chamber, two birds in one stone.}

{{... Fine. Do as you wish, but I want answers when you come back… Sigh, is there anything I should be particularly vigilant about?}}

{No… Oto! I almost forgot! I left a white note in your room. I need you to collect everything that is written on it by the time I return in two weeks. Try to be stealthy, good luck.}

[Connection has been terminated]


(They can talk very fast but imagine as if Berinou(the teacher) was preparing the arena as they talked mentally)

'Dae then proceeded to enter the small arena and fight wave after wave of monsters'

Shit… I forgot to ask him about the Levels… Isn't he going to Level up if he kills so many monsters?

'After entering the arena, Dae fought bravely against all of the creatures wave after wave, non stopping and bravely, but Berinou seemed to have an infinite stash of monsters

'In order to get caught, he made one mistake in a fight and ended up being struck. Berinou called out his fail and he was sent to the Chamber of Silence

Everyone seemed to be mocking him, but some were in deep thought.'


"Alright, everyone! Now that this has been done with, pick up your weapons and let's start!"

"No need to be hasty! Everyone will have their turn."

'Everyone picked their own equipment and got ready, Philip included'

'During the past week, 4 members decided to transfer to other teachers, but as compensation, 7 more were added into the numbers, increasing the number of students to 23'

This week has been quite tough as well…

According to the calendar, the first week was just an introduction to some basic knowledge while the second week was practical training.

And in Berinou's case, that was an increase in the difficulty of the training regime…

Let's just say that some people didn't manage to last long and were sent to the infirmary… For various reasons

It was hard even for me. It wasn't about stats, it was about perseverance.

Should I thank my brutal training in the memory?

'After that, Philip waited for his turn and went to the arena to fight against the monsters, his purpose was to get attention, it was to complete the "basic" training.'

'So he just stopped fighting after he achieved the minimum requirement.'

'After that was a waiting game for Berinou to announce the end of today's Class'

"Alright, everyone! You all did a decent job in the past two weeks. Starting tomorrow, you will all go under advanced training!"

"Stop looking at me with those puppy faces!"

"You have learned how to wield your weapons and how to fight to a basic degree, it's time for you all to learn how to wield the most basic principle… How to shape energy!"

"So make sure to rest because tomorrow is going to be a full day! DISMISSED!"

'Philip immediately left, he had better things to do. He needed to absorb as much information as possible from the library since he wanted to maximize the effects of his Scholar vision Skill.'

'Not only that, he needed to increase his repertoire of knowledge so that he could correct the flaws in his techniques.'

'There was a lot to do, and only two weeks left until the end of the first month. Such an opportunity to learn these things might never come again, or at least anytime soon.'

There are still many shelves in the library for me to memorize...

'Philip returned to his room and found the note, he recognized some of the items but not all, so he would have to research a bit.'

'Philip burned the latter in the fireplace and entered deep thought.'

'And like this, another two weeks passed under the constant routine of going to class and reading books in the library and searching for the items...'

'In a dark place somewhere underground, in a square room suspended by chains whose walls were covered in strange purple runes, was a boy with dark hair drawing even stranger symbols on the ground with his own blood.'

"... I think this is it… To think it took me two fucking weeks and several gallons of my own blood… Those healing and nutrient potions taste terrible…"

'Dae looked at the room, now filled with red runes, runes he drew from his own blood mixed with some other materials.'

"So much work for this… But it has to be done."

'Dae took out a red jar, it was the artifact that remained after the fountain was destroyed'

Normally, Philip, the chosen, would have to go through a series of boring and useless challenges to completely unlock, and power all of this thing's abilities.

And even then, he would have to accept being that Goddess servant at the end of the day.

"And I can't allow that… Not when we are planning to go so much higher right?"


'The red Jar trembled a little'

"Did you finally start to react? It's too late, unfortunately…"

"For two entire weeks, I maintained my thoughts at a minimum so that you wouldn't be able to notice what I was planning."

"I had to ignore both Philip and Petter for almost two weeks but I was lucky since that event perfectly fell into place. But enough is enough. I can finally let my thoughts run wild"

The reason why Philip was chosen and the entire meaning of this… To explain that I need to go over some Lore real quickly.

(Dae sure loves to explain...)

Gods can't really act on this plane that much, and they were forced to completely cease all activities when the pact was made.

"In the past, Gods tended to have servants do their bidding, the so-called apostles."

Every God would always choose to have only the most promising beings as their apostles.

The higher their potential, the stronger they could become in the future.

"And the best among all of those… Are called DemiGods."

Don't mistake them as something beneath a God… Some are even stronger.

A DemiGod is a term used for a being that has the strength of a God, yet still resides in this "lower" plane. They were the perfect tools for the Gods to further increase their influence and followers

Although some did not care about that and decided to focus on growing stronger.

"Some DemiGods are much stronger than the average Gods… While some are much weaker."

When it was time for a DemiGod to ascend, the Gods would do everything in their power to stop it.

Since if they were already so strong before ascending… Imagine if they actually managed to become full-fledged Gods? Or whatever they aimed for…

Ascension is the collective term for a being who is transforming into something beyond mortal. This is applicable for Demons and other things as well.

"The will inside this Artifact should have noticed that Philip had the talent to become a DemiGod, hence it chose him to be its wielder."

"And you would use him in order to finish Eridia's evolution right? All the while getting a strong spokesperson in the lower world!"

Since the pact is soon to be lifted...

/Tremble Tremble!/

'The Jar trembled with all of its might but it couldn't really scape Dae's hands'

Gods can strengthen themselves through a multitude of ways.

Eridia was using a very simple and lengthy process… Enlightenment.

Eridia is a Goddess of knowledge and Animals… Among a few other subdivisions.

Animals are a minor part of a very large and important Law… LIFE.

"There is a reason why Eridia's rituals are always so bloody and brutal, often involving death…"

That's because Eridia was trying to comprehend something directly tied to Life… Death.

There cannot be death without life in the same way that life is meaningless without death. They are both interconnected.

"Although Eridia's main domain is Knowledge and animals, she had long ago mastered Life, so she planned to slowly master Death before fusing these two concepts and ascending further before any God could stop her."

But her plans were cut short by the pact and the Gods lost the capability to observe this Plane through normal means…

"And worse, her church was destroyed by some unknown means."

"So she left her divine artifact behind, hiding it, and filled it with her precious Divine power, in the hopes that it slowly continued in its long journey to understand death…"

And it has been doing so for thousands of years… So it must have already been done. No, I am sure it already has, after all, in the future, Eridia was… Forget it.

"The time of the pact's end draws close, just as the deadline for the exhaustion of her Divine power in this Jar… Isn't that right? Essence of all Life, the Jar of life?"

/Tremble Tremble/

'The jar in Dae's hand trembled, but it couldn't do much apart from that.'

"How pitiful, an artifact of such power, reduced to only this… Did you waste all of your remaining power trying to blow up my hand?"

It's a shame that I will have to destroy its consciousness since it was created by Eiridia and hence, completely loyal to her… The Artifact's power will greatly decrease but it's still a Divine Relic.

I also have to purge the Divine power that was left by Eridia, else Philip will be in danger.

"Thankfully, the divinity is still dormant, probably trying to conserve its power and not dissipate."

It's already impressive that it lasted like this for 1000 years.

Gods are powerful beings but they aren't eternal creatures. Their influence slowly fades away over time. That's why some are so desperate to increase their power, since doing so increases their life expectancy.

Although it varies, Gods tend to count their years in the thousands…

"Enough talking, I have a lot to do outside, I can't waste any more time."

'Dae placed the trembling Jar in the middle of the blood runes, inside a perfect red circle.'

/Tremble Tremble!/

"Stop shaking else you might fall off the circle, and if that happens mid-ceremony you are going to be fully destroyed. One thing's for your current consciousness to be erased and another is complete oblivion."

'The jar stopped'

'Dae revealed a malicious smile'

"Lets get started."