First day of Class





'Fabrin continued to walk in the forest until he stopped before a large tree.'

'On the ground next to the tree was a girl, her hair was dark but it had a slight violet hue, she was wearing a white cape around her body and a sword was hanging on her waist…'

'It was the same girl that fought Philip a few minutes ago!'

'Seeing her on the ground made Fabrin frown and shake his head in light disappointment.'

"It's the same, be it 30 years ago or now, teens will be teens…"

I wonder who you got this aspect from…

'Fabrin looked at the side for a moment and smiled.'

"You're right, but cut her some slack, she's still 18… She's never even held a boy's hand Jajajaja!"

'Fabrin smiled as he looked at his daughter.'

"You're just as stubborn as your mother… If you wanted that so much, you could've just asked me and I would've helped you get a few credits, why do this?..."

Risk yourself and your repetition just to try and hide from me…

'Fabrin shook his head as he carried the girl in a princess carry, he froze for a moment as he looked at the sky once again.'

"Fuck you!... I'm not that overprotective… Huh?... That is true but…"

'He shook his head and focused on his daughter once more.'

"… Look at you… I bet you almost pissed yourself when you fought that other kid right? Jajajaja!"

'Fabrin turned his body around and said:'

"And what about you? How long are you going to stay there spying on us?"


'Suddenly a shadow walked out of thin air and looked at Fabrin with a smile.'

"I'm really old, not only you but even the kid can see through my techniques now… What a shame, as I thought, the time for me to retire is approaching, but that girl is nowhere near what she needs to be…."

'Fabrin looked at the old man with an annoyed smile.'

"You talk as if it was a disgrace to be seen through by me, old man. I thought you had died but look at you, alive and kicking!"

'The old man scoffed.'

"I see you didn't change at all, what about those 2 little guys besides you? Are they doing well?" Asked the old man as he looked at the air beside Fabrin

'The air suddenly distorted and the ground twisted a pair of eyes could be seen staring at the old man, the ground opened up and a dark hole appeared, and with it, 3 pairs of eyes could be seen from within.'

'The old man started to clean his ears in a carefree way before he said:'

"Glad to see they are doing fine, like master, like spirits, as annoying as ever… I'll be here to see my granddaughter's grandchildren so stop cursing me…"

"Besides, I knew there was something wrong with you today, it is unlike you to take a stroll in the morning for no reason, deeming how lazy you are. But here is my answer."

'Fabrin smiled and asked:'

"What about you? You know it's against the rules for people unaffiliated with the Academy to get inside, especially someone like you… Are you here for that kid as well?"

'The old man smiled mischievously.'

"I quite liked that kid, so I followed him a bit to see what was his thing, I saw some pretty interesting things but I must say I underestimated him greatly, seeing that wound on your neck and face."

"As for that, you know I am allowed to come here, so don't speak as if I am some sort of perverted old man trespassing on a school for kids."

"You aren't?"

'The old man smiled, there was a bit of a dangerous aura around him.'

"It's been 7 years since I last saw you like this, you got quite cocky during this time, didn't you? Do I need to remind you who's the Boss and how to respect your seniors?"

'But Fabrin scoffed.'

"Sheesh, you can't even get a joke, you truly got old. Besides, how is that little girl? Isn't she about the same age as this little troublemaker right here? Is she well?"

"She's doing well, so well that I was having problems teaching her how to be humble and deal with unexpected circumstances, but a certain kid appeared and made my job easier…"

'Fabrin smiled.'

"So in the end we return to the kid… What do you think about him?"

'The old man scratched his beard, saying:'

"Difficult to say, he is very talented, few can do what he just did today, especially with an unclear background, but I can see he is lacking many things, and I am certain he didn't come to this place to have them fixed, so I was thinking about having a talk with him after I confirmed something, but I realized that is meaningless."

'Fabrin raised one of his eyebrows.'

"Were you planning on taking him in as a disciple?"

"HAHAHA!... No." He said seriously

"Currently, I can't tell if he would be fit for what I know, and on the other hand, I have already decided that my knowledge would only be passed to my daughter, at most, I would give him some light guidance and perhaps introduce him to some old friends."

"There are many out there who are itching to teach a promising young lad, especially those who are close to kicking the bucket."

'Fabrin nodded, understanding the old man's thought process, so he said:'

"Isn't that simple? Just take him in as your grandson Jajajaja!"

'The old man cracked his neck and said in a deep tone:'

"I didn't quite hear you, could you repeat that?"

'Fabrin rolled his eyes.'

"She'll never get a boyfriend at this rate… Sigh…"

'The old man shook his head as he calmed down.'

"Even if that was the case, the boy is still too inadequate to be my daughter's lifelong partner."

'Fabrin smiled deeply.'

"That is exactly the problem, you dote on her so much that she is now well beyond her peers, how is she supposed to make friends? The only ones close to her are those famed line descendants but I bet on my soul you're never going to let her be with any of them."

"And once again, the boy is not that bad in comparison…"

"Enough Fabrin!"

'Fabrin shrugged, he thought the old man's reaction to be comical, like that of a dad that was seeing his daughter leave with another man.'

"I was here to check if he was truly the inheritor of the Polter Family's legacy."

'Fabrin was confused.'

"Never heard of that Family, and I am sure that whatever they are, they are certainly something for their name to be in your mouth, let me guess… They're dead?"

'The old man remained silent, but he soon said:'

"Yes they are, but that is a story of the past… As I said, I realized that my attitude was meaningless and even a bit childish, look at me, stalking a little kid over the city for something so meaningless just because of a minor suspicion."

"Well, I didn't say anything, but when you put it that way it does seem pathetic considering your stature."

'The old man rolled his eyes.'

"In any case, I saw that you took him in under your wing, do you plan to take him in as your disciple?" Asked the old man

"Hum… That is difficult to say, I myself am confused about what to do about the situation… What can I say? I was just so excited to see a decent student in a while that it got the best of me."

'The old man smiled.'

"I can understand that feeling, kids these days are too focused on status, power, and wealth when they should be focused on self-development."

'Fabrin opened his mouth to say:'

"You talk like an old man… Oh yeah… Anyway. I'll probably take a look at him and guide him a bit, I can see that he is desperately in need of a guiding light…"

"And you plan to be that guiding light? Sigh, another young talent lost…"

"You are annoying me now old man!"

'But the old man smiled.'

"Well, I wasn't the one who got his artifact damaged by a kid a third of his age…"

'Fabrin's face blackened before he said with a pitiful face.'

"Don't make me remember it, I got distracted by a fraction of a second due to me underestimating the kid and didn't handle the situation properly… URG, it will be a pain to fix it, that guy is still on bad terms with me for what my son did last time…"

"You talk about me, but look at your family, the son is a troublemaker and the daughter is like the mother, aren't you worse than me at this?"

'Fabrin stayed silent.'

"HAHAHA!... In any case, how much?"


'Fabrin was confused.'

"How much will you give me for me to keep my mouth shut Fabrin?"


"You know how it is… There are many out there who would like to hear about what your daughter's been doing… Especially if it's something this severe…"

"It's the job of the parents to cover for their children right?"

'Despite the threatening words of the old man, Fabrin seemed annoyed rather than angry.'

"You are fucking cheap old man! When you die, I won't even drop an offering for you and I will instead spit at your grave!"

'The old man had a serious expression on his face as he replied:'

"As if I need anything from you! And I told you already, I will live way more than you!"

"Just get the fuck out before I report you, I know there are many other old men who would love to have a talk with you, especially a certain guy who was spied on during his… 'Midnight activities' by a certain someone and had rumors about his short sword spread around the city!"

'The old man suddenly tensed and looked at Fabrin with a sharp glare.'

"You got better at this didn't you?"

"Tsk, after being scammed by you so many times over the last 2 decades since I started working here I sharpened my tongue just like you."

"... I'll ignore this then, just this time."

'He started to vanish as he took a step back and turned around.'

"Consider it a special circumstance since I was here for personal reasons."


'Fabrin scoffed as he walked in the forest.'


'The girl in his arms started to move around, she seemed to be having a nightmare.'

"Did he leave such a lasting impression on you?... Oh my, this is troublesome."

If it develops into a trauma it may block her progress… Thankfully the kid accepted.

"Hm?... Of course, he did… You think he ditched me and is now escaping?... No way… He is still bound with the Warden's contract and the only way to get it off is with the identity change…"

'Fabrin looked at the distant horizon, the direction Philip left.'

"And besides, he didn't seem like that sort of person to me… Do you think so too? Then why did you raise that possibility?! Stop getting on my nerves!"


"My whole body aches…"

It's barely even past 10…

'Following his defeat at the hands of Fabrin, Philip returned to his room without stopping for even a single moment.'

'His body had healed significantly, and he even switched his equipped Class once again so he could heal faster.'

'Once he arrived at his home, he immediately went to his bed and laid his head on the fluffy pillows.'

'And without realizing, he slept…'

/A few hours later around midnight…/


"Uh… What happened?"


"My… Badge?... Oh yeah, that guy said he would give me an invitation to become an official student…'

'He checked the clock and it said 9:14 Pm'

'Philip got up from his bed and cracked his neck.'

"I rested enough already and it's time to get ready for this mess… Although I'll need to clean my bed later… Why did I sleep like that?" Said Philip as he frowned

'He checked his badge and saw a message that included a lengthy contract and introduction as to what being an advanced student is.'

'After he finished reading it, he whispered to himself:'

"The original plan was going well until those guys started to mess with me, Dae helped me a lot but it's impossible to account for everything."

"Including these measly political fights in the Academy… So from now on, I will have to forget about being fully discrete and take a bit of a risk exposing myself."

"However, there is a bonus in all of this as the previous contract is void, meaning, I won't need to go through the trouble of nullifying its effects… It's even a bit safer this way."

"As an advanced student, I can leave anytime I want… But I imagine that guy won't be happy if I do, I still don't know what his thing is, yet I have nothing to lose in complying with his wishes and helping his classes for now."

This is also good since as a student, I will be able to take a closer look at other students, making my job easier.

'Philip read the contract one more time and accepted it, the moment he did, his room's window started to shine as something happened in his front garden.'

"Ha? How convenient."

'When he looked at the window, he saw a box lying outside of his room, opening it revealed a set of student clothes and a student guidebook.'

"This cuts me the problem of getting a set for myself… It's even the right size… That was quick."

The colors are a bit darker, is this because I am an advanced student?

'All years have the same Uniform pattern, but they differentiate themselves through the color. First-year students have a creamy white uniform while fifth-year students have something similar to dark brown.'

'Of course, people would always complain about the design and the colors, especially these noble kids who lived with all sorts of fancy clothes… But the Academy was only very strict in this rule.'

"They did bend once and allowed each year to have multiple design choices and every decade there will be a design competition and the winner of each year will be added to the pool of design choices, so after several centuries there are many choices… Even if they are outdated, fashion comes and goes…"

Dark clothes with a few details aren't that bad to be honest…



'As Philip checked his clothes and the book, he received another message saying that his Warden badge had been deactivated and his contract was now void, he was a free man once again!'

"There's something missing, where's my student ID?... Oh, it was inside the chest pocket, what an ass of a place to put it… When did they take this profile photo of me?... At least I look good on it."


'Philip once again received another message:'

{Hey kid, it's me. Just saw that my request got through in the system, so from tomorrow onwards, you work with me, nice to make you acquaintance Philip, once again, I'm Fabrin Peos, professor of monster anatomy, although I was once a biology teacher as well.}

{I don't like using this to relay messages too much, it's too bothersome to use and prone to 'interference', so meet me at Classroom N3-01 on the third floor of the Second year sector, we'll discuss the rest in person.}

{My Class starts at 8 Am, it's the first Class of the day for the second year so make sure to not be late, try to arrive at least 20m earlier so that we can talk.}

{Get ready to work as I teach every day, the first 3 days being for the second years, and the last 2 days of the week I teach first years. We can talk better about the time when you get here.}

'And that was it…'

"That was brief… There is no such thing as free food in the world though… I want to see what that old man will request from me."

And this is also in line with what I wanted to do anyway…

'With that in mind, Philip took a shower and started to get ready for tomorrow…'

/Step step…/

'It was morning, the sky was clear and the birds were chirping. The tired and not so tired students made their way in the long and confusing halls of the Academy's main building as they entered their respective Classrooms.'

'Some had spent their previous night studying, others trained their bodies and techniques, some others had fun, and a few others just plainly slept.'

'It may be true that most kids have started to take a bad path due to modern trends, there are still many that struggle to become something, and achieve something with their career, not simply for the sake of money and fame, but for something else.'

'And of course, not everyone that seeks fame and wealth is bad, people need food to grow and money to achieve their dreams.

'In one of the many Classrooms in a hallway, the students, especially the female ones, were whispering to each other as they looked at an unfamiliar presence in their Class.'

'Wearing the uniform of an advanced student, Philip could be seen reading a book calmly near a window as he waited for the rather late professor.'


It's 7:50… He told me to come earlier and he is the one that's late… Sigh.


"Who's he? I've never seen him around here before." Said a girl as she looked at Philip

'An uninterested girl next to her replied:'

"By the looks of it, he's a new assistant to Mr.Peos, what's all the fuss? Isn't it normal for a professor to get an assistant? Especially Peos since he is the only one teaching his subject for both first and second years." She said as she rested her head on the table

'But the other girl ignored this assessment, saying:'

"He's quite handsome though! And Mr.Peos never accepted an assistant before, do you think he may do something different today?"

'The other girl just closed her eyes and said:'

"I don't care, there are many handsome boys in this place, what's the deal with another one? Besides, no matter what he does, I can't see Mr.Peos making this Class any less boring or interesting."

'Hearing her nonchalant reply, the other girl rolled her eyes and turned towards another girl on her left to talk and gossip.'

'Most of the other students were like those two, some were interested in him, others didn't care, some were sleeping and didn't even realize his existence, but some others…'

"Hey Will, what do you think it's the deal with that dude over there?" Asked a big man with muscular arms

'He looked towards another man on his side, a man with orange-dark hair and sharp eyes, there were 3 more people around them, but strangely enough, there was no one in the surrounding chairs.'


'The man named Will did not reply, instead, he gazed at the distracted Philip at the bottom of the classroom.'

'The Classroom layout was like that of a University auditorium, with multiple layers of fancy chairs on different levels all facing a large stone board.'


'This board wasn't meant to be written on it like normal schools since in here, everything is made through magic tools.'

'That was rather novel and interesting for Philip, but right now, he only wanted to have a talk with the old man and figure out his next course of actions…'

I've already checked all of the students here, but none of them match the description of the person I've been looking for.

Dae wasn't very specific either, he only told me they should be old, definitely not in the third year, so it's quite that monster anatomy is given to the first and second years only, it makes my job easier.

But damn, how many students are there in these two years combined? 1000? Perhaps even more…

This Class has around 80 students, so I would need to check at least a dozen other Classes to be done with the second year, and it's not like I can just check them directly else it may seem a bit suspicious…

"Sigh, what a pain…"



Did they just…

'As Philip was focused on his thoughts, he was suddenly awakened by the cold sensation of water running through his body.'

'That's right, one of the kids had thrown water on him while he was distracted.'


"Sigh… You guys are more childish than kindergartens."

'Philip slowly got up from his chair and walked towards the center of the Classroom. He raised his head a bit and looked straight at the students. But he saw nothing.'

'They were all silent. However, no one came forward to resolve this issue either…'

"Heh, you guys are quite good, you should become actors, I bet this isn't your first time doing this isn't it?"

I wouldn't have bothered if it was done before, but now it's different…

'He looked at a girl with a small red cloth on her arm, it was the Class representative.'

"You, what's your name."

"?! I'm… Mirugi Terio… Sir…"


She looks depressed, it's probably one of those cases where the CR is not respected at all.

"I'll ask these once, are situations like this normal? What is the procedure when they happen? And… What is the limit of punishment?"

'Philip did not ask who it was, instead, he asked normal things he did not have the time to understand properly yet.'

'The girl remained silent and said:'

"It… Is quite frequent… The normal procedure is detention followed by the student being sent to the teachers' department to be evaluated and properly punished…"

"The punishment can be done by the teacher in charge; however, he may be penalized if the punishment is not in line with what the other teachers think."

"I see, thank you, you may now sit."

'She bowed and sat, dropping her head as she did not have the courage to look at him anymore.'


Ha! Is this one of those situations? Young Master annoying the Mc?

I see it now, however, did it must be quite confident in scaping even if he gets caught, after all, there is no fucking way for him to escape unless a teacher was to ignore it.

If things are like this even with assistant teachers, much less me who is an advanced student, I can only imagine how bad it is among themselves…

Well, I do understand a little since the students were even killing and beating up Wardens just because they weren't in line with their plans.

I wouldn't have a problem beating the one responsible since I am pissed, but the problem is if I am ganged up by the teachers…

One was enough to make me taste defeat, and even if he is like… One of the top fighters, which I doubt, a few high-ranking mages attacking me wouldn't be good… Especially over something like a brat throwing water at my head.

Pride or whatever, between fighting my way to Heaven I prefer taking the easier way…

'Philip continued to look at the kids, some of them seemed intimidated while some others simply watched in amusement and a few others with scorn and some were just neutral.'

"But that would be boring right?" He said out loud with an evil smile as he scratched his chin

'The students were confused before Philip smiled.'

[Predator's presence LvMax has been activated]




'All of the students suddenly felt an immense pressure bearing down on their bodies as if gravity had increased 10 times.'

'The figure of Philip started to twist more and more as his smile and shining red eyes were the only things in their vision, especially when he took a purple sword from his inventory.'

'The sword seemed to whisper incomprehensible words in their ears with its eerie light, gnawing at their psyche and mind…'

"I'll tell you all how things will go from here on out."

'Red energy started to circle Philips body as he started to get close to the students, walking the stairs as he said:'

"I want to know who it was… Was it you?... You? Or perhaps… You? My patient is growing thin."

"I'm really angry, so before I get even angrier I would like to hear your opinions… Would you all like this to end peacefully, or will I have to take the truth out of your head by force?"

'The students were frozen solid in fear as they couldn't even move their heads, some had already pissed their pants, others had already gone unconscious.'

'Philip slowly climbed the stairs, staring at each student's expression and he eventually arrived at the last row, and he turned his head to look at a punk with orange hair.'

"You're quite far being all the way up here, so I will repeat myself in case you didn't hear it…"

'Philip bent his body and rested his sword on the boy's shoulder, its weight was so much that the boy felt his arm dislocate when it fell on it, but he kept his mouth shut and ignored the pain as his body trembled and sweat fell from his forehead.'

"Was it you?"

'Philip's red eyes stared at the boy's brown eyes.'

"What is it? Cat got your tongue? A shame… Since no one is speaking I will start punishing everyone till I find the culprit… Starting by you."


'The boy pissed his pants.'


"I think… You're quite suspicious…"

'Philip demolished the table with his hand and stared at the boy… He raised his sword and slashed at his throat!'


'The boy woke up in the room, everything was normal, some of the students were sweating hard and some were plain unconscious.'

"Haaa haa…"

'His breath was erratic and fast as he realized it was all a dream.'

"It wasn't me it wasn't me…" He whispered to himself in panic

"Found you." Whispered Philip behind the boy



'The boy jumped from his chair and tripped, he started to fall down the stairs hitting his head on the hard stone floor in front of the teacher's board.'

'Some of the students started to awake as they watched the scene unfold in fear.'

"You know kid, you shouldn't mess with others like this… Tell me, do you know second Circle magic?"

'The kid that was holding his head in pain looked at Philip and shook his head hastily as he crawled backward.'

"What a disappointment, the second year and don't even know that? Well, it makes things simpler for me."

'Philip passed through him and grabbed a small metallic chalk beneath the teacher's desk, it was a magic tool that allowed simple magic demonstration and was the main object the teachers use to write on the board.'

'It is similar to VR paintings…'

'Philip started to draw a complex, triangular magic pattern in the air and said:'

"Here, this is your punishment, all you need to do is break this circle."

'As he said that, the circle started to shine as mana was drained from the chalk to power it.'

'A large water bubble suddenly formed in the air, floating near the magic circle.'

"What are you waiting for? Break it… Else I'll have to break your legs."


'With his legs trembling, the kid walked to the circle and looked at it, without a doubt this was a first circle magic, but why did it look so complicated?'

'Philip may not be a magician but he read a lot of magic theory books, if he wanted to he could try and form a magic circle inside his body, but he already decided not to.'

'It was better to stick with one path rather than contaminate his body with more foreign forces, especially when his Skill already makes his body a vessel for many strange things…'

'With a tool like this one, Philip could cast magic just like a magician… If he was fast enough at drawing…'


'As the kid approached the water bubble Philip kicked his ass, pushing him inside the water bubble, saying:'

"Break the magic circle within the time limit, that being, how long you can keep your breath."

'And after he was done, a small flame surged from his feet and passed through his entire body, drying it.'


'The kid was in a panic as he lashed around inside the bubble, not being able to stay calm nor flee, but Philip just smiled as he looked at it, making the other students shudder.'

"Hum… This may be bad… Hey, is there anyone else that knows how to break this? I'll give you some extra points if you can." He said as he looked at the Class

'But no one raised their hands for a good while, thankfully soon enough, a girl with red hair raised hers.'

"Good, in 15 minutes, if the kid can't break the spell, you do it." Said Philip as he sat on his chair again and rested his head against the wall

"... B-But teacher, what if he…"

15 minutes… And I'm sure he didn't hold his breath properly… Much less 15, 5 might be too much…

'Philip smiled widely.'

"That is why we have resuscitation spells, isn't it? Isn't it fine even if he dies for half an hour?"

A person of his level should be capable of maintaining his breath for that long. Normal Humans can do double that, so why can't he?

"Buuuut, if things do get worse, you can break it ahead of time, but if you do, send him to detention to receive his punishment… I'll also deduct a few points from you."

"Ah!... Understood."

'The girl looked at the boy struggling in the bubble and thought:'

This is what you get for being an ass… Brother…

And I hope you can hold your breath long enough as I have no intention of losing any points.

Dad will be pretty pissed this time…

'She sat near the boy and looked at him as he struggled…'

"... What's going on here?" Said Fabrin as he got into the room


'Everyone looked at the teacher, and a few students even rejoiced.'

'One of the delinquent's friends got up and exclaimed:'

"P-Professor Peos! T-This madman has…"

'But Fabrin interrupted him.'

"I didn't ask you, so shut up for now, what happened Philip?"

'Philip got up from his chair and started to explain the situation in an orderly manner.'

/One minute later…/

"Alright that was his fault, I approve of this punishment… Nevertheless, holding a Class right now is pretty much impossible with this mood and atmosphere, so you can all leave for today… Be sure to study chapter 4 though, as I will continue next week's Class from there." He said as he looked at the students

"Miss Ves, make sure to get your brother out after 15 minutes, in case he drowns, just bring him to the infirmary and they will patch him up in no time."

"Philip, you'll come with me…" He said as he left

'Philip smiled and left the room as he ignored the gazes of the kids. Today, Philip left a strong impression on them…'

'As Philip walked in the empty corridors with Fabrin, he asked:'

"... Aren't you going to say anything? Like explaining why you watched everything unfold without interrupting?"

'But Fabrin denied it.'

"Me? Watching? No no… Never would I do that, I was genuinely late."

"... Fine. If that is the case, I want to ask why you did it? Was it to cancel the Class?"

"I'll never admit to anything…"

'Philip rolled his eyes.'

"But well… I guess I can give you some answers, I imagine you are confused as to why I did all of this so far… And I do have a reason, although the number of reasons increased, nothing changes."

"You're just changing the subject."


'After this, Fabrin stayed silent as he guided Philip through the corridors, and they eventually arrived inside a large room with many disks floating in the air.'

"This place?..."

"This is one of the transportation nexuses of the Academy, we'll be going somewhere interesting for now, follow me."


'Fabrin stepped inside a ring and Philip did the same, they were big enough so that multiple people could get inside.'

"As we wait for it to charge up, I'll explain how this is going to work."

'Philip nodded.'

"I don't really need you to come to my Classes, but I hope you do it as a small favor since it does help me a bit, after all, I gave this position to you as a reward for abiding to my wishes yesterday, and for keeping those kids alive as well."

Although you wouldn't be here had you done that… At least not fully intact…

"And don't you worry about what happened today, the kid you punished today may be the son of an important noble, but his reputation is one of the worse among the second years if not the entire 5 years…"

"The list is big, including things like extortion, corruption, credit laundry, and even harassment, both mentally and physically of other students, especially females."

"Isn't that like… A massive problem? What happened with the Academy's reputation?" Philip asked in astonishment

Is it because he is a minor and they can't stop him? What bulshitery is that? If I were the parent of one of the girls he harassed the first thing I would do is kill him once he leaves the Academy since this is the type of world I am in…

Although I don't think Earth was any different, people just went through a lengthy process called 'Law'. That ironically was not exactly righteous.

But Law wasn't made for the people in the first place…

"For your question… Yes, it is a problem, but his father's influence and power is a bit too big even for the Academy to handle on its own… Not because we are weak, but because we have too many things to take into account, so moving against a sole person may end up causing more to get involved…"

"However, he is already pressured just to keep him in the Academy as it is, and today may just add more weight on his back, so even if he ends up displeased with what you did today, there is absolutely nothing he can do to you at all."

As long as you remain in this Academy…

"Instead, I think he may even thank you since that kid was a bit too much, there are many that wish to give him a beating, to be honest, the ones on his side are bigger than us."

"But once again, they won't be able to move for now, and even if they do, I'd be glad to beat them up for you in case you can't… You know how it is… Being limited to the rules and all… Since I'm a teacher."

"And don't worry, if you wish I can have you skip these more annoying Classes to teach."


I never complained about that. Going to his Classes is the best way for me to learn more about the students and find my target.

So I will go regardless of how bad those kids' personalities are.

"I don't mind that, but next time, I'll come 5 minutes after the Class starts."

"... Fine by me…"

"Aside from that, I have a deal for you. I'll help you train a bit, and in exchange, I need you to help me with something."

'Philip thought for a moment and replied:'

"Are you going to teach me something? Like in a master and student relationship?"

Is this one of those lucky encounters?

'Fabrin smiled and shook his head.'

"How I fight isn't exactly fit for you from what I saw yesterday, so instead, I'll help you shape your own fighting style since I saw that you severely lack one right now."

Good try kid, no way I'm going to pass my knowledge to you… Not like this…

What?… I am not lying, so don't bicker with me!

"What do you mean?"

"Simple kid, your body cannot withstand the way you fight, I saw it once, it's as if you learned everything recently and had no time to properly fuse everything you've learned so far with your body."

"Because of this and the ruthless nature of your martial arts, you're overly damaging your muscles and bones, and this can lead to long-term damages even if everything looks fine for now."

"Your comprehension is beyond your own body's strength…"

"I'm offering to be your guide and help you achieve a meaningful Level of proficiency…"

'But Philip replied:'

"And in exchange?"

'Fabrin smiled as the ring on the ground started to float and shine with light…'

"Have you ever thought about working as a Bodyguard?"



'The ring suddenly flashed and Fabrin, together with Philip, disappeared from the room.'



