Not the world I wish to be

I've started to add images to my Discord, and in the meantime, I've been adding the chapters one by one to my Scribblehub account.

There are already 10 chapters there, I'll probably do the next 10 very carefully, but after those 10 are up, I'll start to mass drop the chapters.

If I have time, I'll do the same for the Danmachi Novel.

In any case, it's in this chapter that'll be seeing the next Class.

I liked it, albeit the full scale of it will only be properly seen next chapter.

I tried doing something a bit different, mostly because I didn't want to make a small arc of 2-3 chapters in another world.


Join my Discord!


If you wish to support this series, take a look at my P@treon.


And if you are bored, remember to check my other Novels.

(Including the one on my other account, its called: Azimuth: The Elden Throne

You can also find it by searching for my other account: Follower_of_Abadom)







Name: Philip Vinten

Race: Type 2 Pure Human (+)

Home World: Earth (+)

Registered World: Eden (+)

Level 0

Class: None (+)

Title: Apex Evolver(Martial Grandmaster) (+)

/Resonation Effect: Extracorporeal Sense/

All Titles:

Exterminator of Nightmares; Hunter Genius; Antesunderian Archeologist; One man army; Jack of all Trades; Great Scholar; Martial Grandmaster; Magical enthusiast; Mental Lord; Blessed; Apex Evolver; Soldier; Protector

-Vital info-


Mind> 269.3 (299.9)(+)

Physical> 267.2 (299.9)(+)

Energy> 299.9(+)

Spiritual> 273 (281.8)(+)

Mystique> 90(+)


***** Lv1 (Hybrid)

Mental force Lv9 (Hybrid)

Mental force manipulation Lv11 (Hybrid)

Mental Domain Lv3 (Hybrid)


Ripper Mode LvMax (15) (Active)

Ignition Strike LvMax (10) (Active)

Phantom Sword Lv16 (Active)

Great Scholar Vision Lv0 (Active)

Predator's presence LvMax (Hybrid)

Advanced Skill fusion Lv5 (Hybrid)

Western continent language Lv2 (Hybrid)

Combat Genius LvMax (Passive)

Gamerverse (???)


Castle Town ***** (Weakened)



Sword Heart


"Now… This is starting to become the Status of a proper Hero." Philip proclaimed with a small smile as he walked back into the training room

I still have to train a technique from my other Status, but apart from that, there's nothing else to do in order to advance... In a short term, I mean, long term? I have a few ideas, but they involve training... A lot of it.

The only thing to do now is to activate Gamerverse again and see what happens.

'But he soon noticed the changes in his Status.'

Wait a minute…

Apart from Mind, everything else increased drastically!



'Philip checked himself, but he didn't feel much different.'

This can only be due to my Skill…

Even my Title changed? I'm not entirely against myself getting stronger, but I would like to understand the reasons behind it...

'Philip remembered a few notifications he had previously ignored, opening them revealed what was to be expected, creating his Skill had granted him a massive achievement that caused his Martial Expert Title to advance twice.'

'That's right, twice, from Martial Expert to Martial Master, and finally, Martial Grandmaster.'

To explain this… Whatever I just made must be pretty sick for it to have improved my body to this degree, and for my Title to have changed.

'The Status screen is simply, a representation of your own body. This was stated many times in several scenarios…'

'Even though there are some aspects that are entirely from the system, like Titles and Skills, most of those are simply a numerical representation.'

'Even for Skills, in some cases, despite them being classified as such, they could've been created after many years and decades of self-training…'

'For this new Ability to have changed his body so much, it can only mean that it has become something much more than a simple Martial art...'

'It stopped being a tool that through precise movements, he's able to draw in more power to something that instead, directly improved it.'

'It has yet to be proven if such a thing will occur regularly of this was one occurrence, but Philip would research it fully over time.'

Not only that… But what should I make from Mystique?

It increased all at once, a sudden 50% increase... Is this the same as before, when my Mystique suddenly increased to 300?

That seems... Unlikely.

Mystique is a stat that involves things such as luck, fortune, and other confusing things.

Not only that but it also values, your Fate… Or as that guy described:

"This world tends to keep watch on those that can grow strong enough to majorly affect it..." Philip mumbled to himself

It could be me being favored by the world, or… Cursed by it.

"I hope it isn't the latter, albeit the meaning of the first is just as perturbing." Philip said as he shook his head

If the increase in Mystique equals the amount of attention I'm receiving from the world, what does that mean in the end to me?

'Philip smiled, this was a very fun strand of thought, it made him feel like a bigshot…'

'Regardless, it was time to move on.'

"Apart from that technique, everything I wanted to do has been done."

(He's talking about Steel Flash LvMax)

'He checked his status once again and saw the nameless technique.'

I want to train more and see what it has to show me, but I'll have to wait a bit.

Even though I have these memories in my head, the best way to learn is to use them in practice.

So for now, leaving this for later may be the best approach as I need to process the information shoved into my head.

This will have to do.

So with this in mind… This technique requires a name!

There is no need to give it a lengthy name, nor anything too complicated like uh...

Sky piercing Martial Arts... New art of thunder... Blue blood sword technique... What am I? A Murim martial Lord?

Abyssal Blood Venturing Heavenly Void Demon Destruction Jade Dragon Sundering Spank...

Why did I even think of this?

Progenitor arts of Philip... I don't know why I'm offended but it sounds so lame...

Even if I come to dislike it, I can always change its name as that is merely a representation of it, a means to verbally express it.

"Since it materializes in the form of an armor… Why not…"

"Armament?..." Philip mumbled to himself as he tapped his foot on the ground

'He then looked around.'

… I've talked with myself quite a bit, is Laplabe still resting?

Else I would've asked for his opinion.

Armament will do for now.

[***** Lv1 has been named]

[Armament Lv1 has come into existence]


Why this grand description? How overly so.

Is this special by any means?


'Philip clapped his hands loudly, and it caused his armor to disperse, vanishing in the air like smoke.'

"Phew… I actually feel much better now."

I didn't realize just how 'tight' is that armor.

Not physically so, but more in… As in a mental term, it makes me tired...

'With everything done, he took a last glance at the room, he saw its trashed state and sighed before thinking:'

Activate Gamerverse!

[Activating skill Gamerverse]

'Darkness suddenly consumed Philip's vision as he lost all sense of touch on his body, he felt himself becoming light as if he was leaving his corporeal body...'

It's cold… More so than usual…

'Philip suddenly remembered how terrible this process was…'

Oh yeah… It'll soon happen…

[Gamerverse has activated]

[The Skill Gamerverse is looking for a class]

'Many Galaxies of all shapes and sizes suddenly lit up in the darkness, like the perfect depiction of God creating the Universe with a flick of his fingers...'

Hum? Is it just me, or has the number of Galaxies increased?...

'Time passed, but nothing much happened, Philip became bored and started to look around.'

'Surprisingly, no matter where he looked, he could see each Galaxy with considerable detail…'

Oh? That Galaxy is pretty neat, it's like a… Giant cube? Almost artificial…

Hum? That one is a plane?... Well, that's not really rare...

That one looks like… Like several worlds connected? Makes me remember the universe me and my high school friends used to play in during our RPG sessions...

That one looks like a marble… A universe within a marble?

How bizarre… Yet oddly unremarkable.

That one is like a flat disk... How massive.


'All of the galaxies suddenly glowed brightly, burning his non-existent eyes…'

"AHHH! DAMN YOU!" Philip exclaimed in agony

I can never be too ready for this…

[Gamerverse is narrowing down the choices randomly]

'All of the galaxies with the exception of one disappeared… If this could be called a galaxy.'

[Gamerverse has made a choice]

"Just... Whatever, I need to stop getting surprised at this."

'It was a… Massive Head?!'

'A head of seemingly indistinguishable features, at least, the longer Philip looked at it, the harder it became for him to make do with how it looked.'

'In fact, when he focused, he discovered to his utmost horror, that he could not remember a single feature of the head when he closed his eyes, as if it never existed, to begin with.'

'He could only remember that he had indeed seen one...'

'It certainly had a neck, perhaps even a body, but that wasn't clearly seen as its body 'grew' into the empty space around it.'

[Gamerverse chooses a class randomly]

[Gamerverse has chosen a class, deactivating skill]

[Due to this Class' characteristics, you shall be transported to the *****]

[Beginning transferring process…]

'Before Philip had the time to process what was going on, he lost consciousness.'



'Philip opened his eyes hastily.'

"Where I'm I this time…?" He said as he looked around

Urg... Okay... I think the sudden headache has passed.

'He touched the 'ground' he was currently in, it was oddly comfortable...'

'It was a straw bed.'

'It was of terrible craftsmanship, its wooden frame seemed so ancient even moss grew on it, and the only comfort Philip had come from the leather of an unknown creature above the pile of straw.'

'The bed also came with a pillow that was clearly made by hand, it was also filled with straw, so it was extremely uncomfortable.'

"This looks way too old even for the countryside's standards…" He mumbled to himself as he looked around

Did I go back 1000 years in time?


"It's dark…"


'Under the faint noise of water dripping from the ceiling, he opened and closed his hand, before lightly hitting the stones around him.'



My strength has been brought back to that of a normal man, a bit above that as my body is still muscular.

Either that or this stone is really solid... Nah.

To prove this, even if I try my best, I can't extinguish that candle a few meters away from me no matter how much I move…

"I feel stupid for even trying." Philip said with an awkward smile

Perhaps if I really try it, but that is my only source of light apart from the light coming from the stairs.

"It's also my only source of fire, I may need it for something who knows?"

'He then closed his eyes, he could somehow feel it...'

"My thoughts do seem a bit sluggish, previously, if I were to throw this small stone into the air, before it hit the ground, I could easily count to 100."


"But now... I can still do it, but it comes a bit close."

Did my Skills and Abilities disappear, but my Traits still somewhat work?

Since they are tied to my existence itself, it wouldn't make sense for them to be removed like that... Perhaps suppressed?

'Philip continued to look around, getting a hold of where he was.'

'He was most likely in the basement of some place, although if he was underground or not was debatable.'

'The entire place seemed to be pretty old, being made of stone blocks tightly put together, and it didn't seem that cement was used at all, yet they were pretty solid, despite looking rather clumsy.'

'In any case, Philip didn't try to pull them apart to test that... Just in case.'

'The only structures holding everything together were several pairs of wooden beams and arcs, they were old and full of greenish brown mold, and Philip felt as if they could fall at any moment...'

'The room itself was pretty big, being around 6x4x3.5M, and if not for the single candle on a table nearby, it would be pretty dark.'

'As for its overall layout…'

'There was the old bed in one of its corners, it creaked heavily as Philip got up from it.'

'Next to the bed was a large open cabinet at least 2 Meters tall, inside was… A large mirror, reflecting his appearance.'

"At least I'm still myself… But that raises some other questions…" Philip said to himself as he used the mirror

That's it for this side... Nothing under the bed, nor any hidden objects within the hay or beneath the cabinet...

Time to move on.

'On the other side of the room was a drawer, but upon opening it, he found it to be completely empty.'

"Hum… This is strange, did someone come here before me?"

Perhaps it was a previous inhabitant?

"There is a lot of dust on this place, but I have noticed that some things aren't as dusty as they were supposed to be, and here, there are clear fingerprint marks."

But they look old and are very faint, at least a few years old? I don't really know how to gauge age based on dust accumulation...

'For now, he ignored the marks, simply increasing his guard.'

'Next to the drawer was a chest, but once again, it was open and empty.'

'But he saw something very interesting next to the chest…'

"Are these… Broken… Lockpicks?" He asked himself as he grabbed one

'Suddenly, a strong sense of nostalgia hit him as he looked at the lockpick.'

'The design of this room… This chest… Everything. Had he seen it before?'

(Image, although, Spoilers? You can read and come back...)

"Hum, considering my Skill's origin, I most likely saw this somewhere… If only I could remember where…"

For now, I'll keep exploring, perhaps a bell will ring if I see something more... Iconic.

"There isn't really a lot iconic about a bunch of stones."

'Philip had already explored most of the room, the left and right walls had been fully investigated, only two left.'

'To his left was the wall with the stairs leading up, while to his right was the wall with the small table where the candle was located.'

'One side of the room was illuminated by light while the other one was clad in faint darkness… Did this have any meaning?'

'Philip decided to check the stairs first, very carefully as he did not know what he would find on the other side…'

/Step step…/

'Step by step he climbed the stairs into the unknown…'

"I thought as much." Philip mumbled to himself in a low tone as he looked at the metal bars

'At the end of the path was a metal gate, it seemed pretty solid despite the old and worn look of this entire place.'

'But it had a pretty simple mechanism, with the right tools, Philip would be able to partly disassemble it, albeit the lock would still keep it in place....'

So I wasn't in the basement of some random place but inside a cell?... An abandoned Cell at that?

Alright, things just got better…

'He then looked beyond the bars, into the world outside!'

/Clack clack.../

/Faint breathing.../


Is that a…

'He immediately saw something very unwelcoming…'

'He saw a large room with a few stone beams in the middle of it.'

'To his left and right were rolls of cells going far into the hallway, they were different from his as they were smaller and more claustrophobic, not only that, they did't have a set of stairs, so he could see everything inside.'

'But that wasn't what attracted his attention.'

'Inside some of those cells, he saw bones… Skeletal remains of people and… A translucent blue creature standing motionless.'

'It was a ghost!... At least that was what he thought, perhaps it was something else.'

'Worse, in the middle of the corridor, he saw a person walking aimlessly, wearing an old and worn leather armor, holding a rusty sword…'

'But upon a closer look, you would see that his face was rotting!'

'Without even wasting a single more second, Philip descended down the stairs, he did not want to see if that being was capable of opening his gate, at least not now.'

"Phew… Alright, I've somewhat determined where I am."

I seem to be inside an abandoned prison, inside one of its many cells... And mine for some reason is special.

At the same time, every single prisoner has either died or escaped long ago, leaving only bones behind and… A ghost and an undead.

This means no one will come… And perhaps there may be more such beings outside...

What a trashy situation.

'Racking his brains for a solution, Philip realized two things:'

"Wait a minute…" He mutered in a very low tone

Where is the message saying that a Class has been selected?

It was always like this, it would say that I have received a class and ask if I would like to see the notes…

This would give me everything I needed to figure out the Universe, and the Class.

Pretty much helps me in understanding the place I currently am.

"Most importantly, I would receive the beginner package, allowing me to get some sort of headstart."

"But nothing has been given to me so far…" He said in deep thought

'The second thing he realized is that he had yet to finish exploring this place.'

'After all, there was still the table with the candle…'

'The table itself wasn't special, it was just an old and badly crafted table, Philip himself was confident in making a much better table in less than half an hour with his previous body.'

'He could say the same for the bed...'

'The same couldn't be said about the items on top of it though.'

'First, it was the candle, Philip noticed that it was actually burning forever with no sign of the wax burning off.'

'Either that, or it burned so damn slowly that he couldn't even tell.'

'The second thing was a small metal box... And as you've figured out, it was also open as next to it was once again, a single broken lockpick.'

'It seems whoever opened it got a bit better, wasting fewer picks in the process, or that was his last.'

'Inside the box, he saw a glass bottle, empty, but it probably once contained a liquid, what exactly? Your guess is as good as mine.'

'The third thing was the worn-out golden statue of a lady, in front of her was an unlit brasier, albeit, it was part of the statue and not an actual brasier.'

'Lastly and also the most important thing he saw so far… A wooden key.'

'He grabbed it with a small smile, very carefully so as to not damage it... The key looked pretty old...'

"Unless this is a prank, this key must be the one for the door, although I'm concerned since it's made out of wood, and it seems fragile… If it breaks…"

Using my creativity, breaking out of the cell may be possible, but not without making some extreme noise… I wouldn't want to attract that creature's attention for no reason.

Worse, I could end up attracting more...

Even if I have great combat Skills, I have to treat myself as a normal person, and normal people are... Weak.

A cut from that Sword will definitely send me straight to Heaven thanks to infections...

"Something is a bit strange... There are no signs of escape or struggle, what happened to the previous inhabitor of this cell?"

Did he escape and then someone closed the cell before everything went wrong?

"Still… This statue is strikingly familiar… Did I ever see it somewhere before?" He asked himself as he scratched his head

'Philip the noticed a few fingerprint marks on the statue, however, came here before he seemed to pray periodically to this statue.'

"Is there perhaps a name nearby? Or a symbol of some kind?… A code for me to read? A clue?" Philip said as he started to brush the dust from the statue


'The Statue's eyes suddenly lit up!'

{A lost Soul? How strange, to find yourself lost within this dark place}

{Poor one, allow me to guide you back into the world of the living} Said a woman inside Philip's head

"Wow..." Philip said with a small smile

Telepathy. I didn't expect to see it here...


{Try to remember, who you are… Or perhaps, who you wished to be…} The voice said in a gentle yet firm tone, ignoring his question

{If perhaps, in a twist of fate you've decided to abandon who you were once where, deciding to start anew, then turn back and make a new 'you', all by yourself…}

{No one to dictate who you are apart from yourself, the freedom most cannot ever enjoy. Albeit, if that is a blessing or a curse, it'll be up to you to decide} The voice said, almost mechanically

"Inspiring." Philip mumbled in a low tone

'Suddenly, a long list of floating words appeared in front of Philip:'

[I was the disciple of a wizard in the countryside]

[I grew up in the orphanage with little to no care]

[I worked with my uncle as smiths in a big city]

[I'm …]

'The list was long, and even if Philip suddenly scrolled down with everything he had, the options were seemingly endless…'

"This never ends... What does this mean though?"

This Class keeps getting more and more confused... Is this a background creation for my Class? Like my very first one?

If that's the case...

"Hum?... Did I see that wrong?" He said as his eyes opened wide

'But he suddenly stopped when he saw a word he thought he recognized, upon a little bit of searching he saw this:'

[I'm a recently enrolled student in the College of Winterhold]

'And as he finished reading this line, it all dawned down on him, as if he had achieved enlightenment.'

'Where he was, what he was doing, and what all of this could possibly mean...'

"So this..."

'As just as he realized that…'

[You have acquired a new class through Gamerverse. Would you like to see the notes?]

"Wh... Why now of all times?..."

Why not from the start? Why all of this drama… Sure gave me some trouble.


It seems too coincidental, did it wait for me to realize where I was before doing this or something?

Did it do this on purpose?!

[Gamerverse has selected a universe]

[The Elder Scrolls Universe]

"Haa, by this point, all of my excitement has died down." Philip said with a frown

But at least… It's thoroughly confirmed now.


'Philip remained silent, contemplating his situation deeply.'

However… Why this place?

To be clear, this area wasn't in the original material, it is instead an add on… Extra Downloadable content if you're unaware.

"This is... If I'm not entirely mistaken, but that chance is pretty low, I'm pretty confident in myself for this one."

Despite me only playing it once... Long ago when I had the time to do so… A time before University...

I can still say where this is from.

But I didn't expect it to appear here like this…

"Does this means that my Class is..." Philip said with a certain excitement

[Gamerverse has set its eyes on a class]


"Oh yeah, it's all falling together." Philip said with a smug smile

But I wonder, it just says Dragonborn, there were many such beings in the history of this world, some strong, some weak, the strongest one was...

Do I even need to say?

[You have acquired the "Dragonborn" class]

[Due to the characteristics of this Class, you shall choose a new 'life' in order to complete it]

[Choosing a new 'life' will reward memories related to that Origin]

[Until then, this Class cannot be equipped]

"Is that so?" Philip said as he looked at the statue

Memories… Is this all real, or just some kind of intricate simulation?...

'He shook his head.'

"I already thought of this once, I'm not going to do it again."

Whatever this all is, as long as I feel it's real, so it is.

'He looked at the statue once again.'

"In this case... This must be one of the... Gods?... Divines! That was the term, sheesh, my lore mastery has fallen this low..."

'Philip was once an Elder Scrolls nerd...'

"What was her name again? Lara? Sala?... Eria?... Shit."


Forget it, that doesn't matter, I'll surely remember as time goes by.

'He grabbed the chest from the side and brought it near the statue, using it as a chair as he scrolled through the options.'

"What concerns me most isn't the beginning I choose, it's what's going to happen after."

"Depending on what happens later, what I choose may greatly impact the end result of my abilities."

Will I have to go through the entire story of this world before going back?

That seems a little… Too much... Even for my standards.

"First, what is a Dragonborn?"

Individuals with the body of a mortal, but the blood and soul of a Dragon... They have several abilities, the most impactful being able to understand the world in a similar way as Dragons do, and as such, learn the Dragon tongue with ease.

Pretty standard, and hard to forget if you played it several times.

So, what does that make me?

"To be honest... I don't know."

"To choose a beginning and then advance through a series of troubles and slay a Dragon Demigod... I'm not really in the mood for that."

Also, the longer I think about it, the more I realize some of the limitations of this Class.

Being a Dragonborn is cool and all, the dream of every gamer kid of my generation... Most.

But the main point of being one is the ability to understand the Dragon tongue and do the iconic shouts...

And I imagine that I don't need to explain how the dragon tongue doesn't exist outside of this universe, do I? Further studying it would be tricky unless Gamerverse created some sort of backdoor.

Going with that possibility, if I were to follow the pattern of what happened so far, I would gain a similar system as to what the original had to offer.

I don't know how some things would be translated, but my main focus definitely is the Crafting system, followed by the many Schools of magic.

The problem with that is… Magic can only be studied through books, I cannot create more from zero unless I was given a considerable repertoire to base myself from.

Not to say how complicated that is, people can't just develop magic like that...

"I'm not arrogant to believe that I can do it easily either."

Besides, things like destructive magic do not appeal to me as I have something very similar in this world already.

Only special Schools such as Alteration incite my curiosity... Being able to turn Silver into Gold, or other materials is rather thrilling.

Alchemy can only be done with ingredients and the respective knowledge… Unless in this case that doesn't matter, and I only need to have the materials in hand...

This wasn't the case when I had to work on my weapons while in the Hunter workshop, so I don't imagine this will be the case here...

Regardless, would it work with ingredients from another world? How do I even start in a craft I have never seen before?

Enchanting has the same problems I stated previously.

It needs a power source, and most of the time, it's soul gems that fill such a gap.

But for those that know, the process of exchanging a soul for power is quite a complicated thing, and I doubt it would work outside of this Universe…

How would I even get more unfilled soul gems in the first place?

Perhaps I could get materials by hunting enemies as my Class alters my reality... Yet that is an unknown for now, akin to a gamble.

Even some materials for smithing would have to be removed from the equations… Dwemer alloy can't be found in this world...

So unless I got something like the Messenger Shop to buy items from... I'm in a bind.

"The crafting Skill trees are the most interesting, I wouldn't want to lose them..."

Only the two other Skill trees seem to have a more straightforward path.

Overall, things don't look bright...

"Of course, this could all be resolved by simply living a fulfilling life in this world… If I was given that chance."

"But that is…"

'Philip exhaled, trying to calm down a little.'

"I have time… Or at least I think I do."

"As far as I can see, my time is either until that undead guard finds me, or I get overly hungry and incapable of moving further."

I can see a faint stream of water coming down from the walls, which should last me a while…

There should be thousands of options here, so why not mark them down and then choose the most fitting one?

'Philip nodded to himself, that seemed to be a plan…'

'So he stood there, going on from choice to choice, when he found an interesting one, he used a sharp rock he found on the side to scratch the wall, marking the number of said option.'

'And time passed…'

/Literally an entire day later…/


'Philip's stomach growled violently, it ordered him to go get some food, and it had to be now!'

"I'm still not done with the options…" Philip said tiredly, his eyes heavy, his voice course

Damn it…

The simple thought of losing that perfect option irks me to an unbearable degree.

But if I continue like this I may collapse from overwork sooner rather than later, and get myself in a worse position, which may end up making me choose the poorly.

From the thousands of choices I scrolled over, I choose a few dozen that I think would fit me the best…

I don't know what'll happen once I do so, if I'll live a life and be able to influence this world, or if I'll be given some things and be done with them.

"The brutal truth is… I would prefer not to go through such a thing again…"

Living many months in another world… When I have so much going on already.

It makes me tired just thinking about it.

"I have a lot to do… And I don't want to become mentally older than I already am."

If I were to add all of the time I spent inside these dreams and memories… I'm almost 2 years older mentally…

Over time, this will add up, what if I become 10 years older? Being an Uncle in a young body...

To be an Uncle in another world?

"Enough enough, I'm hungry and fed up with staying in this damp place." Philip said annoyed as he checked the wall

'There were several numbers written there including a few words.'

'Those were his choices, and it was time to choose.'

/A few minutes later…/

'With a determined gaze, Philip chose his 'life'.'

[You have chosen, Black Merchant]

"It has a name?" He mumbled with a frown

I simply choose what seemed to be the best option...

"It sounds a bit more ominous than I expected... I hope this is what I think it is, otherwise I've just wasted this opportunity." Philip said tiredly

[The Class, Dragonborn has been equipped]

[Your destiny changes...]

[Your class morphs your reality]

[Due to your class effects, an additional status window is being made]

[You have received a Beginner…]

[Iniciating memory transfer…]

'The voice once again echoed in his mind:'

{Son of a wealthy merchant, you grew up going from place to place}

{Never in one place for long, always behind your father as he led his ever-growing caravan throughout the lands}

{His methods were always a mystery to you, no matter what, he would always have rare and desirable wares to sell, where did they come from?}

{But at the same time, you always had food on your plate, so you never complained, you never asked, you simply lived behind your father}

{That was, until the day he passed away…}


'The statue started to shine, and Philip's vision darkened as he was knocked out once again.'

'Memories… Fragments of a life he never lived passed through his mind quickly, like a fast-paced movie.'

'Year by year the man, Eddy, grew older, eventually taking over his father's business upon learning the truth for his success…'

'A certain strange power, magical in nature, almost evil in nature… Depending on who you asked...'

'How far is someone willing to go in search of wealth and success?'

"Hugh!" Philip said as he opened his eyes, breathing rapidly


'He coughed as the shock was severe…'

"I feel terrible… My eyes are unfocused and my head is spinning."

That wasn't a pleasant experience, almost worse than last time.

No, it was worse, despite being fragmented, it was bigger, and despite it not being me and akin to a movie, I'm still a bit confused...

'Philip rested his head on the ground, he slowly remembered what he was doing and what he had to do now.'

One day my brain will fry I'm sure of it...

'Before he checked what had changed and what he got with his new Class, Philip made his way to the table nearby, he wanted to check the time.'

"How surprising… Only a few hours have passed." He said as he raised an eyebrow

Unless an entire day has gone by that is…

"Hey man, you there?" He asked as he looked at the table

"Huh?!" Laplabe said suddenly

"You... Are actually alive?"

"Huh?... Why would I die?!" Philip exclaimed, annoyed

"For a moment... I thought you had died, you were literally unresponsive as if your soul had left your body..."

I stayed put, but I was getting worried... Almost lost my cool there.

"Huh... Sorry about that." Philip said awkwardly

So my soul did leave my body... Either that or my body became extremely unresponsive.

I should pay attention to that next time, and do it without anyone nearby.

"Phew, still, this was better than I expected."

Although I received a painful injection of memories that I definitely did not need...

That in itself is better than actually living a few years in there.

Regardless of how enticing living in the Elder Scrolls Universe is…

"So uh…"

Time to see what I got!

[Opening Beginner Nord Legend Package]

[You have received:

-Miniature Word wall x1

-Book, Dragon Language: Myth no More x1

-Book, Children of the Sky x1

-Book, Nords of Skyrim x1

-Iron Sword x1

-Iron Armor x1

-Health Potion x5

-Vegetable Soup x5

-50 Septims

-Ale x10

-Sweet roll x10


"It's all… Oddly simple."

But I like it, no unnecessary responsibilities like a sudden quest to slay something, just some books, and some items...

'With a large smile, Philip started to check out his rewards.'






These are the changes:

Mind> 269.3

Physical> 247.2 -> 267.2

Energy> 250 -> 299.9

Spiritual> 223 -> 273

Mystique> 60 -> 90


Hey, you! You're finally awake…


A new hand touches the Beacon!


What do you think?

Myself, I think it may be lacking.

For a moment, I really thought about making him go to the world and explore it...

But in another, the power levels would break if he did so.

Even if threw him at another time period, since it doesn't need to be during the Alduin period...

He could simply grow too strong, too quickly.

The Last Dragonborn for example.

He went from scrub to legend within a year, being able to take the lower half of the Daedric Lords.

How can I say so?

Well, he took down Alduin and Miraak, and if we take into consideration the power level of some of the creatures he killed, the Dragon priests, and more...

He is super strong, to a point, it makes him Demi-God.

Mostly due to the power of the Shouts.

What I wanted to do was to make it more progressive... But I could've ended up killing the show...

In the case most didn't like, I could easily scrap the ending and continue with him being in another world, it would be up to you guys, really, it wouldn't be hard at all.

Just take the last few paragraphs after he receives the memories, he could continue from there, taking the persona of the merchant in the world of the Elder Scrolls.

The biggest reason why I didn't want to do so was mostly personal because in the future, I kind of wanted to make a fic in this Universe...

So in some cases, this Class is a test for that.

In fact, a fic on this universe is one of my biggest contenders for the next fic novel after my current ones.

It's clear that this will probably only happen next year.

Regardless, I'm here to hear your opinions, depending on what it is, I may as well even redo this last part if someone gives me a decent idea or suggestion.

Anyway, see ya.